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Islamic Awakening: Inspired by the Islamic Revolution

Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening: A Call to Return to Pure Values and Build a Global Civilization

Islamic awakening refers to the intellectual, social, and political transformations in Islamic societies aimed at returning to the authority of the Quran, Sunnah, and Islamic values in political and social life, and building an Islamic civilization. The wave of Islamic awakening took shape as a result of the movement of great religious reformers in Egypt and continued and flourished in Arab and Islamic countries. Today, we witness its effects at the international level. Although more than two centuries have passed since the beginning of the Islamic awakening movement, it has not been fruitful due to various reasons and factors, and has always been accompanied by the shadow of arrogance, despotism, and colonialism [1]. The Muslim world appears to be experiencing a resurgence of Islamic identity, but this awakening often seems shallow. Shaped by national and international political agendas, it presents a distorted and alienated image of Islam. Meanwhile, the authentic, grounded understanding of Islam remains suppressed and marginalized. Those who adhere to this authentic perspective face persecution, imprisonment, torture, and even execution. This awakening entered a new phase with the Islamic Revolution of Iran, and with the formation of resistance, it strengthened the struggle against Zionism and global arrogance in the region.

This article examines the ideological links between the Iranian Revolution and the Islamic awakening, arguing that the movements resulting from the Islamic awakening have challenged Western imperialism, Zionism, and secular modernity.

The Islamic awakening has roots tracing back approximately 150 years. Its first wave emerged from Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi’s revivalist movement against foreign colonialism and domestic oppression in the late 19th century. This movement was spread through the efforts of intellectuals like Abdolrahman Kavakebi in Syria, Mirzaye Shirazi and Allameh Na’ini in Iran, Sayyid Qutb and Mohammad Abdoh in Egypt, and figures like Muhammad Iqbal in Pakistan. It fueled independence movements across the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent, and Central Asia, fostering self-awareness and confidence among Eastern civilizations.

The Indian subcontinent witnessed a prominent Islamic Awakening movement, with figures like Abul A’la Maududi and Muhammad Iqbal playing significant roles. This movement, evident in various Islamic countries, has been a continuous force over the past two centuries. It highlighted the political dimensions of Islam, aiming to liberate Muslim communities from Western domination and domestic dictatorships.

These thinkers emphasized Eastern values, analyzed the causes of regional backwardness, and exposed the role of colonialism and tyranny in suppressing Eastern societies. They sought to counter Western influence, resist oppressive rulers, and prevent them from consolidating absolute power. This awakening, emphasizing unity and self-determination, fostered cultural awakening among Asian nations, leading to collective resistance against foreign colonialism [2].

The rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran alarmed other Muslim rulers, who feared they might be pressured to establish similar regimes. The two major superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were also concerned about Iran’s growing influence and its potential threat to their global interests and client states. Western media began using terms like “Islamic resurgence,” “fundamentalism,” and “revival” to describe the Iranian Revolution and its impact on the Muslim world [3].


Islamic Revolution of Iran: Catalyst of Islamic Awakening

The 1979 Iranian Revolution, a significant event in the 20th century, marked a shift away from Western-backed secular governments in the Middle East. Led by Imam Khomeini, this Islamic Revolution aimed to establish a state based on Islamic principles. It had a profound impact on the Islamic world, inspiring resistance movements, particularly the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Imam Khomeini saw the establishment of social justice as the cornerstone of Islam and an Islamic society. He believed that a just government was essential for reforming human society. He argued that an Islamic government would naturally lead to the realization of social justice in all aspects, free from the corruptions of other systems.

While Imam Khomeini emphasized the importance of an Islamic government for achieving social justice, he viewed it as a means to an end, not an end in itself. He recognized that the success of an Islamic government depended on the continuous refinement and self-improvement of both rulers and people. Therefore, he stressed the importance of personal and collective ethical conduct for everyone, regardless of their position or rank [4].

The Iranian Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, presented a unique ideological model that challenges the existing world order and threatens global arrogance and Israel. This revolution is directly related to the Islamic awakening in the entire region and the world.


Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution

The 1979 Iranian Revolution succeeded largely due to the exceptional leadership of Imam Khomeini. This victory was significant because previous movements against foreign influence in Iran had failed, leaving people disillusioned. While the seeds of revolution were sown decades earlier, these earlier movements lacked the strength and direction to achieve success.

Imam Khomeini’s unique leadership, combined with strong public support, proved to be the key to victory. The Iranian people deeply respected the Shia clergy for their piety and honesty, and they placed great trust in Imam Khomeini’s leadership.

While Islamic awakening movements were occurring elsewhere in the Muslim world, many lacked the strong leadership and effective strategies that were crucial to the Iranian Revolution’s success. The Iranian Revolution, under Imam Khomeini’s guidance, not only achieved victory in Iran but also served as an inspiration and a source of strength for other Islamic and oppressed movements worldwide [5].

Another reason for the success of the Iranian Revolution was its ideology-driven nature and deeply rooted religious beliefs. These religious beliefs, which resonated deeply with Iranian people, rallied them around a religious leadership and fostered greater unity against the Shah and his supporters.


The Impact of the Islamic Revolution on the Muslim World

The rise of Islamic awakening movements alarmed many Arab governments. These governments often faced political gridlock due to authoritarian rule and feared significant change, particularly popular uprisings. While these movements did not always lead to immediate and profound transformations across all countries, they had a significant impact. In Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, where governments ignored the emerging trends, the movements led to regime change. In other nations, the protests spurred governments to initiate top-down reforms, prompting a review of existing policies towards citizens [6].

-Among the important goals of the revolution are the followings:

  1. the rejection of colonization and foreign domination;
  2. support for Muslims and the oppressed all over the world;
  3. the development of the convictions, ideas, and culture of Islam, the support of Muslims all over the world;
  4. the desire to strengthen the foundations of the unity of the Muslim Ummah throughout the world;
  5. the desire for awakening and unity of the oppressed in the whole world;
  6. the prevention and condemnation of violating the rights of people around the world [7].


Different Dimensions of Islamic Awakening

The Iranian Revolution, a pivotal event in the late 20th century, marked the rise of Islamic awakening. It promised a new era for Islam’s political influence in the world. This significant victory inspired and pressured other Islamic movements, such as those in Yemen, to strive for similar goals. The Islamic revolution has influenced the Islamic awakening in the following dimensions as shown in Figure 1:

  1. Cultural Transformation: The revolution instilled a new sense of cultural identity among Iranians and Muslims.
  2. Political transformation: The Iranian Revolution served as a powerful example, whether emulated or opposed, for other nations in the region, showing the political potential of Islamic movements.
  3. Religious transformation: The Revolution successfully blended indigenous Iranian culture with religious principles and innovative democratic approaches, creating a model tailored to region’s specific context [8]


Figure 1. Different Dimensions of Islamic Awakening


 Islamic Awakening as a Political Movement

Imam Khomeini envisioned a just society where citizens were both educated and morally upright. While driven by this ideal, he recognized the importance of political power as a crucial tool to achieve his religious goals. He believed in Islam as a complete and perfect system, rejecting the need to borrow from other ideologies. Imam Khomeini saw politics as the highest form of religious duty and the establishment of an Islamic state as the ultimate objective. This view contrasted with that of many other religious scholars who generally shied away from active political involvement. As an anti-colonialist, he viewed colonialism as a major obstacle facing the Muslim world [9].

Imam Khomeini had a multifaceted understanding of Islam, recognizing the importance of political and cultural dimensions in reviving the Islamic civilization. His revolutionary approach permeated his entire movement. He firmly believed in the necessity of political revolution both within the Muslim world and in the human society as a whole.

He attributed many of the challenges facing Muslims to their deviation from Islamic principles and their adoption of corrupt Western or Eastern ideologies. He believed that the salvation of Muslims lay in returning to the true path of Islam, as a united billion-strong Muslim community could not be easily suppressed. Imam Khomeini emphasized the importance of cooperation with other oppressed nations to shift the global power balance and end their suppression and manipulation [10].


