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Battle Between Good and Evil Knowing God’s and Satan’s Parties

Zionists, Commanders of Satan’s Army in the Battle between Good and Evil

The Timeless Battle between Good and Evil, Understanding Humanity’s Ultimate Struggle

The historical narrative of the battle between good and evil is a fundamental aspect of human existence, deeply embedded in religious and philosophical discourse. This struggle began with the creation of humanity, where God commanded the angels to prostrate before Adam, a command that Satan, in his arrogance, refused to obey. This act of defiance marked the inception of a cosmic conflict that has persisted through the ages, manifesting in various forms and ideologies. The paper delves into the characteristics of the two opposing factions: The Party of God, representing truth and righteousness, and the Party of Satan, characterized by arrogance and deception.

Throughout history, the Zionists have emerged as significant figures in the Party of Satan, perpetuating injustice and oppression against the followers of truth. This paper aims to analyze the implications of this ongoing battle, emphasizing the importance of individual choices in aligning with either side. The ultimate goal is to highlight the prophetic vision of a future where the divine civilization will be established, led by the Promised Savior, who will eradicate evil and restore harmony. By examining historical events and theological interpretations, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the enduring conflict between good and evil, urging readers to reflect on their roles within this grand narrative.


The Beginning of the Battle Between Good and Evil in History and Understanding the Role of Zionism in This Conflict

The battle between good and evil has a deep and ancient history. It is not a phenomenon of recent times but dates back to centuries ago, to the very beginning of human creation. God created humanity and commanded all angels to bow before Adam. However, Satan disobeyed. He was arrogant and, considering himself superior to humanity, refused to bow and protested to God. As a result, he lost his status. Satan did not see his banishment as the consequence of his own actions but blamed humanity, harboring a deep grudge. He vowed to exact severe revenge on humankind. God granted him respite—not forever, but until a specific time, a predetermined date. Based on interpretations, this destined time coincides with the appearance of the Promised Savior. Thus began the eternal battle between good and evil, divided into two fronts: monotheism and arrogance. This battle will continue until the establishment of a divine civilization under the leadership of a divinely guided and infallible leader. Throughout history, individuals, through their lifestyle and choices, have demonstrated which side they belong to—truth or falsehood, good or evil, the Party of God or the Party of Satan.

The defining characteristic of the Party of Satan is arrogance. Throughout history, Zionists have been the most prominent commanders of Satan’s army in the battle between good and evil. They have consistently oppressed and caused suffering to the soldiers of the front of monotheism in an unjust conflict. However, this battle is not eternal. According to God’s definitive promise, the earth will be inherited by the righteous, who will rise against the Party of Satan and prepare the world for the arrival of the Promised Savior.

The Resistance Front comprises those righteous individuals who recognize Zionism as the army of polytheism and the executor of Satan’s plans on earth. Thus, they stand firm against them, paving the way for the establishment of a divine civilization on earth, bringing the Imam out of occultation, spreading monotheism globally, and enabling humanity to achieve divine and human perfection under the guidance of Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his advent).


The Beginning of the Battle Between Good and Evil in the Universe

When Satan was stripped of all his ranks and banished from God’s presence due to his disobedience, a new chapter in the universe began. Enraged and bitter over his fall, Satan blamed humanity for his expulsion and humiliation. Rather than repenting and seeking forgiveness to return to the path of growth, Satan defiantly voiced vengeful statements to God. Overcome by rebellion, he sought severe revenge against both God and His cherished creation, humanity. Satan made an unusual request of God: He asked for the opportunity to deceive and mislead God’s servants. In accordance with God’s eternal principle of granting time and free will to His creations, this request was granted. Satan declared, “Since You have cast me out, I will adorn the earth for them and lead them astray, except for those servants who purify themselves for You [1].” God accepted Satan’s request for specific reasons [2]. First, to ensure that humans would have the freedom to choose their path—truth or falsehood—entirely of their own volition. Second, God’s granting of this request left Satan to fall deeper into his own delusion and arrogance, which in itself is a form of divine punishment.

