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Documented Events before the Advent of the Promised One

What Will Happen Before the Advent of the Promised Savior?

The events of the End Times and what will occur before the advent of the Promised Savior are shrouded in ambiguity. Many questions arise in this regard, such as

What are the events of the End Times?

Do the events of the End Times occur suddenly or gradually?

What are the most definitive signs of the advent of the Promised Savior and the events of the End Times?

Historians and scholars of Quranic studies and hadith have different interpretations of these questions. However, from the perspective of Islamic worldview and humanology, the most significant aspect of the end-time events is related to the correct groundwork and preparation for the establishment of the new Islamic civilization and the Rule of the Righteous. Imam Mahdi (AJ) will only come when the groundwork for the establishment of his divine rule is laid. In other words, the most important events of the End Times are those that prepare or strengthen the groundwork for the formation of the new divine civilization.


Video number 1

The Islamic Revolution of Iran: the prerequisite for the liberating revolution of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) The formation of the centers

How Will the Global Civilization Change?

The transformation of the global civilization from the naturalist civilization to the human (spiritual) civilization requires a gradual movement in the world towards understanding the new civilization. Until we know the characteristics and criteria of the new civilization and believe in our position and bright future in it, we will not have the desire to establish and develop it.

The path to laying the groundwork for the establishment of the new divine civilization in the world starts from within each individual in society. The new divine civilization has now bloomed and reached maturity, making its way into the hearts of eager individuals around the world. However, are there documents and evidence for accepting this movement and its divine essence?

The Emergence of the New Islamic Civilization

The Rule of the Righteous was the ultimate goal which all the prophets envisioned for the future of the world and strived to achieve. This rule will take shape in the form of the new Islamic civilization, and it will define the human in the true sense of the word, contributing to the growth of all aspects of human existence. Every civilization has nine main pillars. Islam’s ideal of governance, led by the divinely guided wisdom of an infallible Imam, has only been witnessed in brief periods throughout history. Beyond the time of Prophet Muhammad and the Imamate of Imam Ali (PBUT), this vision of an Islamic government has not been fully realized, and the new Islamic civilization has never had the opportunity to emerge. However, our time witnesses a reawakening. A longing for that very vision of Islamic civilization stirs within hearts. The ground has been prepared, the seeds sown. Now, we begin to see the first glimpses of this new civilization taking root and rising before us.

The Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Advent of the Promised Savior

The role of the Islamic Revolution in the advent of the Promised Savior is to lay the groundwork for the establishment of the Rule of the Righteous. The Islamic Revolution is the new Islamic civilization that will become the foundation and groundwork for the Rule of the Righteous. Although this Revolution still has weaknesses, it has successfully fulfilled its most important role, which is the training of individuals and influential leaders for creating the promised global civilization. The Iranian Revolution is currently the only example of an Islamic government that is addressing its weaknesses and strengthening itself in various fields such as economy, military, culture, medicine, agriculture, science, architecture, education, art, and more. The Islamic Revolution is to the advent of the Promised Savior what the foundation and first pillars are to a grand building. It provides the essential groundwork, the unwavering support, upon which the magnificent structure of the Rule of the Righteous will be built, and the pivotal role of the Iranian Islamic Revolution in the advent of the Promised Savior will soon be undeniable to all.

Quran Verses and Hadith

“Surely, following the ˹heavenly˺ Record, we decreed in the Scriptures: “My righteous servants shall inherit the land.” (Quran, 21:105)

“We, the Iranian nation, have now carried out a revolution. Our Revolution is a necessary prelude to and a major step towards the goal for which the Imam of our Time (may Allah hasten his advent) has been sent and will reappear. If we had not taken this monumental step, the advent of the Master of the Age (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and may He hasten his noble advent) would undoubtedly have been delayed.”

(Excerpt from the Friday prayer sermon by Imam Khamenei in Tehran on the occasion of the mid-Sha’ban, June 27, 1980)

)‘There is a Sanctuary for Allah and it is Makkah, and there is a sanctuary for the Rasool and it is Al Medina, and there is a sanctuary for Amir Al-Momineen, and it is Al-Kufa, and there is a sanctuary for us and it is the city of Qum, and there shall be buried a woman from my children named as Fatima-as. The one who visits her, the Paradise would be obligated for him’.
-Imam Sadiq (pbuh)
–Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 57.

And it is reported from a number of the people of Al-Rayy that they entered to see Abu Abdullah and said, ‘We are from the people of Al Rayy’. He said: ‘Welcome to our brothers from the people of Qum!’ They said, ‘We are from the people of Al Rayy!’ He repeated the speech. They said that repeatedly and he answered them with similar to what he had answered first. He said: ‘There is a Sanctuary for Allah and it is Makkah, and there is a sanctuary for the Rasool and it is Al Medina, and there is a sanctuary for Amir Al-Momineen, and it is Al-Kufa, and there is a sanctuary for us and it is the city of Qum, and there shall be buried a woman from my children named as Fatima-as. The one who visits her, the Paradise would be obligated for him’. The reported said, ‘And this speech from him was before the arrival (to the world) of AlKazim, may the greetings be upon him’’.
-Imam Sadiq (pbuh)
–Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 57.

‘From Abu Abdullah having said: ‘Do you know why Qum has been named as such?’ I said, ‘Allah and His Rasool and you are more knowing’ He said: ‘But rather Qum has been named as such because its people shall be gathering with Qaim of Progeny of Muhammad, may the Salawaat of Allah be upon him, and they will be staying with him, and would be steadfast upon him and be helping him’’
-Imam Sadiq
–Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 57.

