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Who Is Imam Mahdi?

Imam Mahdi is the twelfth Shia Imam and the son of Imam Hasan al-Askari. He has the same name and epithet as the Prophet of Islam. Imam Mahdi is the Promised Savior in Islam, and Shia Muslims believe that his advent will fill the Earth with justice and light. However, does having such information necessarily lead us to a true understanding of him? Does it fully answer the question ‘Who is Imam Mahdi’?

To answer this question, we need a different type of information and knowledge which clarifies the role of Imam Mahdi in our personal lives and properly explains our relationship with him. Therefore, to answer the question ‘Who is Imam Mahdi,’ we must start a journey inside ourselves and first answer this question: Who am I to need an Imam whose name is Mahdi? And on a broader scale, what kind of being is the human to need an Imam? What future awaits me, a future where walking its path without knowing the Imam is impossible? How will this future be realized, and what is my role in its realization? These questions are as old as the human being, and their answer will determine our viewpoint and way of living.

On this website, we have walked the path to finding answers to these questions step by step and narrated a journey as old as the human being. This journey starts from within us, and it ultimately answers the question ‘Who is Imam Mahdi?’ To find a comprehensive answer to this question, we suggest that you keep reading the articles and follow the sitemap.

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What You Will Learn on This Website

In the first section, we delve into the concept of the promised future of the world, exploring it through the lens of future studies in different religions and through the Islamic perspective.
After gaining an understanding of the bright future promised by various religions, a crucial question arises: For what kind of being is this promised future designed, and who is the human being that awaits such a future? Why does humanity need an Imam to guide them towards this bright future?
To properly understand the Islamic perspective on the Promised Savior, we first need to provide a clear definition of what it means to be a human from an Islamic viewpoint. In the section on Imam Mahdi (AJ), from birth to advent, we have examined the historical journey toward the realization of the promised future of the world. This includes analyzing the course of history moving towards the advent of the Promised Savior, documented events along this path, reviewing historical records related to this movement, exploring each individual’s role in shaping this future, and providing a small example of the promised global government.

How will Imam Mahdi save humans and make the world a better place to live? To answer this question, we must first answer who the Imam is and why humans need him and his guidance. Which dimension of the human existence will suffer due to the absence of the infallible Imam in society?

It is only after answering these questions that we will understand the role of Imam Mahdi as the only living and present infallible Imam on Earth and how he will lead humankind towards eternal peace and happiness.
The Imam, as the deputy of God and the perfect role model for human beings, plays a significant role in guiding people towards growth and actualizing their potentials.The Imam, as the deputy of God and the perfect role model for human beings, plays a significant role in guiding people towards growth and actualizing their potentials.

Professor Mohammad Shojaee

Researcher of Divine Humanology in the International Arena

Muhammad Shojaee is an author, a university lecturer, a religious scholar, a passionate supporter of global peace, seeking salvation through the paths of awareness and self-knowledge.

When will Imam Mahdi come?

What are the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi?

Which of the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi have already manifested themselves?

What are the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s government?

What will happen after the advent of Imam Mahdi?


Usually, when we talk about the advent of Imam Mahdi, the above questions arise, and there are comprehensive and detailed answers available for them. However, more importantly, we must ask ourselves how we can benefit from him while he is in occultation. Is there a way to get close to him before his advent? Can’t we achieve the purpose of our creation and become similar to Allah before the advent of Imam Mahdi?

The concept of the Imam’s advent encompasses more than just his physical presence in society, visible to the physical eye. This idea of the collective advent, while important, overlooks the equally significant concept of the individual advent. The individual advent of the Imam happens in the hearts and souls of his true awaiters; that is, those who have believed themselves as human beings and have strived for human growth. These people have overcome their inner hostility and aggression by emulating the Imam and are ready to establish an existential relationship with him. Even before the collective advent of the Imam, they will come to an individual and inner advent. The reason for the Imam’s occultation is the unpreparedness and inability of people to communicate with him; therefore, if someone develops this readiness within himself, there will be no obstacle to establishing a connection with the Imam, and he can perceive the presence of the Imam. This is the same role that all prophets have promised to their followers, and we will discuss it in the section, “The Course of History Moving Towards the Advent of the Promised One.”

The Noble Rule of the Righteous or the Government of Imam Mahdi will be established after the advent by the Imam himself. We can talk about the beauties and blessings of this government for hours because in that society, there will be no trace of suffering, pain, or inequality. But the main questions here are, how will the Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi take shape? In a world filled with oppression and injustice before the advent of the Imam, how will such a government be established immediately after his advent?

To establish the Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi, we need to form a government which paves the way for his advent. We must create a civilization which is founded on fundamental human principles and presents an initial model of the Noble Rule of the Righteous in nine main pillars, and the Imam will build the foundations of his global rule on this preliminary model.

This model will be the basis for human growth at the time of his advent. It manifests itself in two forms today: temporary and permanent, namely the Arbaeen culture and the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The spirit of Arbaeen echoes the culture of the Noble Rule of the Righteous, and the Islamic Revolution of Iran provides the structure and framework for this civilization.

The new Islamic civilization must complete the preliminaries for the establishment of the Noble Rule of the Righteous before the advent of Imam Mahdi. That is, this government must overthrow tyranny and global arrogance and lay the initial groundwork for the establishment of the Noble Government. We will elaborate on this in the section “Documented Events Before the Advent of the Promised One.”

The historical context surrounding Imam Mahdi’s birth prevented him from being publicly present in the Shia community. His Minor Occultation began from the year 260 AH when he assumed the Imamate until 329 AH. After this period, his Major Occultation began, and it continues to the present day. The occultation of Imam Mahdi does not mean that he does not influence the Shia; rather, Shia Muslims believe that during this period, they are deprived only of his physical presence.

