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Collapse from Within


O’ People of the world! The current global ruling culture, perceives human beings as inferior beings! Today’s civilization, is based on profiteering and looting, selfishness and arrogance, war and bloodshed, oppression and corruption, terror and anxiety, poverty and hunger, sorrow and darkness, illusion and absurdity, unemployment and homelessness; it has reached the end of its path and will soon be collapse from within. The present civilization will collapse because it is denying the noble originality of human existence. The current consequences have occurred due to the dismissal of the intellectual and spiritual aspects of humanity.

The world civilization has limited mankind’s desires and objectives to the needs of its animal instincts such as marriage and family, work, leisure, housing or other! It has even failed to provide those minimal birthrights to people. Only a small fraction of the world population is enjoying the desired and appropriate living welfare!

Today’s civilization has wasted the eternal and original talents of mankind and has imprisoned them within the walls of material pleasures and needs. The current civilization hinders mankind growth in both intellectual and divine dimensions. This cruel and savage civilization has disconnected humanity from its heavenly truth and divine eternal spirit; its only purpose now is exploitation and power!

The present civilization leaders are fiercely fighting against any voice that seeks mankind’s precious and divine spiritual rights and its material living welfare. The pure blood of hundreds of thousands of libertarians and philanthropists has been shed by corrupt and oppressive leaders of this disgraceful civilization; the blood of people who in addition to material and civil rights, sought justice and divine human freedom. Tens of thousands of these compassionate and philanthropist freedom-fighters are now imprisoned in the gruesome prisons of anti-humanity and cannibalistic governments.

Divine prophets and leaders as well as the great leaders of freedom and justice around the world, never feared the oppressive and corrupt leaders! Armed with love for the truth, humanity, and strong belief in intrinsic and eternal human values, courageously and eagerly, all by themselves, or a small group of supporters, they stood up against anti-humanity tyrants. In many cases, despite their weaknesses and shortcomings against the enemies of humanity, they prevailed by the grace of God almighty!

We ought not to be afraid of cannibalistic thugs at all! We must stand against them for the love of justice and true freedom and billions of suppressed and oppressed people on earth, in order to set the foundation for the apparition of the Savior of humanity and full elimination of the tyrants by the help from the most Merciful and Almighty God!

The merciful God, who is described as the most affectionate to every human being in every Holy Scripture, has given the good news of a bright and beautiful future to mankind with peace and serenity, as well as undescribable material and spiritual welfare. However, since He has given people the freedom and authority to choose their own future and way of living, He has humbly asked us to firstly choose this sweet and beautiful future for ourselves with our own divine authority and freedom, and secondly, to do our best to achieve it so that He may help and bestow this bright future upon us. In other words, God is waiting for our efforts, empathy and uprising to help us!

Where is he, whose presence will transform the earth into a paradise for thousands of years?

Where is he, who provides divine knowledge in every field according to people’s needs and interests?

Where is the one, whose presence will help to acknowledge the greatness of mankind and reveals the secret of its creation?

Where is the one, whose presence commences the real life of mankind on earth?

Where is the one, whose presence ends the reign of Satan and tyranny of the selfish and evil men, and commences the reign of the best, the purest, the kindest and the most knowledgeable servants of God?

Where is it the one, whose presence evolves people to the purest and grandest version of who they are so much that they will resent sins, corruptions, and oppression, as they are saved from temptations?

Where is the one, whose presence saves the animals, both in the seas and lands, victimized by the oppression, violence, and selfishness of people?

O’ Lord! You can make your servants happy! O’ the best benefactor! O’ the best sponsor! O’ the best provider! You are glorious and beautiful! You are the king! Anyone and anything is weaker and more inferior to your power and greatness! Your command created the heavens and the earth, and the earth is stable due to your will and mercy! O’ Lord, you are your servants’ ultimate hope. You can dismiss every tribulations and sorrows. You are the only hope in times of hardship; the best companion in times of terror; the kindest companion in loneliness; the friend in times of distress; the guide for the lost; the wealth in poverty; and the safe house in times of misery.

O’ Beloved Lord, you know our hidden secrets; you cover our sins and enlighten our hearts. You are the owner and creator of everything, and above all, you are aware of everything and capable of doing anything.

O’ Merciful God! O’ Dear Lord! You are the supporter and the sponsor of those who have none. You are the refuge and the protector of those who have none. You are the friend of those who have no companions.

Whoever asks you for guidance, you guide them, and whoever asks you for protection and help, you protect and help them.

Your kingdom and power will never end. Your attention, kindness, and affection are eternal. No one is as faithful to a pledge as you are; you have made a promise and vowed that if your servants wash their hands of other people (and earthly means) and come to you and call you brokenheartedly and truly repent, you will answer their prayers.

You are the most loving beloved, the most loyal friend, and the best companion and shelter we can ever have. You hear the prayers of hopeless people; you save us from drowning, from destruction, and heal our diseased! You make us laugh and weep; you are the one who gives life and take it away!

End of Letter – 4

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