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  3. How Many Levels of Human Existence Are There, and What Are They?

How Many Levels of Human Existence Are There, and What Are They?

 Introducing the Levels of Human Existence and Their Function

Self-knowledge is the most crucial, necessary, and useful knowledge in our lives. Every human being, without exception, desires infinite bliss, happiness, inner peace, and perfection. However, only those who acquire self-knowledge can attain eternal and true bliss. The level of happiness, inner peace, and true bliss of every person depends on the level of his knowledge about his true self and what he does to attain his true bliss. In other words, the deeper and more precise self-knowledge, the more lasting the bliss.

Of course, note that true self-knowledge is different from what is being promoted in the name of self-knowledge on websites, in books, and in magazines today. Self-knowledge does not mean knowing our inborn talents or our emotional and moral characteristics. Self-knowledge means knowing the dimensions and levels of human existence, our status in the realm of existence, and the purpose for which we are born. When we say purpose, we do not mean goals such as acquiring knowledge or wealth, achieving success, and even serving other people. Although these goals are important in their own right, they are all part of a much loftier goal, which we will discuss separately.

In this article, we are going to introduce the dimensions and levels of human existence as an important part of self-knowledge. Knowing the levels of human existence is the first step to move towards perfection, happiness, and peace, and it helps to determine the difference between our real needs and false needs. By classifying the levels of human existence, we can identify the true perfection of the human being and put our efforts in the right direction in life in order to achieve lasting and eternal happiness and peace.


 Knowing the Levels of Human Existence

In general, there are two dimensions or levels of human existence: the material dimension or the body and the immaterial dimension or the soul, which is also called the heart. The truth of our existence which shapes our actions, behaviors, and intentions is the soul, not the body. The body is an inanimate being, at the level of stones and wood. If the soul is separated from it, it cannot do anything, and this is what happens at death. So the body is also one of the dimensions of the soul, which is called the inanimate dimension because of its similarity to inanimate objects. Other levels of human existence include: the vegetative dimension, the animal dimension, the intellective or angelic dimension, and the human dimension or true ‘me.’


 The Inanimate Level

In the inanimate dimension, humans are drawn to inanimate objects and make objects the basis and criteria for honor, dignity, and success of themselves and others. Love for houses, cars, villas, cell phones, jewelry, and everything related to objects is related to the inanimate dimension. Our decisions, choices, relationships, thought patterns, and even our love and hatred are based on inanimate values ​​and perfections. In this dimension, the criterion for people’s success and bliss is based on the brand of their car, the size of their house, and the like, and if they have such perfections, they consider themselves successful.

Of course, inanimate perfections are not bad, and they are valuable and useful in their own right. But based on the mathematics of creation, these perfections are as valuable as inanimate objects, and they are not considered human perfections.


 The Vegetative Level

The second category of perfections, which are stronger, more honorable, and more luminous, are called vegetative perfections. The vegetative level is characterized by growth, nutrition, reproduction, physical strength, attractive physique, etc., which we share with plants. Of course, beauty is classified as an inanimate quality, but when it is combined with gentleness, like in natural flowers, it is usually classified as a vegetative quality.

In the vegetative dimension, a person’s value depends on his physical strength, the number of his children, the pleasures related to taste, gourmet food, and the like. It means, the more of these perfections a person has, the superior and more valuable he considers himself than others. In fact, the vegetative level puts us at the level of plants, and by achieving vegetative perfections, we are plants not humans.


The Animal Level

The third level of human existence, which is extraordinary luminous, valuable, sacred, and powerful, includes animal qualities. Gender, attraction to the opposite sex, marriage, earthly loves and affections, social, family, and political commitments and responsibilities, government formation, social life, social hierarchy or position, modesty, protective care, loyalty, trustworthiness, and the like are all classified in this category and are considered our animal dimension. Even serving fellow and non-fellow beings is considered an animal perfection, not a human one. Actually animals are superior to many humans regarding these qualities because they help each other without stressing their benevolence or expecting anything in return.


 The Intellective Level

The fourth level of human existence is the intellective or angelic dimension. Angelic qualities are stronger, nobler, and more luminous than the previous qualities. We are equal to angels in this dimension because angels also have intellect and are created from pure intellect. In the intellective dimension, we seek to acquire knowledge and make changes in nature, just like what angels do. The angel is called “malak” in Arabic because it has ownership and power.

All the activities in the physical system are done by angels. For example, the stages of the formation of an embryo from the movement of a sperm and the formation of the egg to cell division, the process of organ development, the formation of a complete body, and ultimately pushing out the baby outside the mother’s womb, and the subsequent managements are all the activities of angels. Or shaping the structure of a fruit, coloring it, and giving it taste and smell are all done by angels. All the changes that happen in the physical system, such as Newton’s first law, the law of inertia, etc., are made by angels and supernatural forces. Because, basically, the matter itself does not have this power, other forces, i.e. supernatural ones, are managing it.

Humans are similar to angels in terms of knowledge. That is, by acquiring knowledge, they create power and make changes in nature like angels.

The Supra-rational or Human Level

As mentioned above, the first four dimensions are not the criteria for being a human, and we cannot measure the value of a person through them. For example, we cannot say that whoever is richer or more beautiful is more human or whoever has a higher social status or academic qualification is considered more human. Although all these perfections are valuable, none of them are human perfections. Human perfections are related to the fifth level of human existence, which is the supra-rational or supra-immaterial dimension. It is called supra-rational because it is a level higher than the intellect, and it is called supra-immaterial because it is higher than the status of angels, i.e. immaterial status.

The supra-rational dimension of our existence breaks all rational boundaries and is not compatible with any limitation. Basically, our desire for infinity and diversity in different areas is rooted in this dimension. In the supra-rational dimension, we want all the perfections, including beauty, knowledge, power, wealth, popularity, and in short, everything eternally and infinitely, and we do not like anything to stand in our way.

In the next article, we will delve deeper into the characteristics of this level of existence, which is the most important dimension.

Next article:


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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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