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Who Is the Promised One

Who Is the Imam? Why Do Humans Need the Presence of an Infallible Imam?

Only when human beings correctly understand and define themselves can they truly grasp the meaning of the word “Imam” and provide an accurate answer to the question, ‘Who is the Imam?’ If we define the human based on inanimate, vegetative, animal, or intellective dimensions of existence, the presence and manifestation of the infallible Imam would hold a different meaning. However, if we define the human as an immortal being originating from God and returning to Him, then the infallible Imam becomes the model for this infinite being to achieve infinity. The Imam is the most perfect manifestation of God’s names and attributes who can guide humans towards the purpose of their creation. From an Islamic viewpoint, the Imam is the unique and perfect being capable of elevating humans to their highest potential and transforming them into infinite beings. Without the infallible Imam, even the lower dimensions of our existence cannot fully develop, and we cannot fully utilize our innate capabilities.

Video number 1

What you need to know for a specialized and healthy life! Introducing the most important principle of human life

Video number 2

Every belief system requires a mentor to educate its students. Absolute obedience to the mentor is the condition for the

What Role Does the Infallible Imam Play in Our Lives?

We stated that humans are infinite beings with the potential for infinite growth and similarity to God. But what does it mean to become similar to God? How can one become like God and move towards the purpose of creation? To fully actualize his human potentials, the human being needs a mentor, a role model, or, in other words, an infallible Imam. This definition of the Imam might differ from what we usually have in mind, but the Islamic worldview’s answer to ‘Who is the Imam?’ is precisely this: The Imam is our role model for becoming similar to God. In other words, the Imam is the model for becoming a human being in the true sense of the word. If we ask most people, ‘Who is the Imam?’ the common response would be that the Imam is a good person sent to guide us. But if we ask what exactly a good person is, what guidance is, and how it is achieved, many would have no answers.

The Imam from an Islamic Perspective

Similarity and closeness to something can only be achieved by having a perfect and accurate model of it. The infallible Imam is the most perfect example or the most similar model of God, and following him can lead us to what we seek. Lasting peace, happiness, and love in this world and the hereafter are the prospects Islam paints for those who follow the infallible Imam. Following the Imam can ultimately make us similar to the Imam, which is akin to becoming like God, thus completing our journey towards human growth.


The infallible Imam, from an Islamic perspective, is the mentor and guide for the path to becoming truly human. Islam advises Muslims to follow the lifestyle and life story of infallible Imams. From an Islamic viewpoint, following and modeling ourselves after the Imam is the only way to move towards the purpose of human creation and ensure our well-being in this world and after birth into the hereafter. For a swift, error-free, and continuous journey towards our human destination, the only path is to model ourselves after the infallible Imam, as only the Imam can guide us correctly in this path.

Who Is the Promised One?

The promised Imam is the sole and final divine reserve for humanity in the End Times. Throughout history, God has sent many proofs or navigators for human guidance, but humanity has failed to use them correctly, thus being deprived of their presence. The promised Imam is the living and present guide who directs us towards the purpose of our creation in our time. He is a reserve who can be present among us only when people have the ability to understand and bear his presence in society. The promised Imam is the foretold savior whose coming has been promised by all religions. He is the infallible Imam who will come one day, and with his presence, the world will blossom. A point often overlooked is that the promised Imam cannot fulfill his purpose if humanity is not prepared. The realization of the promised utopian society rests upon a threefold engagement with the Imam: a distinct belief in, understanding of, and yearning for the Imam. Only when humanity understands and utilizes the Imam’s presence as a teacher and mentor, can we truly embark on the path of human growth and fulfill our potentials.

Quran Verses and Hadith

“Know that Allah Blessed and Exalted did not Legalise any food, nor any drink, except for what is in it from the benefits and the health, and did not Prohibit except for what is in it from the harm and the spoilage, and the corruption. Thus, every benefit strengthening for the body in it is strength for the body, it is Permissible.”
-Imam Reza (pbuh)
Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.62, P. 153

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “That knowledge is with Allah alone, and I am only sent with a clear warning.” (Quran, 67:26)

They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about the spirit. Say, “Its nature is known only to my Lord, and you ˹O humanity˺ have been given but little knowledge.” (Quran, 17:85)

Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything. (Quran , 39:62)

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Should I seek a lord other than Allah while He is the Lord of everything?” No one will reap except what they sow. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you of your differences. (Quran , 6:164)

He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near, and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things. (Quran, 57:3)

They are truly in doubt of the meeting with their Lord! ˹But˺ He is indeed Fully Aware of everything. (Quran, 41:54)

How could He not know His Own creation? For He ˹alone˺ is the Most Subtle, All-Aware.
(Quran, 67:14)

Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir) (a.s) said: “On the Day of Judgment, Allah will hold everyone accountable according to the degree of intelligence He had given them in their worldly life.”
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub, Al-Kafi, Volume 1 of 8: English Translation: Islamic Seminary Incorporated, 2015.

