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The Account of Prophet Adam’s Creation and the Fall from Heaven

Prophet Adam's Creation and the Beginning of Satan's Enmity Against Humanity

The Account of Prophet Adam’s Creation and the Beginning of Satan’s Enmity Against Him

Many of us are familiar with the story of Prophet Adam’s creation. The story of the creation of the human being from clay and God’s command to angels to prostrate themselves to Prophet Adam is one of the most repeated and thought- provoking stories. This story is a key to understanding the reason behind Satan’s enmity against the human being. It also teaches us what the duty of every single one of us is in life.

The account of Prophet Adam’s creation from clay is a subject most religions agree on, and it is explicitly addressed in their sacred books. However, there are numerous controversies and disagreements regarding its details, and different groups have attempted to assert their own opinions. The most important point of this story is understanding this truth that the human being’s presence on earth marks the beginning of human flourishing, so that he can fulfill his God-given purpose, a purpose that is uniquely his own.

Although this journey was individual, on a larger geographic area, it laid the groundwork for a collective goal, that is, establishing the rule of the infallible leader on earth. As a result, every person can achieve self-growth. This is the only objective that Satan tries to obstruct, engaging in a millennia-long war with the human being.

It is certain that God intended to create the human being with the capacity for development, becoming, and growth in order to manifest all His attributes. As it was mentioned before, God had already prepared the ground for human growth and development before the creation of Prophet Adam. According to the Quran, the revelation of the Quran and having only one religion created the path for human growth. The Quran also introduces Allah’s deputies on earth as role models for walking the human path [1]. In several hadiths from Sunni and Shia scholars, these divine role models had been created before Prophet Adam.

Moreover, Islam represents the truth of existence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the first created being, known as the Light of Muhammad, the Pen (Qalam) and the Spirit (Ruh). This path, which signifies that the human being is the deputy of God on earth, entered a new phase with the creation of Adam. God created Adam in two phases. First, He created Adam’s body from clay. Then, He breathed into him of His own Spirit, granting Adam divine life. What made the human being God’s deputy on earth and superior to other beings, was not the creation of his body but the Spirit breathed into him. In fact, because of this Spirit, God commanded angels to prostrate themselves before Adam. All angels did this except for Satan, who was arrogant and considered himself superior to Adam because he was created from fire while Adam was created from clay. Therefore, God cast him out of Heaven because he disobeyed and rebelled against Him. Then Satan harbored grudge against the human being and swore he would mislead Adam and his descendants on the Straight Path. He took his first steps to achieve his goal by whispering to Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit. This paper explored the creation of Adam, human-like beings who existed before him, the account of angels’ prostration to Adam, and his descent and penitence.


Were There People Before Adam?

Before discussing the creation of Prophet Adam and the essence of the human being’s creation, it is essential to explore the various theories regarding the existence of human beings before Prophet Adam and Eve. Some believe that before the creation of Prophet Adam, there were no beings similar to humans. In other words, they believe that Prophet Adam was created at once and independently. Others suggest that before the creation of Prophet Adam, there were beings similar to the Jinn and human being who may have been vanished or may still be alive. Additionally, some hold the view that there were humans before Prophet Adam, yet they became extinct because they had not evolved.

In summary, based on the verses of the Quran and the theories of Islamic scholars, we realize that Prophet Adam was not the first human on earth; rather, there were similar beings before him whose lineage became extinct for unknown reasons [2]. Based on these perspectives, some researchers believe that the children of Prophet Adam intermarried with the humans from previous generations.

In biology, these beings are called Neanderthals. There was also another extinct species of archaic humans who existed many years ago and were called Homo habilis. Various branches of biology have come up with several theories regarding creation, such as the “Theory of Fixism” and the “Theory of Transformism or Darwinism.” The theory of Fixism affirms that each species is created separately and it is not transformed into another species. In contrast to the theory of Fixism, the theory of Transformism argues that different species are not created separately and they are evolved from earlier species. Charles Darwin initially believed that only plants are evolved, but later he extended his theory to humans, suggesting that humans share a common ancestry with apes. This famous historical theory has received criticism and feedback from Islamic scholars. Some have firmly supported it, while others have staunchly opposed it. Some have even attempted to find common ground between the verses of the Quran and this theory. But it is clear that the most important Islamic scholars agree with the theory of Fixism regarding creation.

Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i is one of the Islamic scholars who agreed with the theory of Fixism. According to him, to support the theory of Transformism, some scholars refer to the Quran 3:33. This verse says that Allah has chosen Adam, Noah, and the family of Imran over all humankind. As a result, these scholars believe that because this verse speaks about the selection of some people, this theory is true. Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i dismisses this theory, interpreting the phrase “over all humankind” to mean that these people are superior to the people of their time and not the people of the future. Therefore, he believes that the theory of Fixism it true [3].

In general, considering the verses of the Quran and hadiths, it is realized there were undeveloped humans before the creation of Prophet Adam. They lacked insight and awareness and had not reached the highest level of humanity. After their extinction, God created Prophet Adam with distinct qualities, forming him as a separate creation.


Angels Become Aware of Prophet Adam’s Creation

The creation of Adam was so important that long before it, God informed the angels of this matter: “I am placing a successor on earth.” The angels were surprised at this news and said, “Will You place in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood, while we declare Your praises and sanctify You? Why do You grant this status to a sinful human and deny it to us while we are pure and innocent?”

God said, “I know what you do not know” [4]. There are various theories regarding the manner in which the angels questioned God about the creation of Adam. In fact, their question stemmed from curiosity. Although, God did not dismiss the angels’ opinion about the humans, He answered, “I know what you do not know.”

The Quran employs various expressions regarding the creation of Prophet Adam. It indicates that Adam was created in different stages. Adam is a Hebrew word, meaning “man” and the Hebrew word for ground is Adama. So since Adam was created from the dust of ground, he was called Adam. There are also some reasons why Adam was called Adam in Arabic.

The body of Adam was made of the dust of the earth.

He had a wheatish complexion.

His body was created from mixing different elements and forces (Udma means association and mixing).

He was fragrant with Divine Breath (Idam means what makes food fragrant) [5].


How Was Adam Created?

As it was stated before, God created Prophet Adam in two stages. First, Adam’s body was created from clay and then God breathed into him of His own Spirit. According to the Quran, Prophet Adam was created from the dust of the earth [6]. The Quran gives various description of the quality of this dust, referring to it as sticky clay [7], foul smelling mud [8], and hard clay like bricks [9].

Based on these descriptions, it is found out that in the beginning of the creation of Prophet Adam, God used the dust of the earth to create him. Then He made clay by mixing this dust with water. Then the clay was turned into foul smelling mud. Finally, it was transformed into hard clay, like bricks [10].

After creating Prophet Adam’s body, God breathed into him of His Spirit and gave him life. This Spirit is the same unique truth known as the Spirit, the Pen (Qalam) and the light of Muhammad (PBUH). As explained in the articles about humanology, the first created being is the most complete manifestation of God. This being that encompasses all names and attributes of God is this very light i.e., the light of Muhammad. The other worlds and beings were created from this light. Therefore, the creation of Adam marks the beginning of the stage in which the truth of the human being’s existence receives its physical body. If the human being wants to walk on the path of becoming similar to God, he must pass this stage.

After the Spirit entered the human being’s body, the faculties of intellect and senses became active and a fountain of light and wisdom flowed within him at God’s will. In fact, when God breathed into Adam of His Spirit, it was a time of the pinnacle of the creation of the human being. It turned the human into a being who had infinite desires and potentials.

Everything that exists in the universe, known as the names of the world, is a part of the essence and fitrah the human being. The human being is the Most Comprehensive Entity, encompassing everything that has been created. Prophet Adam knew all these names at God’s will. God presented everything or in other words, His names, to the angels. Then He asked the angels to learn those names if they sincerely think that they deserve to be God’s deputy on earth. The angels realized they lacked the inherent ability to fulfill this task. They understood that they could not be God’s deputy only by praising and sanctifying Him. So they got their answer and sought forgiveness from God [11].


