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Does the Islamic Revolution of Iran Pave the Way for the Savior’s Advent?

The Islamic Revolution of Iran: The Prerequisite for the Advent of the Promised Savior and the Rule of the Righteous

The Islamic Revolution of Iran serves as the foundation and initiator of a grand movement towards the formation of a new global civilization. As we examined in the previous articles, God designed this significant and influential role, and his particular representatives, i.e., Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Household (PBUT), were tasked with introducing and educating Iranians. They explicitly talked about the role of Iran in the future of the world and placed great emphasis on educating and strengthening Iranian people. The Imams also laid the groundwork for the Islamic Revolution of Iran by sending their students and representatives to this region. Also they strategically sent their children to different parts of Iran and built up their proxy network there.

From the beginning, the Prophet introduced Islam as a universal religion, and he constantly emphasized that the future of the world would be built by the religion of Islam. Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) methods of educating people and propagating the religion was unique; he emphasized following the path of the guardianship of the Infallibles as the fortress of monotheism.

According to the verses of the Quran, the victory of truth is certain and inevitable. Another important point to consider is that the victory of truth over falsehood is a gradual process. The Quran always emphasizes that the victory of truth does not happen suddenly; this movement must progress gradually and become stronger over time. Truth must be established within falsehood and gradually be strengthened until it can overthrow falsehood, similar to a small virus that spreads throughout the body and eventually cripples it.

This principle is also true regarding the role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in preparing the groundwork for the advent of the Savior. First, a righteous movement must be established somewhere to gradually strengthen itself and educate many righteous individuals. The Front of Truth must grow and continue to educate righteous people until it creates the necessary conditions. This movement works to inspire people worldwide to submit themselves to the Imam by will and choice, not through force or coercion.

In the Safavid era, after years of cultural work and the efforts of scholars and scientists, the conditions for the complete acceptance of Islam and Shiism were provided. From this period on, the role of Iran in the future of the world became more prominent. We stated that one of the important conditions for the advent of the Imam and establishment of the promised civilization is people’s free will and choice. Therefore, the groundwork should have been laid gradually so that people would develop the desire, enthusiasm, and free will to accept and strive for this government. The sudden advent of the Imam and the sudden formation of the promised civilization would not have such a result at all, and human free will would not be a determining factor in it. It was necessary to establish a government in a corner of the earth which could gradually prepare people. And then a military, political, economic, and scientific base as well as a powerful army would be created, so that the number of the righteous people of the End Times would increase. That strong army was established, and the government which nurtures the righteous is called the Islamic Revolution of Iran. While trying to understand the role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in laying the ground for the advent of the Promised Mahdi, some questions arise:

  • What was the main goal of the Iranian Revolution?
  • What is the greatest achievement of the Islamic Revolution of Iran?
  • What is the most dangerous blight threatening the Iranian Revolution?
  • Is there a connection between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the advent of the Promised Savior?

We will give clear and complete answers to these questions in the following article. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was not just a national revolution, but a global one, having plans for the bliss of all the people of the world. This Revolution targeted people’s belief. It wanted people to believe that they are not slaves of any power except God.


The Ideal of the Islamic Revolution: Laying the Grounds for the Advent of the Savior

The main issue that should be addressed in any revolution is its main goal. When people forget the goals of their revolution, they are more likely to lose sight of their ideals and to stray from the path that they set out on. This revolution is not just about changing the material conditions of people, but it is mainly concerned about people’s beliefs, and its core principle is people’s hearts. The Islamic Revolution of Iran should prepare the hearts and beliefs of people for a greater event, which is the advent of the Promised Savior and the establishment of the promised divine government.

The Iranian Revolution is not the promised Noble Rule of the Righteous, but rather a preliminary stage preparing the way for the advent of Imam Mahdi. Since no civilization can flourish in all aspects of life without the rule of an infallible expert Imam, the Iranian Revolution suffered inevitable damages during its four decades of existence. For this reason, Imam Khomeini (May Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him) repeatedly warned officials and people that power and wealth should not distract them from the main goal of the Revolution, which is Mahdism.[1] Even the most capable and trustworthy officials can be traitors and threats if they forget Mahdism and do not pave the way for the establishment of the promised divine government.