 Islamic Awakening and the Issue of Palestine

The Palestinian issue is a topic that the leaders of the Islamic Revolution of Iran have always talked about in their speeches because it has been of great importance in the awakening of the Muslim Ummah. Indeed, it was this revolutionary Islamic perspective that elevated the issue of Palestine to a central position in the Islamic world.

Take note, it is a hundred years now that America and England have been pressuring the people of Palestine. They have been doing so before the formation of the Zionist regime in the year 1948, and after that, till this day. Well, this is how global imperialism moves. Islam cannot remain silent on this matter. The Islamic government cannot see this and be indifferent. [11]

Imam Khomeini viewed Israel’s growing power and its oppression of Muslim nations as a grave threat to Islam itself. During the 1973 Arab-Israel War, he urged Islamic governments and nations to unite and fight against Israel, outlining specific strategies for confronting the Israeli regime. These strategies included:

  1. “Comprehensive support for the front line of the battle against Israel
  2. Avoiding self-destructive differences and hypocrisy
  3. Not being afraid of the fictitious power of those that defend Zionism
  4. Unity between Islamic governments and reprimanding, threatening, and cutting off relations with any country that normalizes relations with Israel.
  5. Sending material and spiritual aid by Muslim nations such as blood, medicine, food, etc., to battlefields” [12].


Palestine as the Axis of Muslim Unity

Imam Khomeini introduced Palestine as the axis of Muslim unity. He said, “Quds Day” is an international day, it is not a day that is only dedicated to Quds, it is a day marking the struggle and confrontation of oppressed people against arrogant powers and regimes. Imam Khomeini repeatedly called on Muslims to put aside all their differences, including religious ones. He said:

Why should Israel with its little population govern countries that treasure everything and all sorts of power? Why should it be the case? Is it not for the fact that nations are separate from governments that are in turn divided? One billion Muslims with all the equipment they command are sitting idly while Israel is committing those crimes in Lebanon, treating Palestine like that, with Muslims watching [13]?

The message of Muslim unity for the advancement of Islam and the future may have not been understood by the leaders of regional countries. Nevertheless, the Islamic uprising of Palestinian people signifies that Imam Khomeini’s message and movement for God have indeed resonated with its primary recipients. And this shows the deep connection between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and Islamic awakening.


Islamic Awakening as a Cultural Movement

The Islamic Revolution has influenced Islamic movements from various dimensions. It seems to have had the most significant impact on academic and cultural fields. The Islamic Revolution introduced new cultural values in the political struggle of Islamic movements. One of these values is the tendency to fight against arrogance and oppression. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Islamic movements have accepted the fight against the arrogant, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice as fundamental principles. In other words, principles such as resistance, martyrdom, and sacrifice, which were the symbol of the revolutionary movements and the slogan of the Islamic Revolution, were accepted as the basic principles of the struggle.

There has been a renewed emphasis on Islamic identity and a desire to reclaim Islamic heritage and culture. Many within the movement have sought to reject Western cultural imperialism and promote Islamic values and norms. Meanwhile, those who have been harmed by this awakening and have seen it as conflicting with their interests have made great efforts to undermine it.

Ayatollah Khamenei considers this psychological and cultural warfare to be the most effective tool of the West to spread its hegemony over Islamic countries:

Psychological warfare, including humiliation, promoting despair and showing off power and material comfort, is the most important weapon that is available to the arrogant enemies who know that the awakening of the Islamic Ummah is a threat to their illegitimate interests. Today thousands of propaganda tools are being employed in order to make Muslims disappointed in achieving a bright future and try to encourage them to accept the kind of future that is in line with their [enemies’] evil intentions. And such propaganda tools will be used for the same purpose in the future as well. Since the beginning of the era of colonialism, this psychological and cultural warfare has been the most effective tool used by the west to spread its hegemony over Islamic countries. The target of this poisonous arrow is primarily Muslim intellectuals and elites and then ordinary citizens. The only way to counter this plot is to turn one’s back on the domineering and imposed western culture. Western culture should be purified by Muslim elites and intellectuals. The useful elements should be adopted and the harmful, destructive, and corrupt elements should be eliminated from the mind and behavior of Islamic communities. In the process of this great purification, the standard is Islamic culture and the rich and helpful ideas extracted from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. This is an essential chapter in the all-out and auspicious battle which should be fought by religious scholars and political intellectuals and elites across the world of Islam [14].