The Beginning of Satan’s Enmity against Adam and His Children

There is a difference of opinion between commentators on whether Satan is an angel or a Jinn. According to some verses of the Quran, Satan is an angel [12], while others suggest that he is one of the jinn [13]. Although Satan had been created from fire, he lived with angels. He persistently worshiped God and diligently obeyed Him, so he was considered an angel. He was promoted to a higher position among angels, so that he became their teacher. He instructed the angels how to serve God. He worshiped God in an unparalleled way. He spent thousands of years in prostration to God [14]. The angels sought his blessing. When God created Prophet Adam and breathed into him of His Spirit, He commanded angels to prostrate themselves before Adam. So they prostrate themselves to Adam, except for Satan. He refused and was arrogant. Since he had worshiped God for many years, he thought he was better than Adam, saying to God, “You created me from fire, and you created him from mud.” He became deviant in three domains.

  1. a) He became practically deviant because he rebelled against God and did not obey Him.
  2. b) He became morally deviant; he became arrogant so he was cast out of Heaven.
  3. c) He became doctrinal deviant; he made a faulty comparison, questioned God’s justice, and became one of disbelievers.

He was wrong because he thought the reason behind the human superiority over him lies in the human’s body while the human being is superior to Satan because of the Spirit of God breathed into his body. Seeing Adam as the cause of his humiliation and expulsion from Heaven, Satan harbored deep hatred for the human being and decided to take revenge on him. Satan sought permission from God to seduce the human being. God gave him respite, but until the appointed Day [15]. Some believe that this Day refers to the end of the world [16], while others interpret it as the Day of Judgment. However, most commentators believe that this Day refers to the advent of Imam Mahdi (AJ). According to a hadith from Imam Sadiq (PBUH), on the appointed Day, Satan will be beheaded by Imam Mahdi (AJ) [17]. This hadith is open to various interpretations based on the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous led by the Promised Savior.

After God agreed to give respite to Satan, he said to God, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your Straight Path. Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left” [18]. So God cast him out of Heaven, then said to him, “entice whomever of them you can with your voice, and rally against them your cavalry and your infantry, and share with them in wealth and children, and make promises to them. But you must know that My devotees, you have no authority over them” [19]. For more information on the necessity and role of Satan in human growth, you can refer to the article “What Is Satan and What Characteristics Does He Have?”


Heaven of Adam

God created Prophet Adam from a single soul. Then He created from that soul Adam’s mate [20], i.e., Eve. God allowed Adam and Eve to live in Heaven and enjoy unparalleled blessings. In addition to the Quran, Bible and Torah, the story of Adam’s and Eve’s creation has been mentioned in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Greek myths.

there are various opinions regarding the location of the heaven they lived in; however, according to the Quran 2:58, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. This location is thought to be in the northern part of Mesopotamia, in present-day region of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, near the cities of Uruk and Ur, close to the Persian Gulf [21]. Generally speaking, the exact location of Adam’s and Eve’s heaven is not our main focus. What is essential to understand is that they lived a happy and comfortable life in that heaven, surrounded by God’s blessings. They also did not have any knowledge of the hardships and sufferings of life on earth.


The Fall of Adam

God gave Adam and Eve every blessing in heaven and allowed them to take pleasure in using them, except for one specific tree, commonly referred to as the “forbidden tree.” There are various theories about the type of this tree. Some suggest that it was wheat [22], others say it was a grape [23], fig [24], camphor [25], apple tree or a date palm [26].

According to some hadiths, the commentators of the Quran believe that the forbidden fruit is a symbol, for example, the Torah identifies the forbidden tree as the tree of knowledge and the tree of life [27].

As we read in the account of the creation of Prophet Adam and Eve, they were finally deceived by Satan’s temptation and ate the forbidden fruit. Satan had promised them if they ate forbidden fruit, they would either become angels or attain eternal life. As soon as they ate the fruit, they became aware of their nakedness. As a consequence of disobeying God and becoming incompatible with heaven, they fell from it [28]. Falling from heaven is called Hubut (descent). It means falling from a high place.

After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, He told them if they want to return to heaven, they must live on earth to become compatible with heaven because they will be resurrected from the earth [29]. Islamic scholars believe that God recommended, not ordering, Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit. As a result, Adam did not commit sin but he made a mistake. Anyway, Adam had to be sent to earth to walk the path of human growth.