The main role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the formation of the new civilization is to cultivate powerful righteous individuals. Righteous individuals, armed with the strength of piety and faith, and equipped with expertise in diverse fields, pave the way for the advent of the Savior. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was modeled on the revolution of prophets and the infallible Imams, and its lofty goal was the global rule of Islam. Imam Khomeini (RA) believed that the goal of the Revolution was identical to that of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and he emphasized that the mission of the Revolution was the same as the mission of prophets. From his point of view, this Revolution is a divine plan carried out by people, not only to stand against the imperial regime of the Shah, but also to establish an Islamic government. The supporters of this Revolution wanted the implementation of divine rules and commands in the country. Since the intention of the Revolution is divine, if all the powers of the world gather together, they cannot prevent the actualization of its goal.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran was created in a situation where the world believed that everyone was a slave to the U.S. and other rich powers of the world. But human beings are free; they are God’s servants only. The Iranian Revolution broke this great evil barrier and spoiled the plans of materialists and secular rulers. Confined to the realm of the physical world, they remained oblivious to God and the power of faith.

Human beings must stop being slaves to any deity except the Almighty God in order to become a servant of God and have bliss in this world and the hereafter. To actualize this important goal, they need a civilization that can train them to reach their true human status and become God’s deputy on earth. Distant from this truth, human societies required a revolution to shatter their intellectual and ideological foundations, paving the way for the acceptance of the divinely promised civilization.


The Relationship between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Advent of the Promised Savior

We stated that the first role of the Iranian Revolution in the formation of the new civilization was to familiarize people with their fitrah and value as a human being. But this goal itself was a prelude to a more important goal: Paving the way for the advent of the Promised Savior and the establishment of the new divine civilization. The founder of the Revolution, who was an insightful and a knowledgeable person, repeatedly talked about this goal to people in different ways and reminded them of it on different occasions. He was one of God’s saints and pious mystics and knew very well that this Revolution must train righteous people to become soldiers of the army of the Savior. From the very beginning, Imam Khomeini (RA) talked about the universal ideals of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and changing the course of the world history and the future of humanity. This Revolution has captivated the hearts yearning for change and growth, steadily attracting the lovers and supporters of this school of thought. On the other hand, the power and influence of arrogant global powers is decreasing, and their superficiality and absurdity is becoming increasingly evident. Meanwhile, the boundaries between the historical battle of truth and falsehood is becoming clearer.

Imam Khomeini always repeated that the Islamic Revolution of Iran has a direct and close connection with the global government and the advent of the Savior. In his speeches, he would often emphasize that our task is not to establish global justice. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will come and do it himself. Our job is to provide the essential means and conditions. He said, “And we are waiting to see the sun.[2] … I hope that we will reach the desired destination. Let this uprising expand to join the uprising of Imam Mahdi.”[3]

The role of the Iranian Revolution in the new Islamic civilization was designed centuries ago, and only its implementation was entrusted to the Iranian companions of the End Times. Every person who has a little knowledge of the Quranic verses and narrations related to the Savior’s advent can find traces of these verses and narrations in the simple and clear statements of Imam Khomeini. He said: “Many preparations are underway in our country. I hope the same be in other countries. We must prepare ourselves to meet Mahdi.”[4] In a definite promise, he said: “The Islamic Revolution of Iran which is supported by God, is spreading all over the world. God willing, with its spread, the satanic powers will be forced to withdraw and the government of the poor will be set up. Thus, the ground will be laid for the universal government of Mahdi at the end of time.”[5] He repeatedly said that the Islamic Revolution of Iran will hand over the flag of the global government to the Imam of the Time (PBUH).


The Most Dangerous Blight of the Revolution

Although the role of the Iranian Revolution in the establishment of the new civilization was very important and essential, this Revolution could never act like the government of the Imam, or the infallible expert. It is quite clear that the best divine revolutions can ultimately do well to lay the groundwork for the promised global government. No revolution can claim that without the rule of an infallible expert, it can form a completely divine government and a society that is perfectly human and error-free. The Islamic Revolution has not been an exception to this rule. Imam Khomeini (RA), who was a knowledgeable leader with a pure heart and soul, was aware of these possible blights and repeatedly warned people about them. In order to correctly explain the role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in providing the foundation for the advent of the Savior, he always explained the threats and destructive blights that endanger the divine civilization. For example, many of his statements regarding Imam Mahdi’s advent are directed towards officials.