Have you considered what you sow? Is it you who cause it to grow, or is it We Who do so? (Quran, 56:63-64)

Have you considered what you ejaculate? Is it you who create ˹a child out of˺ it, or is it We Who do so? (Quran, 56:58-59)

“O Hisham, Allah has placed two kinds of authority over man. The apparent and manifest authority and the internal and hidden authority The prophets and messengers are the apparent and manifest authorities and intelligence is the hidden and internal authority.”
-Imam Kazim (pbuh)
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub, Al-Kafi, vol. 1 of 8: English Translation: Islamic Seminary Incorporated, 2015.

“O Sa’d, learn the Holy Quran; on the Day of Judgment the Holy Quran will come in the best form that people may have ever seen. People will be present in one hundred thousand and twenty rows: the followers of Prophet Muhammad will form eighty thousand rows. The other forty thousand rows will consist of the followers of the other prophets. The Holy Quran will come to the rows of the Muslims in the form of a well-shaped man, offer them the greeting of peace and they look to him and say to each other, ‘No one deserves to be worshipped except Allah, the Lord, the Merciful. We know from the signs and qualities he is a martyr, however, he has been of the martyrs at sea, thus, he has received this beauty and grace that is not given to us.“Then he will come before Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Blessed, the Most High, and will bow down below the Throne. “Allah, the Most Blessed, the Most High, will speak to the Holy Quran saying, ‘My true spoken words and authority on earth, look up and ask for your wishes. Your wishes shall be granted and your intercession shall be accepted. How did you find my servants?’ “The Holy Quran will then say, ‘My Lord, certain ones among them kept me safely protected and did not lose anything from me but others among them lost me and disrespected me and called me lies even though I was Your authority to all of Your creatures.’ Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Holy, then will say, ‘I swear by My Majesty, Greatness and Highness that I shall give the best reward on this day because of you and shall punish severely because of you.”
-Imam Baqir (pbuh)
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub. Al-Kafi, vol. 2 of 8: English Translation, Islamic Seminary Incorporated, 2015

“When mischief confuses you like a dark night you must hold to the Holy Quran; it is an intercessor (an associate whose association is beneficial) whose intercession will be accepted and a solicitor whose words are believed. Whoever gives it the lead it will take him to paradise. Whoever leaves it behind (it) will then drive him to the fire.”

-The prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub. Al-Kafi, vol. 2 of 8: English Translation, Islamic Seminary Incorporated, 2015

Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand. (Quran, 12:2)

And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely in this are signs for those of ˹sound˺ knowledge. (Quran, 30:22)

Muhammad bin Hammam narrated from Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Malik from Abbad bin Ya’qoob from al-Hasan bin Hammad at-Ta’iy from Abul Jarood that Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (a.s) had said: “The man of this matter is the homeless, fugitive man, who loses his father, who is surnamed with his uncle’s name, who is separated from his family and whose name is like a prophet’s name.”

-Imam Ali (pbuh)
–Al-Nu’mani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Kitab al-Ghayba (The Book of Occultation), trans. Abdullah al-Shahin, Qom: Ansariyan, 2003.

Is it the judgment of ˹pre-Islamic˺ ignorance they seek? Who could be a better judge than Allah for people of sure faith? (Quran, 5:50)

Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything. (Quran, 39:62)

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Should I seek a lord other than Allah while He is the Lord of everything?” No one will reap except what they sow. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you of your differences. (Quran, 6:164)

in the name of Allah, who is He who manages all affairs. (Noor supplication)

O Messenger! Convey everything revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Allah will ˹certainly˺ protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the people who disbelieve. (Quran, 5:67)

Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah; what is killed by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being gored to death; what is partly eaten by a predator unless you slaughter it; and what is sacrificed on altars. You are also forbidden to draw lots for decisions. This is all evil. Today the disbelievers have given up all hope of ˹undermining˺ your faith. So do not fear them; fear Me! Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger—not intending to sin—then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran, 5:3)

˹We sent them˺ with clear proofs and divine Books. And We have sent down to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Reminder, so that you may explain to people what has been revealed for them, and perhaps they will reflect. (Quran, 16:44)