Islamic Awakening as a Religious Movement

In the religious dimension, Islamic awakening means the process of raising awareness in the Islamic thought, the revival of Islam in the human being and society, the resurrection of Islamic values, and a return to the Islamic self [15].

The essence of Islamic awakening lies in the manifestation of pure Islam within individuals and society. This perspective posits that life itself originates from religion and can only be truly fulfilled through its guidance. God, as the source of life for humanity and the universe, and His Prophet, are the ultimate guides to this life.

Consequently, Islamic awakening signifies a revival in the light of authentic Islamic principles. In essence, the renewal of Islam involves safeguarding and revitalizing independence, justice, and all transcendental teachings and values. This revival is a religious reform, but distinct from the Western model. Western religious reform often involves a transformation of religion to adapt to societal changes, potentially leading to its marginalization from social life. In contrast, Islamic awakening emphasizes a return of religion to the center of human and social life, guided by religious principles. This process involves removing the distortions that have obscured the true image of religion, revealing its authentic spirit, and reintegrating it into the fabric of human existence [16].

The Islamic Revolution of Iran is considered the most significant religious revolution of its time. The most critical goal of Imam Khomeini’s movement was to bring the human being to true bliss, and the only strategy to achieve it is establishing justice in a monotheistic society. To achieve this bliss and justice, first the roots of injustice in the world must be destroyed. Global arrogance, relying on its military and political power, tried to create a new world order to expand this dominance in all dimensions in the world.

Imam Khomeini sought to bridge the gap between Islamic law (Sharia) and the demands of modern society. He argued that Sharia must be relevant to contemporary life for Islam to maintain its claim as a complete and universal religion. As a perceptive scholar, he proposed a practical framework for modernizing Islam, drawing upon a deep understanding of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, integrating past experiences, analyzing the evolving needs of society, and fostering a connection between Islamic theory and the cultural realities of the community.

Imam Khomeini envisioned a transcendent political system centered on the divine. He believed that the realization of God’s will and the affirmation of monotheism were the ultimate goals of political development. He sought to establish a system that integrated divine and human values, believing that such a system would lead to holistic human development, encompassing both material and spiritual dimensions. In contrast, he saw Western political development as primarily focused on material goals, such as maximizing pleasure, comfort, justice, and power, primarily through human reason rather than religious principles [17].

But the important thing that makes this point of view different is the belief that religion is not separate from politics. Islamic tradition has always stressed the importance of political engagement. This is evident in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) and the clear guidance found within the Quran. Islamic politics aims to not only provide spiritual well-being for individuals but also to alert them to the plots of their enemies. From this perspective, religion and politics are intrinsically linked. This is exemplified by the life of Prophet Muhammad himself, who served as both the spiritual leader and the head of the nascent Muslim community [18].


Modeling to Change the Global Arrogance

Within the framework of the Islamic Revolution, “arrogance is used to refer to powers that exploit and exert pressure on large groups of human beings, nations and governments, in favor of themselves through bullying and humiliating domination. Relying on their political, military, scientific, and economic capabilities and being inspired by a discriminatory outlook on humanity, they interfere in the affairs of nations and governments, plunder their wealth, oppress nations, and stigmatize cultures and traditions” [19].

Thus, “it became clear that in an Islamic society, there is no place for a monarchy, autocracy, tyranny, aristocracy, an arrogant power ruling over the people, or a government of privilege-seeking, greed, self-aggrandizement, and debauchery” [20].