The reason for the occultation of Imam Mahdi is that Shia Muslims have not acquired the ability to protect the Imam’s life and overthrow the rule of tyrants; when these conditions are met, the occultation of Imam Mahdi will be over and he will come.

Regarding the occultation of Imam Mahdi, we need to understand two points: What is our role in the continuation of his occultation? How can we put an end to the world’s years of suffering caused by his absence? If you want to know your role in the formation of the Rule of the Righteous, you can refer to the section “The Role of Each of Us in the Advent of the Promised One.”

When will Imam Mahdi come?

What are the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi?

Which of the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi have already manifested themselves?

What are the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s government?

What will happen after the advent of Imam Mahdi?


Usually, when we talk about the advent of Imam Mahdi, the above questions arise, and there are comprehensive and detailed answers available for them. However, more importantly, we must ask ourselves how we can benefit from him while he is in occultation. Is there a way to get close to him before his advent? Can’t we achieve the purpose of our creation and become similar to Allah before the advent of Imam Mahdi?

The concept of the Imam’s advent encompasses more than just his physical presence in society, visible to the physical eye. This idea of the collective advent, while important, overlooks the equally significant concept of the individual advent. The individual advent of the Imam happens in the hearts and souls of his true awaiters; that is, those who have believed themselves as human beings and have strived for human growth. These people have overcome their inner hostility and aggression by emulating the Imam and are ready to establish an existential relationship with him. Even before the collective advent of the Imam, they will come to an individual and inner advent. The reason for the Imam’s occultation is the unpreparedness and inability of people to communicate with him; therefore, if someone develops this readiness within himself, there will be no obstacle to establishing a connection with the Imam, and he can perceive the presence of the Imam. This is the same role that all prophets have promised to their followers, and we will discuss it in the section, “The Course of History Moving Towards the Advent of the Promised One.”

The Noble Rule of the Righteous or the Government of Imam Mahdi will be established after the advent by the Imam himself. We can talk about the beauties and blessings of this government for hours because in that society, there will be no trace of suffering, pain, or inequality. But the main questions here are, how will the Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi take shape? In a world filled with oppression and injustice before the advent of the Imam, how will such a government be established immediately after his advent?

To establish the Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi, we need to form a government which paves the way for his advent. We must create a civilization which is founded on fundamental human principles and presents an initial model of the Noble Rule of the Righteous in nine main pillars, and the Imam will build the foundations of his global rule on this preliminary model.

This model will be the basis for human growth at the time of his advent. It manifests itself in two forms today: temporary and permanent, namely the Arbaeen culture and the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The spirit of Arbaeen echoes the culture of the Noble Rule of the Righteous, and the Islamic Revolution of Iran provides the structure and framework for this civilization.

The new Islamic civilization must complete the preliminaries for the establishment of the Noble Rule of the Righteous before the advent of Imam Mahdi. That is, this government must overthrow tyranny and global arrogance and lay the initial groundwork for the establishment of the Noble Government. We will elaborate on this in the section “Documented Events Before the Advent of the Promised One.”

The historical context surrounding Imam Mahdi’s birth prevented him from being publicly present in the Shia community. His Minor Occultation began from the year 260 AH when he assumed the Imamate until 329 AH. After this period, his Major Occultation began, and it continues to the present day. The occultation of Imam Mahdi does not mean that he does not influence the Shia; rather, Shia Muslims believe that during this period, they are deprived only of his physical presence.

The reason for the occultation of Imam Mahdi is that Shia Muslims have not acquired the ability to protect the Imam’s life and overthrow the rule of tyrants; when these conditions are met, the occultation of Imam Mahdi will be over and he will come.

Regarding the occultation of Imam Mahdi, we need to understand two points: What is our role in the continuation of his occultation? How can we put an end to the world’s years of suffering caused by his absence? If you want to know your role in the formation of the Rule of the Righteous, you can refer to the section “The Role of Each of Us in the Advent of the Promised One.”

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Imam Mahdi in Religions

In addition to the well-known name Mahdi, Muhammad, and his epithet, Abu al-Qasim, Imam Mahdi is also recognized by titles such as Qa’im Al-Muhammad, Mahdi-e Maw’ood (Promised Mahdi), Monji Maw’ood (Promised Savior), Sahib al-Zaman (Master of the Time), Imam Zaman (Imam of the Time), and Wali Asr (Guardian of the Time) among Shia Muslims. However, these are just the names that Shia Muslims have given to their Imam. Imam Mahdi is the Promised Savior of all the people of the world, and all divine books and all religions have referred to him in some way. While in other languages his name might differ from the Arabic names of Imam Mahdi, this difference is like the various names used for God across different languages – a difference in expression, not in essence. Just as God’s infinite attributes remain unchanged regardless of the name used to refer to Him, so too does Imam Mahdi’s essence remain unchanged despite variations in his name across languages. While names and specific characteristics may vary – Mahdi, Saoshyant, Son of Man, Messiah, Kali, and others – they all share a common thread: a promise of hope for a bright future, a gift they bring to humanity. Across diverse faiths, the figure of Imam Mahdi represents the beacon of hope for a future cleansed of all evils. Interestingly, the task he embodies, though expressed in different forms, remains consistent: a bright future attainable only through collective awareness, belief, and action. This shared theme, the anticipation and striving for the advent of a savior, speaks to a fundamental human need – a belief in a promised future and the Savior who will bring it about. In this section of the website we have traced the footsteps of Imam Mahdi in various religions based on historical documents and examined the future that each religion depicts for its followers in a comparative manner.

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