That ˹reward˺ is the good news which Allah gives to His servants who believe and do good. Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I do not ask you for a reward for this ˹message˺—only honour for ˹our˺ kinship.” Whoever earns a good deed, We will increase it in goodness for them. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Appreciative. (Quran, 42:23)

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If you ˹sincerely˺ love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran, 3:31)

As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran, 25:70)

“The Most Compassionate, taught the Quran, created humanity.” (Quran, 55:1-3)

“We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a mercy for the whole world.” (Quran, 21:107)

The Prophet (SAWA) said: “The more the faith of a servant increases the more his love for women increases.”
–Al-Rawandi, Abu al-Hasan Ahmad ibn Yahya. Al-Nawadir al-Rawandi,

Say, “My Lord has only forbidden open and secret indecencies, sinfulness, unjust aggression, associating ˹others˺ with Allah ˹in worship˺—a practice He has never authorized—and attributing to Allah what you do not know.” (Quran, 7:33)

When our Qaim-ajfj rises, the earth will shine with the Noor (light) of its Lord-azwj and the servants would be needless from illumination of the sun, and the darkness would go away, and the man in his-ajfj rule would live until a thousand males are born for him, no female being born among them. And the earth will reveal its treasures until the people would see it upon its surface, and the man from you would seek someone he could help with his wealth and take from his Zakaat, he will not find anyone to accept that from him. The people would be needless due to what Allah-azwj would have Sustained them from His-azwj Grace’’.
Imam Sadiq (pbuh)
–Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir. Bihar Al Anwaar , vol. 52, The book of History – Imam Al-Mahdi-ajfj.

Abu Huraira reported God’s Messenger as saying:
“The earth will vomit long pieces of its liver like columns of gold and silver.”

“Once our Riser (MGB) uprises, there will come down drops of rain from the heavens; plants will grow out of the ground; hatred will be removed from the hearts of the people; beasts and other animals will be in peace with each other.”
-Imam Ali (pbuh)
–Al Sadooq, al-Sheikh. Al-Khisal: A Numerical Classification of Traditions on Characteristics, trans. Dr. Ali Peiravi, Qom: Ansariyan, 2008.

Ali bin al-Husayn as-Sajjad (a.s) had said: “When al-Qa’im appears, Allah will cure every sick believer and restore to him his power.”
–Al-Numani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Kitab al-Ghayba (The Book of Occultation), trans. Abdullah al-Shahin, Qom: Ansariyan, 2003.

‘From Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The knowledge is of twenty-seven letters. What the Rasool-saww had come with are two letters. So the people until today do not know other than the two letters. When our-asws Qaim-ajfj rises, he-ajfj would extract the twenty-five letters and broadcast it among the people and include the two letters to these until he-ajfj broadcasts twenty-seven letters’’.
–Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir. Bihar Al Anwaar – Vol. 52, The book of History – Imam Al-Mahdi-ajfj.

and great is your tragedy in the heavens and for all of the dwellers of the heavens.( Ziyarat Ashura)

May Allah curse those people who denied you your position (O’ Ahlul Bayt) and removed you from your rank which Allah himself had granted you .( Ziyarat Ashura)

“…the chance to avenge you” (Ziyarat ‘Ashura)

“May Allah curse the people who drove you away from your position and removed you away from your ranks that Allah has put you in.” (Ziyarat Ashura)

“Whoever who loves us by heart and helps us with his tongue and fights our enemies would be along with us and in the same rank as we are in Paradise. Whoever loves us by heart and helps us with tongue, but doesn’t assist us in fighting our enemies would be two ranks lower. Whoever loves us by heart, but doesn’t help us either with his tongue or hand would be in Paradise.”
-Imam Ali (pbuh)
–Sadooq al-Sheikh, Al-Khisal: A Numerical Classification of Traditions on Characteristics, trans. Dr. Ali Peiravi, Qom: Ansariyan, 2008

O believers! Respond to Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah stands between a person and their heart, and that to Him you will all be gathered. (Quran, 8:24)

And every people had a guide. (Quran,13:7)

So fear Allah, and obey me. (Quran, 26:126)

And ˹remember˺ when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” so they all did—but not Iblîs, who refused and acted arrogantly, becoming unfaithful. (Quran, 2:34)

And, although their hearts were convinced the signs were true, they still denied them wrongfully and arrogantly. (Quran, 27:14)

Imam Ali (PBUH) said, “A person who is satisfied with the actions of a group in one of them.”
–Nahj-ul-Balagha, Quotations of Wisdom, Wisdom 154

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah having said: God would Gather the people upon their intentions on the Day of Judgement.
al-Barqi, Ahmad b. Muhammad. Al-Mahaasin (THE BEAUTIES FROM THE PROGENY OF MUHAMMAD), Vol.1, Part 5, Chapter 34, P. 102.