In the modern world, the United States is the symbol of arrogance. The U.S. government is built on the idea that it has to oppose any nation or country that is not prepared to serve U.S. interests. The American Greater Middle East plan was designed to harmonize all interests in the region and offer them to the insatiable hunger of power-thirsty American arrogance. Global arrogance and colonialist governments created and preserved the occupying Zionist regime as a lever to pressure Arab as well as Islamic governments in the region:

What we are saying is that America is the enemy of the Revolution. It is in the nature of global imperialism to show enmity toward a system such as the Islamic Republic. Their interests are 180 degrees different from each other. Global imperialism is about treachery, waging wars, creating and organizing terrorist groups, suppressing freedom–seeking groups and exerting pressure over the oppressed, such as the oppressed people of Palestine and countries like Palestine. This is in the nature of global imperialism [21].

The Iranian Revolution created a unique ideological model that disrupts the new world order and is an existential threat to global arrogance and Israel. The Revolution culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy and the establishment of an Islamic republic based on the concept of Wilayat al-Faqih. This ideological foundation, enshrined in the 1979 Constitution (amended in 1989), emphasizes principles such as justice, independence, self-reliance, resistance, and martyrdom.

The Islamic Revolution has played a crucial role in promoting Islamic awareness by supporting various social and political movements. Iranian influence has been instrumental in the rise of Islamic movements through both ideological and material support. This support has fostered a heightened sense of Islamic consciousness, particularly through avenues like political dissent, religious revival, and mobilization.

Iran’s backing of the “Islamic Awakening” aimed to invigorate Islamic movements by providing both ideological guidance and tangible assistance, strengthening their resistance against oppressive regimes. Iran’s significant role in fostering this awakening has been crucial in empowering resistance movements by providing organizational, financial, and strategic support. This support has empowered Islamic entities and significantly reshaped regional power dynamics.

Iran’s comprehensive support, encompassing ideological, financial, military, media, educational, and moral backing, has been instrumental in the success and sustainability of Islamic awakening movements. This support has equipped these movements with the necessary resources, motivation, and resolve to effectively challenge authoritarianism and injustice [22].


Islamic Awakening and the Future of the World

The ideological school of the Islamic Revolution provides an ideal framework for consolidating and strengthening the value foundations of the future Islamic society. The Islamic Revolution aims to pave the way for the revival of the greatness of the universal Islamic civilization, and from this perspective, the future of the Islamic Revolution is about reconstructing the forgotten Islamic civilization in today’s world.

The idea of future planning, as highlighted in the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei, is derived from Quranic verses. The Quran is focused on the future. Many verses talk about how important it is to think about what will happen next. Some verses encourage people to imagine the future. Others present different situations to help people think and learn. There are even some Quranic verses that can be seen as a type of planning where you start by thinking about the future and then work backward to figure out what you need to do now.

For example, the following verse expresses this notion: “O you who believe! Be aware of God, and let every soul reflect what it has forwarded for tomorrow, and be aware of God. God knows all the details of your deeds” [23].

Imam Khomeini believed that the Islamic Revolution was not confined to a specific geography or time. He saw this Revolution as the prelude to the advent of the world’s Savior, Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent). With this perspective, the struggles of all the oppressed in the world, including the suffering people of Palestine, are seen as the beginning of the end of global arrogance and the beginning of the advent of Imam Mahdi.

“Our officials should be aware that our revolution is not confined to Iran. The revolution of the people of Iran is the starting point of the grand revolution of the Muslim world under the stewardship of Promised Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent)” [24].

Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei also see an inspiring connection between the Revolution of Iran and Islamic awakening throughout the world:

“The Revolution sent them away; furthermore, it inspired others [around the world] too. The Islamic Revolution, which was launched and pursued by the people of Iran, became an inspiration for other nations” [25]



An examination of the Islamic awakening, with a focus on the Islamic Revolution, reveals that Islamic values have rapidly transcended regional boundaries to encompass the entire world. This is because they align with human nature and the spirit of resistance against oppression and injustice. The influence and spread of values stemming from the Islamic Revolution have been particularly pronounced in Islamic lands.

It is now obvious that the seed of the Iranian Revolution has grown in the fertile soil of resistance, and the faith and motivation of Muslim people throughout the world has formed a gushing spring which is responsible for irrigating this ground. Therefore, the tree of the Islamic awakening will grow ever taller and prolific. This is the future that Imam Khomeini anticipated and throughout his life and struggles, he took determined steps and bore much hardship along the road to realizing this future.