However, the permission given to Satan was not indefinite; it was limited to a fixed and predetermined time [3]. Satan vowed to sit on the path of humanity’s journey toward God and divert them from the straight path until that appointed day. Thus began the battle between good and evil in the universe, opening the path of choice for humankind. Various interpretations and narrations have explored the term Yawm Ma’loom (the appointed day) mentioned in the Quran. Some interpretations suggest this refers to the Day of Judgment. However, one of the most credible and significant interpretations states that this fixed time refers to the advent of the Promised Savior and the establishment of a divine civilization on earth [4]. Satan’s opportunity to mislead humanity ends on this day because, with the rise of the Noble Rule of the Righteous led by Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent), Satan will be destroyed, and the world will be cleansed of his presence. Thus, the battle between good and evil began with Satan’s rebellion against God’s command to bow before Adam, and it will continue until the advent of the Promised Savior.


The Continuation of the Battle Between Good and Evil in the Universe

From the very moment of his rebellion, Satan devised a significant plan to lead Adam and his descendants astray, ensuring they would share his fate. Thus, the eternal battle between good and evil began, dividing the universe into two opposing fronts: the front of truth and the front of falsehood, representing good and evil, respectively.

Satan became the leader of the front of falsehood and evil, but this front was not limited to him alone. From that day until the establishment of the divine government by the Promised Savior, anyone who follows Satan—through their choices, relationships, thoughts, and lifestyle—becomes a soldier in his army, a member of the front of evil and an agent of Satan. Opposing this front is the front of good, centered on tawhid (monotheism). Anyone who aligns with this camp, from the beginning of creation until the day the divine government is established, is a soldier in the army of God. Two principal parties exist in the universe: the “Party of God” and the “Party of Satan.” It is impossible for anyone to occupy a neutral position between these two. Every individual is either a member of God’s party or Satan’s, and the great battle between good and evil is a constant reality.

The root of Satan’s rebellion against God was his arrogance, which also defines the characteristics of Satan’s army in the battle between good and evil. “Arrogance” and “tyranny” are poisonous fruits of this pride. Pride resides within a person, but when it manifests outwardly, it becomes either takabbur (arrogance) or istikbar (tyranny). The difference lies in their justification: an arrogant person may have some merit that gives them a sense of superiority, whereas a tyrant has no such qualification and lives in a delusion of superiority. Throughout history, arrogance, pride, and tyranny have been defining traits of the soldiers of Satan’s army. The battle between Abel and Cain at the dawn of creation was a manifestation of the conflict between monotheism and tyranny, symbolizing the broader battle between good and evil.

The tyrannical forces, representing Satan’s camp, have always exhibited consistent strategies. Their common trait has been arrogance and self-superiority. Although this conflict began with Satan’s rebellion, the battle between good and evil has been repeatedly enacted throughout history, with each era witnessing the struggle between the forces of truth and falsehood.


The End of the Battle Between Good and Evil in the Universe

God’s eternal plan has always been to establish a divine civilization on earth—a civilization where humanity returns to its true nature, which is connection to God: …return to their fitrah under the guidance of an infallible leader, a specialist in human knowledge, and achieve divine growth. In contrast, Satan’s constant effort has been to prevent this divine civilization from being established, as its realization would mark the end of his influence and his ultimate destruction. Satan is obsessed with the annihilation of Adam’s progeny and desires to perpetually mislead them.

All divine prophets were tasked with laying the groundwork for establishing this divine civilization. Their mission was to prepare people to accept the leadership of an infallible specialist and embrace divine religion. With the advent of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) and the subsequent leadership of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon them), this mission reached its peak, bringing humanity closer to the ultimate goal of civilization-building. However, due to insufficient preparedness, both internally and externally, to confront evil, people succumbed to Satan in various eras. They became members of his army and abandoned their divine leaders in his mission to realize this goal. As a result, humanity was deprived of living in a civilization led by an infallible, expert leader. But this deprivation is not eternal. The Quran confirms God’s decisive will for truth to prevail on earth, eradicating the roots of disbelievers and tyrants. This vision will only be achieved under divine leadership, supported by faithful and striving soldiers who will stand against the leaders of evil in the ultimate battle between good and evil. The Quran speaks of a final confrontation in the End Times between the forces of truth and falsehood. Ultimately, the army of truth will triumph, the earth will come under their control, the oppressed will inherit it, and justice will become universal.