He knew very well that the human soul is very vulnerable and may forget its original goal and ideal upon reaching power and wealth. It is stated in Imam Khomeini’s statements that: “If economic and mundane issues would make the officials deviate from their mandated duty, serious danger and dreadful treachery would ensue.”[6] Imam Khomeini was watching for the budding seedling of the Revolution like a caring and kind gardener and identifying and introducing the possible pests. He recommended that dealing with political and economic issues should not distract the officials from the main goal of the Revolution. While the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran bears the responsibility to administer its people in the best possible manner, it must remain steadfast in its commitment to the Revolution’s sublime goal. Deviation from this path will inevitably lead to betrayal and harm.

The ultimate goal of the Revolution is to establish a global government that is united under the leadership of the Promised Mahdi (May God hasten his reappearance). If the top officials of the Revolution do not work towards this greater objective, their efforts are misguided and futile. Every official should reconcile his subordinates with the Imam of the Time and his heavenly family. This issue is so important that the officials must ensure that both their public work and private lives are fully dedicated to this goal.

The issue here is that we have forgotten our ideals and roots. We have forgotten that we are all the children of a single Imam, and that we carried out the Revolution to pave the way for the arrival of that very Imam. The problem is either that our ideals are not clearly defined, or that our ideals have been buried under our worldly desires and lusts. If we are divided into different political parties and groups, our ideals are forgotten, and self-interest replaces human values.


The Greatest Victory and Outcome of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

The Iranian Revolution’s role in creating the new civilization is so profound that it demands the cultivation of individuals not just at a national level, but at the level of the new Islamic civilization and the Noble Government of the Righteous. Throughout history, we have witnessed countless civilizations and governments that have managed to provide a decent level of material well-being and security for their own citizens. However, these entities have ultimately proven incapable of having any plans and programs beyond their own borders, leaving the vast majority of humanity untouched by their progress. Moreover, they have failed to address the fundamental issues of eternal life, even for their own people.

Every civilization progresses through then stages, and the most crucial initial step is the establishment of its cultural foundation. Military might, industrial power, scientific advancement, and other capabilities come later.

The Quran identifies nine essential elements for building a civilization, including infrastructure development, water management, and industrialization. In these areas, Iranians are at the forefront, rapidly surpassing others.

Over the past four decades, the Islamic Revolution of Iran has made significant progress in diverse fields, and it is using these growing strengths to pave the way for the establishment of the promised global government.

The Iranian Revolution does not aim to develop power in different areas to satisfy the desire for power or merely to enhance the material well-being of its citizens. Rather, its true purpose is to lay the groundwork for a global government that will extend the benefits of these powers to all the world’s people.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran’s position in creating a new civilization is so lofty that it is not limited to just improving human material well-being. This Revolution seeks to cultivate and nurture a people who are righteous and committed to jihad (striving in the way of God) in order to pave the way for the advent of the Promised Savior and the establishment of the new divine civilization.

While the Islamic Revolution of Iran also dedicates itself to the growth and development of political, economic, scientific, and other dimensions, the true essence of the Revolution lies elsewhere. The most genuine and fundamental principle of the Iranian Revolution is the cultivation and nurturing of the spiritual and human dimension of individuals.

The result of developing the spiritual dimension is that the bliss of individuals in this world and the hereafter will be ensured. To fulfill that promised destiny, where the righteous inherit the earth, an Islamic revolution had to be carried out, and an Islamic government had to be formed – a government that would be a refuge for all the world’s afflicted and oppressed people and take on the responsibility for preparing the groundwork for the establishment of the promised global government, through nurturing the righteous.

[1]. Mahdism is defined as faith in the eventual advent of the Savior of the World and preparing the ground for his advent.

[2]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 20, p. 187

[3]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 12, p. 367

[4]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 12, p. 410.

[5]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 15, p. 302.

[6]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 21, p. 327.

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