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برچسب ها :

Every year, as a devoted lover of the Imam, I take my heart to him, the source of peace for the restless. This year, however, I found myself among those unable to make the journey to the Arbaeen Walk along the Najaf-Karbala road. Instead, I walked towards the Abdul-Azim Shrine in Rey city. It felt like this year was an opportunity for me to prove my love in a different way. A voice in my mind questioned me: “You claim to stand by your love for the Imam in every way. Does it matter if you are in Hamadan, Iran, or Karbala, Iraq? If you believe this, now is your chance to prove it.” This year, the “Who is Imam Mahdi?” campaign became my mission, a chance to introduce the Imam to those seeking true peace—not just in Iran and Karbala, but all over the world. True peace isn’t found outside us; we should discover it within our existence. I started placing banners for the campaign around Hamadan. I hung them in several busy streets, with a simple message: “Know Imam Mahdi (AJ) and introduce him properly to the world.” This phrase was enough to attract anyone searching for salvation. We also set up a booth at our mawkib named Qasim ibn al-Hasan, where people could stop and learn why having an infallible expert Imam is essential for living a true human life. One night, two teenagers visited our booth. I talked to them about Imam Mahdi (AJ) and how challenging life can be without him. I described a future filled with peace and joy when he comes. As I spoke, I saw tears forming in their eyes. I realized then that the Imam is for everyone. His message transcends age or status. As human beings, regardless of our beliefs, we all feel a deep longing for a perfect guide—a guide who is the true father of all humanity.


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