The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History

What position and role have divine prophets held throughout history?

Why have divine prophets always been sources of hope?

What motivated divine prophets in their efforts to encourage their followers to play a more significant role in the course of history moving toward establishing a divine civilization?

What secrets have these prophets known about divine laws?

How does the law of perpetuity operate in history?

How is the story of divine prophets narrated from a historical perspective based on self-knowledge?

What was the role of the first divine prophets in the development of divine civilization? 

Key Events and Hardships in the Life of Prophet Noah...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article

Prophet Moses: A Civilization-Building Prophet

Prophet Moses is one of the divine prophets surrounded by numerous questions and ambiguities regarding the events of his life. The differences in the narratives about his life and character in the Torah and the Holy Quran are so significant that it seems we are dealing with two completely different personalities. But which of these two is the true Moses?

Which of the accounts in the Quran or the Torah, as referenced by contemporary Zionist Jews, is credible and believable? What is the importance of understanding the true character of Prophet Moses in comprehending the events of the End Times? Why can a correct understanding of historical events completely transform our perception of the End Times?  

The Significance of Prophet Moses in Islam Prophets are the...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article

Moses’ Life Story, the Most Repeated Story in Quran Moses...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article

The Complex History of the Children of Israel: Exploring Beliefs,...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article

Prophet Jesus and the Prophecy of the Promised Prophet

Prophet Jesus is a figure whose core teachings contain numerous prophecies regarding the coming of the Promised Prophet and the responsibilities of his followers in supporting this prophet. Today, the majority of the world’s religious followers believe they adhere to the doctrines of Prophet Jesus. But can this belief of Christians be accepted?

How far is the Christianity we know from the true religion of Prophet Jesus?

How similar are the book, doctrine, and beliefs of Prophet Jesus and his true disciples to what is currently prevalent in various Christian sects?

In general, can we claim that any of the original beliefs of Prophet Jesus as a divine prophet remain, or is everything we now recognize as Christianity a construct of Jewish thinkers with specific goals? 

An Examination of the Bible of Jesus Christ and Its...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article

The Last Path of Divine Prophets

The movement of Prophets and the course of history culminated in the Arabian Peninsula and the hot desert of Hijaz, where the last prophet of God was born. This prophet’s name is mentioned in many heavenly books, and his finality was confirmed by the leaders and scholars of divine religions. The birth of the Prophet of Islam marks a significant event in history, as he is the one after whom divine revelation and the flow of prophecy will reach their conclusion, and the path of leadership and Imamate will begin. This event heralds the approach of the promised future for all religions.

The promised Imam and Savior of divine religions is a descendant of the Prophet of Islam. To understand Imam Mahdi, the first step is to become familiar with the history of early Islam, the events and occurrences of that time, and to know the esteemed Prophet Muhammad and his household (Peace be upon them).

The plots and machinations of Jews against the commands of divine prophets did not end after Christianity but were primarily directed toward the Promised Prophet of the End Times. This prophet was prophesied to unravel the fabric of false ideologies forever.

Jews awaited the last divine prophet with three factors: assassination, distortion, and infiltration, to prevent his birth. If they failed in this, they aimed to use infiltration and distortion to hinder his mission or delay the establishment of a righteous government by him.

In this singular serious battle of human history, who will emerge victorious?

What order and arrangement will historical events take, and how will they unfold?

What consequences will these events bring?

What role do these consequences play in the establishment of the rule of the righteous at the End Times? 

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Foundational Steps in Establishing an Islamic Government...

The Role of Divine Prophets in the Course of History, Article