After Adam disobeyed God, he regretted his action and repented. The ways in which he sought repentance has been mentioned in various forms; however, scholars like Sheikh Tusi and Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi believe there is no contradiction among them [30]. It seems all of them are correct. Generally, reciting “the Dua of Yunus” [31] and “intercession to the names of the Holy five” [32] are considered the most definitive ways through which Adam sought repentance. Then God, the Gracious, accepted his repentance.


Creation of Prophet Adam lays the Groundwork for Building a Civilization

By examining the purpose of the prophets’ missions in the Quran and their practical strategy, it is realized that the aim of prophets was to lay a foundation of a monotheistic civilization. The goal of this civilization is to spread religion and help the human being to gain both material and spiritual success. Religions have always provided comprehensive planning for the guidance of the human being. They assure holistic progress for the human being, taking into account various aspects of human existence. The best way to discover the model of civilization from the Quran’s perspective is to study the lives of prophets.

The story of the creation of Prophet Adam and his mission in the Quran outlines the existential potentials of the human being as the primary factor in building a civilization. The significance of reviewing his story arises from the fact that because he was the first messenger of God, so the strategy of guiding people began in his time. Having potentials like the acquisition of and teaching divine knowledge, being God’s deputy on earth, identifying his enemies, being resilient in the face of adversity, seeking repentance and turning back to God are some of the important attributes that build an enormous capacity for prophets. Having such a capacity, helps prophets to walk on the path to establishing a civilization planned by God.


Divine knowledge

The Quran’s account of Adam’s creation, including God’s teaching him the names, implies Adam’s suitability to be God’s representative on earth. Indeed, learning God’s names qualified Adam to be God’s deputy. Knowledge is one of the most essential components in building a civilization. It has been embedded in Adam’s soul and other prophets. In other words, it is God who has taught knowledge to all Prophets. It implies that Prophet Adam and other prophets are heirs to divine knowledge in both spiritual and material realms. Using divine knowledge, Prophets can lay the ground for making different types of progress. In fact, having the potential to acquire divine knowledge paves the way for building a civilization based on divine revelation and propelling it forward.


 Prophet Adam, God’s Deputy on Earth

Being God’s deputy on earth is considered Adam’s second potential to build a civilization. In fact, he has gained this potential by learning God’s names. Special qualities make the human being God’s special deputy in the universe. These qualities shape the human being’s personality and define his responsibility toward other beings. Humanity’s role as God’s deputy not only elevates humans above other beings, making them subordinate, but also suggests that their existence is dependent on humanity’s. They serve as various tools for manifesting the human being’s qualities and potentials as God’s deputy. However, the human being derives his dignity, credibility, and glory from God’s Spirit breathed into him, having no intrinsic worth.

The account of the creation of Adam shows that God has honored Adam by breathing His Spirit into him and making him superior to other beings. So God’s attributes make us human, not our earthly and material desires. Therefore, the foundation of a religious civilization must be built on preserving and nurturing human perfections. The civilization built for the best of creations must be based on his superiority over other beings, that is, his Spiritual dimension not his animal and material dimensions.


Repentance and Turning back to God

Repentance means sincere regret or remorse and seeking forgiveness refers to being safe from destruction. One of the indicators that shows the spiritual progress of a civilization is turning a society back to God. In the Quran, God considers following those who constantly turn back to Him as the only path to worldly and eternal bliss [33]. A society that follows such individuals will not be harmed by its adversaries. To highlight the importance of this issue, God says in the Quran, “Do not turn your eyes away from them.” And He has warned us to avoid people who follow their own desires [34]. This issue has been mentioned in the account of Prophet Adam’s creation, highlighting the significance of turning back to God after making personal or collective mistakes. Repentance and seeking forgiveness give the human being the potential to attract divine mercy and lay the groundwork for his growth and development of society. The crucial point is that when God gives an account of Adam’s creation and what happened after that, He addressed the human beings with “Oh Children of Adam.” This indicates that while the subject primarily concerns Adam, God addresses all the descendants of Adam i.e., all human beings. In the Quran, Surah Al-A’raf, Allah addresses the human being four times as “Oh Children of Adam.” In this chapter of the Quran God gives several commandments to the human beings considered to be the foundational pillars for building a religious civilization.


Accepting God’s and Prophets’ Guardianship 

Following only one divine leader is a condition for having a really progressed civilization. If a person becomes pious and socially reformative under the guidance of divine prophets, he is free from future anxieties and does not grieve for unacceptable current situations.