Imam Reza said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgment, the believer will be paused in front of God the Exalted and He will become the One Who will Pursue his Reckoning and Present his deeds unto him. So, he will look into his parchment and the first of what he would see would be his evil deed, and his colour will change due to that and his limbs will shiver and his self will panic. Then he will see his good deeds, and his eyes would be delighted and his self would be happy. Then he will look at what God the Exalted has Given him from the Rewards and his happiness would intensify. Then God the Exalted will Say to the Angels: “Bring the parchment in which are the deeds which he did not perform!” They would be reading it and they would be saying: ‘By You Mighty! You Know I did not do anything from these’. God will be Saying: “You speak the truth, but you did intend these, so We Wrote these for you!’ Then he would be Rewarded upon these.
Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol 7, Chapter 14, Hadith 7

Remembering [God] is not from rituals of the tongue nor is it from the passing of thoughts rather it is first from the remembered and then from the rememberer.
-Imam Ali (pbuh)
Tamimi Amadi, Abd-Al-Wahid. Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech), p.354, trans. Tahir Ridha Jaffer, Ansariyan Publications.

“And we wrote in the Psalms, after the Reminder, that the earth with be inherited by My righteous servents.” (Quran، 21:105)

“Surely in this is a notification for a worshiping people.” Quran(21:106)

But it was Our Will to favour those who were oppressed in the land, making them Imams as well as the heirs.” (Quran, 28:5)

It is narrated from Muhammad bin Ali from Husain bin Muhammad Qati from Ali bin Hatim from Muhammad bin Marwan from Ubaid bin Yahya Thawri from Muhammad bin Husain from his father from his grandfather from Amirul Momineen (pbuh) that he said with regard to the following verse: “And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams, and to make them the heirs…” (28:5) “They are Aale Muhammad (pbuh). Allah will raise their Mahdi after their distress, so he will honor them and will disgrace their enemy.”
Al-Tusi, Shaykh Muḥammad b. al-Hasan. Al-Ghayba.

“Allah has promised those among you who believe and do good deeds, that He will make them successors on earth, as He made those before them successors, and He will strengthen their religion for them – which He has approved for them – and He will substitute security in place of their fear. They worship Me, associating nothing with Me. But whoever disbelieves thereafter – these are the rebellious.”
(Quran, 24:55)

He is the one Who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists hate it.” (Quran,9:33)

Muhammad Ibn Abbas narrates through his chain of narration on the authority of Abu Basir: I asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) about the Divine saying in His book: “He it is Who sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions, though the polytheists may be averse.” (Surah Taubah 9:33)
He said: “By Allah, its realization has not come yet.” I asked, “May I be your ransom, when will it be realized?” He said: “When the Qaim rises, God willing. When the Qaim rises, there will be no disbeliever and no polytheist, but that he will dislike his rise. Even if there will be a disbeliever or a polytheist inside a rock, the rock will call out, ‘O believer, there is a disbeliever or a polytheist inside me, so kill him.’
al-Majlisi, Allamah Muhammad Baqir. The Promised Mahdi (English Translation of Biharul Anwar, Volumes 51-52-53), Part 1, Chapter 5, Hadith 58, trans. S.H. Rizvi, Ja’fari Propagation Centre.

The Messenger of Allah said: “The Hour shall not come until a man from my progeny will rule. His name is like my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it will be full of oppression and tyranny.”
al-Majlisi, Allamah Muhammad Baqir. The Promised Mahdi (English Translation of Biharul Anwar, Volumes 51-52-53), Part 1, Chapter 6, trans. S.H. Rizvi, Ja’fari Propagation Centre.


- The Holy Quran
- Tafsir Qummi
- Al-Borhan fi Tafsir Al-Quran
- Nahj-ul-Balagha (Peak of Eloquence)
- Mafatih al-Jinan (Keys to Heavens)
-Al-Fiqh al-Radawi
- Al-Kafi
- مکتبة الصدر
-Kanz Al-ummal Fi Sunan Al-aqwal Wa-al-afal
-Ithbat al-hudat bi-l-nusus wa l-mujizat
-Daim al-Islam
- Rowzat-Al-Waezin
- امالی المرتضی
-Kitab al-Ghayba
-Encyclopedia of Imam Ali (as) - Mawsua al-Imam Ali b. Abi Talib
-Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim
- Kashf Al-ghommah fi Maarefat-Al-Aema