“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with ˹true˺ guidance and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all oth ers, even to the dismay of the polytheists.” (Quran,9:33)

“The best deeds of my nation is awaiting the Faraj.”
– The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
–Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali, commonly known as Al-Shaikh Al-Saduq. Kamal Al-din wa Tamam Al-Ni’ma (Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine Favor), vol. 2, trans. by Athar Husayin S.H Rizvi. Az-Zahra Publications – Mumbai.

“The best deeds of my nation is awaiting the Faraj.”
– The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
–Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali, commonly known as Al-Shaikh Al-Saduq. Kamal Al-din wa Tamam Al-Ni’ma (Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine Favor), vol. 2, trans. by Athar Husayin S.H Rizvi. Az-Zahra Publications – Mumbai.

“The best of worship is awaiting the Faraj.”
– The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
–Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali, commonly known as Al-Shaikh Al-Saduq. Kamal Al-din wa Tamam Al-Ni’ma (Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine Favor), vol. 1, trans. by Athar Husayin S.H Rizvi. Az-Zahra Publications – Mumbai.

Once Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq was asked: Is al-Qa’im born?” He said: “No, he is not. If I live until he is born, I shall serve him as long as I live.”

Imam Ja’far Sadiq said: our master, Imam Qaim would be standing, resting his back to the Kaaba. And he will say: O people, whoever wants to see Adam and Sheeth, should know that I am Adam and Sheeth. And whoever wants to see Nuh and his son, Saam, should know that I am that same Nuh and Saam. And whoever wants to see Ibrahim and Ismail, should know that I am that same Ibrahim and Ismail. And whoever wants to see Musa and Yusha, should know that I am that same Musa and Yusha. And whoever wants to see Isa and Shamoun, should know that I am that same Isa and Shamoun. And whoever wants to see Muhammad and Amirul Momineen, should know that I am that same Muhammad and Amirul Momineen. And whoever wants to see Hasan and Husain, should know that I am that same Hasan and Husain. And whoever wants to see the Imams from the progeny of Husain, should know that I am those same purified Imams.
al-Majlisi, Allamah Muhammad Baqir, The Promised Mahdi (English Translation of Biharul Anwar, Volumes 51-52-53), Part 2, Chapter 33, trans. S.H. Rizvi, Ja’fari Propagation Centre.

Imam Jawad said: “I guarantee Heaven on behalf of God the Highest for anyone who visits the shrine of my father in Toos recognizing his rightfulness.”

‘From Al-Reza having said: ‘O Sa’ad! One who visits her-as (grave), for him is the
–Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 57.

Khallad bin as-Saffar had said:
“Once Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as) was asked: Is al-Qa’im born?”
He said: “No, he is not. If I live until he is born, I shall serve him as long as I live.”
–Al-Numani, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ibraheem bin Ja’far. Al-Katib Al-Ghaybat Al-Nomani. Ansariyan Publications, Qum.

O Allah, (please do) defend Your vicegerent…and include us with those whom You take up for backing Your religion and for increasing the victory of Your vicegerent. Do not put others in our places, because it is easy for You to put others in our places, but it is extremely difficult for us if You do it…and make us their helpers and supporters of Your religion.
(The prayer of Imam Reza (pbuh) for Imam Mahdi)

O Allah, gladden the people of the graves,
O Allah, enrich every poor person,
O Allah, satisfy every hungry one,
O Allah, clothe every unclothed one,
O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts,
O Allah, relieve every distressed one,
O Allah, return every traveller (to his home),
O Allah release every prisoner,
O Allah, correct every wrong in the affairs of the Muslims,
O Allah, cure every sick one,
O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth,
O Allah, change our evil state to a good one
through Your excellent state,
O Allah, relieve us of our debts, and help us against poverty,
Surely You have power over all things. (A Prayer Recited in the Holy Month of Ramadhan)

«O God, we are eager for you to find a government with the honor to make
Islam and the people of Islam strong and to humiliate the hypocrites and
the people of hypocrisy with it. And may God guide us in that government from the inviters to Your obedience and the leaders to Your path. And O God, provide us the dignity of this world and Hereafter with the blessings of that government…O God, we complain to You about the absence of our Prophet (PBUH) and the disappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS) and abundance of our enemies and fewness of our people…» (Al-Iftitah Supplication Recited during the Holy Month of Ramadhan)

O Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjah (the Proof) Ibn al-Hassan and send salutations upon him, and his ancestors, now as well as at all the times, (as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) government. And let the people be delighted in his reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his reign.
(Faraj Supplication Recited during Occultation of Imam Mahdi)

“From among jinn and humankind.” (Quran, 114:6)

It is narrated from Jabir Jofi that he said: I asked Imam Muhammad Baqir (pbuh): “When will you come to power?” He replied: “It’s a pity that it will not be so till you are all sieved like grain is sieved to separate it from chaff. And then you are sieved again and again, till there does not remain any impurity and only the clean grain is left.”

Al-Tusi, Shaykh Muhammad b. al-Hasan. Al-Ghayba.


The Holy Quran
Mafatih al-Jinan
Statements of the Supreme Leader
Bihar al-Anwar
Kamaaludin Wa Tamaamun Ne'ma
Tuhaf al-Uqul
Aqad Al Durar Fi Akhbar Al Muntazar
Ilzam al-Nasib
Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih
Al-Ghaybat Al-Tusi