Knowing the Enemy

After creating Prophet Adam, God commanded him to inhabit the heaven. However, he was deceived by his enemy, Satan, and was cast out of heaven. This experience gives us a cognitive capacity. It makes us aware that trusting Satan and interacting with him on any subject is like laying the foundation of our civilization on running water. In this case, falling down is inevitable at any moment.


 Clothes for the Body and Soul

Wearing clothes is one of the components of a civilization. In various verses of the Quran, God emphasizes the importance of clothing as a covering for human nakedness and the body parts he is ashamed to expose. Wearing clothes not only covers the human being’s nakedness but also makes him attractive. We often overlook the fact that, just as our bodies need clothing, so too does our soul. To become balanced and beautiful, the human being’s instincts and desires require clothes. If the human being’s instincts wear the clothing of piety, it makes the human being achieve progress.

The nakedness of Adam and Eve signifies that being deceived by Satan stripes our soul of its garment, which is piety. A naked soul is as embarrassing as a naked body. This issue is not only dangerous for every single person but poses a threat to the civilization, leading it towards stagnation and destruction.


The account of Adam’s creation marks the beginning of the human being’s presence on earth and the start of the journey towards establishing a new divine civilization that will ultimately provide a safe haven for the growth of all humanity, and this is the beginning of Satan’s enmity with the human being. Satan is the enemy of the human being and civilization. His sole desire is to destroy our divine potentials. The story of Adam’s creation is only the starting point of Satan’s enmity against humanity and also the beginning to move toward establishing the Noble Rule of the Righteous on earth.



[1]. Quran, 55:1-3

[2]. Gorashi, sayed Ali Akbar. Ghamus Quran: Dar Al Kutub Al Islamiyah, 1992, vol.1 & 2, 49-50.

[3]. Tabataba’I, Husayn. Tafsir al-Mizan: publication office of seminary scholars’ community of Qom, 1996, vol. 16, 257.

[4]. Quran, 2:30

[5]. al-Isfahani, Al-Raghib. Al-Mufradat: Vol.1, 70.

[6]. Quran, 6:2; 3:59

[7]. Quran, 37:11

[8]. Quran, 15: 25-26

[9]. Quran, 55:14

[10]. Qomi, Abbas. Safinat al-bihar: Uswah, 1993, vol.1

[11]. Quran, 2:32

[12]. Quran, 2:34/ 7:11/ 17:61/ 21:116/ 15: 30-31

[13]. Quran, 18:50

[14]. Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 192

[15]. Quran, 15:38/ 38:81

[16]. Quran, 28:88

[17]. Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Vol. 52, 376.

[18]. Quran, 7:16-17

[19]. Quran, 17:64-65

[20]. Quran, 4:1

[21]. Hawkes, James W. Persian Bible Dictionary: Bina, 1928, 602.

[22]. Ibn Kathir, Ab al-fida. Tafsir al-Quran al-Azim: Dar Al Maarifah, 1991, vol. 1,83.

[23]. al-Tabari, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir. Jami’ al-Bayan: Dar al Fikr, 1994, vol. 1, 332.

[24]. Ibid, 333.

[25]. Abu Al-Futuh al-Razi, Husayn ibn Ali. Rawd al-Jinan: Astan Quds Razavi’s Islamic Research Foundation, 1988, 220.

[26]. al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din. Al-Dur al-Manthur: Dar al Fikr, 1983, vol.1, 53.

[27]. Genesis

[28].  Makarem Shirazi, Naser. Tafsir Nemooneh: Dar Al Kutub Al Islamiyah, 1995, vol. 6, 114-120.

[29]. Quran, 2: 36-37/ 7:24-25

[30]. Makarem Shirazi, Naser. Tafsir Nemooneh: Dar Al Kutub Al Islamiyah, 1995, vol. 6, 198-199.

[31]. Tabarsi, Shykh Ahmad ibn Ali. Majma’ al-Bayan: Dar Al Maarifah, 1988, vol. 1, 200.

[32]. al-Kufi, Furat. Tafsir Furat al-Kufi: Ministry of Culture, 1989, 57-58

[33]. Quran, 31:15

[34]. Quran, 18: 28



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