Every Human Being Will Be Born into Their Own Inner World

The difference between the path of human coming and returning in the diagram of creation
What events take place at the moment of human transfer (birth) from this world to the hereafter?
The Human Being: An Eternal, Flowing, and Immortal Being

The human being: a continuous entity from God to matter
The rivals of the human dimension
The Characteristics of the Human Inner World

The true value and ultimate status of the human being in creation
There are five types of “lives” within the human inner world.
God’s Purpose of Human Creation

The “true human being” as defined by the Quran
The ascent and descent of humans at the crossroads of decisions
What Is Going On in the Inner World of the Human Being?

Four out of our five dimensions of existence do not affect our being human.
The human dimension: the primary (fifth) dimensionof the inner world of human beings
The Reason for the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth in the Quran

The oldest existential entity (the Earth) was created for the sake of humanity.
The Quran: The comprehensive manifestation of God in words and the most scientifically advanced book in human history.