What Is the Status of the Human Being in Civilization-Building? Can We Also Play a Role?

 Which Human Issue Is Crucial in Identifying the Status of the Human Being in Civilization-Building? Many powerful and weak civilizations existed throughout history and disappeared after a while, with no trace left of them. We discussed that the main reason for the weakness and destruction of civilizations is that they have been negligent of the […]

The Course of Human Development in the Mother’s Womb and the World

What Is the Role of Choice and Free Will in the Course of Human Development in the World? In the course of human development and based on the circular diagram of creation, we have all moved from a starting point and descended a path to reach the world. After the world, we will follow back […]

What Is the Purpose of Human Creation? Why Has God Created the Human Being?

What Is the Purpose of Human Creation, and How to Fulfill This Purpose? In addition to knowing the dimensions of human existence, there is another issue in self-knowledge, which is very important, and that is the purpose of human creation. The human being is the center of creation, and whatever exists in the heavens and […]

What Are the Criteria for Bliss, and What Is a Blissful Society?

The Criteria for Bliss in Society and the Symbol of a Blissful Society What are the main criteria for bliss? When can we say that a society or an individual has achieved true bliss and success? Is there a specific criterion or scale for measuring the level of people’s bliss in a society? Achieving true […]

“There Is No Deity but Allah”: Message of Prophets, Sign of Human Balance

Embracing “There is no deity but Allah” Is a Sign of Human Maturity and Balance Have you ever thought about what “There is no deity but Allah”[1] really means? You might think that “There is no deity but Allah” is just a religious phrase for saying which we are given great rewards and blessings. Or […]

Where Does the Human Desire for Infinity and Perfection Come from?

Examining the Concept of Human Desire for Infinity and Its Relationship with the Infinite Being Where does our humanity come from? Why is the human being the noblest creation? What are the differences and commonalities between the human being and other created beings? In previous sections, we discussed various dimensions and levels of the soul […]

How Many Levels of Human Existence Are There, and What Are They?

Introducing the Levels of Human Existence and Their Function Self-knowledge is the most crucial, necessary, and useful knowledge in our lives. Every human being, without exception, desires infinite bliss, happiness, inner peace, and perfection. However, only those who acquire self-knowledge can attain eternal and true bliss. The level of happiness, inner peace, and true bliss […]