According to Imam Khomeini, Islam, with its rich and diverse cultural heritage, has the potential to establish a global civilization based on universal human values, morality, and unity. He envisioned a future where Islam guides humanity toward a grand civilization that liberates people from exploitation and fosters human perfection, excellence, democracy, and happiness in both this world and the hereafter.

Imam Khomeini hoped that all Islamic nations, currently fragmented and alienated from one another due to foreign interference, would one day awaken to their shared identity and unite under the banner of Islam [26]. Islamic awakening now all over the world promises such a day.



[1]. Sufi Niarki, Taghi, Islamic Awakening: Civilizational Identity and Challenges Ahead, (In Persian), Tehran, Software Nehadat affiliated with Islamic Revolution Publications, 2012, 17.

[2]. Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening, 2022:


[3]. Asaf, Hussain, Islamic awakening in the twentieth century, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. vol. 10, No. 2, (1988); 1005-1023.

[4]. Muhammad Amin Naji1, Mehdi Monfared and Ali Allah Badashti, “A Comparative Study of the Social Function of Religion from the Latin American Revolutionary Church and the Social Theology of the Imam Khomeini Movement”, vol. 4, No.13, (2022): 1-22.

[5]. The Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution Under Imam’s Leadership:


[6]. Rashid Rekabian, Naser Purhasan, The effect of the Islamic Revolution on the Islamic awakening in the region, vol. 11, (2023): 59-82.

[7]. Nikita Filin, Nikolay Medushevsky, Vladimir Koklikov, Tatiana Seniushkina, Concept Of “Islamic Awakening” As Foreign Policy Doctrine of Iran, Future Academy, vol. 79, (2019): 1-14.

[8]. Rashid Rekabian, Naser Purhasan, The effect of the Islamic Revolution on the Islamic awakening in the region, vol. 11, (2023): 59-82.

[9]. Kobra Lashkari, The Muslim Revivalist Movements: The Role of Imam Khomeini in its Development and Continuity, Semiannual Scientific Journal of Islamic Political Thought, vol.4, Issue.2 (Serial 8), (2017): 53-84

[10]. Ibid

[11]. Ayatollah Khamenei’s Speech on 27th Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini

[12]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol.3, 1.

[13]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 10, 292. Speech delivered to Ambassadors of Islamic Nations on November 1, 1971.

[14]. Part of the Supreme Leader’s hajj message issued on May 18, 1993:


[15]. Nikita Filin, Nikolay Medushevsky, Vladimir Koklikov, Tatiana Seniushkina, Concept Of “Islamic Awakening” As Foreign Policy Doctrine of Iran, Future Academy, vol. 79, (2019): 1-14.

[16] Seyyed Mohammad Sadegh Ghaderi Araee, Yaser babanejad samakoshi, Impact of Islamic Revolution in Iran and Islamic Awakening In the world, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, vol. 7, (2018): 76-81.

[17]. Kobra Lashkari, The Muslim Revivalist Movements: The Role of Imam Khomeini in its Development and Continuity, Semiannual Scientific Journal of Islamic Political Thought, vol.4, Issue.2 (Serial 8), (2017): 53-84.

[18]. Ibid

[19]. The OIC inaugural address made on by Ayatollah Khamenei (December 9, 1997)

[20]. Speech delivered in the meeting with people from different social backgrounds on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir (September 20, 2016)

[21]. Ayatollah Khamenei’s Speech on 27th Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini

[22]. Ahmad Karimkhan, The Awakening of Islamic Movement After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, vol. 4, No. 3, (2023): 166-173.

[23]. Holy Quran, 59:18

[24]. Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 21, 327.

[25]. Ayatollah Khamenei’s Speech on 27th Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini

[26]. Kobra Lashkari, The Muslim Revivalist Movements: The Role of Imam Khomeini in its Development and Continuity, Semiannual Scientific Journal of Islamic Political Thought, vol.4, Issue.2 (Serial 8), (2017): 53-84.


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