Introducing the Commanders of the Armies of Good and Evil in the End Times

The most prominent group, consistently serving as commanders and pioneers of Satan’s army throughout history, are Zionist Jews. Zionists, possessing all the traits and qualifications to belong to Satan’s army, became the leaders of the Party of Satan on earth. Throughout history, they have strived to overpower the forces of truth. Every page of history and countless moments in the timeline of Jewish people attest to this reality: The Zionist front, from its rebellion against the oppressed prophets of the Israelites to its actions today, has sown evil on earth and sacrificed millions of lives to achieve its nefarious goals. Their roadmap reveals an uncanny similarity between their ethos and Satan’s methods. For them, the ends justify the means. They view themselves as superior to all creation and pursue global domination to establish their tyrannical rule. Zionists, in their relentless pursuit of global domination, resort to every possible measure to establish a tyrannical world order. Yet, God’s will decrees that a group of righteous individuals in the End Times will rise on earth [5]. Armed with spiritual and military strength, they will overpower the forces of Satan, defeat them, and prepare the ground for the advent of the infallible and divinely guided leader, Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his advent).

This group, known as the Resistance Front, recognizes Zionists as the embodiment of Satan’s army. With clear insight, they have believed in the truth even before the Savior’s advent and have remained steadfast against the temptations of the ego and Satan. Their mission is to return the earth to its rightful owner, Imam Mahdi. They have not become engrossed in worldly life because the truth remains hidden, and the rightful leader of humanity is in occultation. These righteous individuals dedicate their lives to resisting the forces of Satan, striving to establish monotheism across the world. They do not fear the hollow power of the front of evil and instead arm themselves with the weapon of faith. Although the battle between good and evil began at the dawn of creation and has repeated throughout history, the final confrontation has long been underway and is nearing its conclusion. The earth is in the final moments of labor, and humanity stands at the threshold of a new dawn. The final arrow has been fired by the upright warriors of the Resistance Front into the heart of Satan’s army—Zionism. This decisive action demonstrates humanity’s readiness to accept Imam Mahdi’s leadership and be nurtured under his divine guidance.

Both the fronts of good and evil are now actively recruiting with unparalleled intensity. The growth and attrition in each front have reached their peak, and every individual must make their ultimate decision about which side to join. Will they become part of the Free People of the world—those who have witnessed the truth, refused to remain silent, stepped forward to purify their souls, and worked to remove the obstacles to the savior’s arrival? Or will they align with Evildoers—those who witnessed injustice yet remained indifferent, indulged their selfish desires, and became consumed by the hell of worldly distractions? The battle between good and evil has reached its final seconds. Which side are we on?



The battle between good and evil is an eternal struggle that has shaped human history and continues to influence contemporary society. As the forces of Satan, particularly represented by Zionists, strive to maintain their grip on power, the Party of God remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice and truth. This paper has illustrated the significance of recognizing one’s position in this conflict, as every individual is called to make a choice between righteousness and deception. The ultimate victory of good is assured, as prophesied in various religious texts, culminating in the establishment of the divine civilization under the leadership of the Promised Savior. As we approach the climax of this cosmic battle, it is imperative for individuals to engage actively in the struggle for truth, fostering a collective movement toward the realization of a just and harmonious world. The time has come for humanity to unite against the forces of evil, paving the way for the emergence of a new era defined by divine guidance and moral integrity.



[1]. The Holy Quran, 7:16,17

[2]. Ibid., 17:64

[3]. Ibid., 15:38

[4]. Al Majlisi, Sheikh Muhammad Baqir. Bihar Al Anwaar.

[5]. The Holy Quran, 21:105


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