Behind the Veil: Covert Jews of Europe and the Manipulation of Christian Power Structures
The historical narrative surrounding the role of covert Jews of Europe and their influence on Christianity is complex and multifaceted. Understanding this relationship requires a deep dive into the socio-political landscape of Europe, particularly during the periods of Jewish migration following their expulsion from Jerusalem. The migration was not merely an exile but a calculated move to establish trade networks and pursue greater ambitions. As Christianity emerged as the dominant religion under the Roman Empire, covert Jews found themselves in a precarious position, often facing persecution and forced conversions. However, rather than succumbing to these pressures, they adapted by masquerading as Christians, thereby infiltrating the very institutions that sought to marginalize them.
This article examines the various strategies employed by covert Jews to manipulate the Christian doctrine and gain influence over political leaders. By analyzing historical events, such as the Crusades and the rise of Protestantism, we will uncover how covert Jews exploited their financial acumen and social connections to shape the course of European history. The implications of this infiltration are profound, as it not only altered the trajectory of Christianity but also set the stage for ongoing tensions between different religious and ethnic groups. Ultimately, this exploration sheds light on the intricate interplay between religion, power, and identity in shaping the modern world.
The of Role of Covert Jews of Europe in Christianity and Taking Control of Europe and America
History has shown that Jews always justify the means to achieve their goals. They change their religion hypocritically to gain wealth and prove their superiority. This has been reported multiple times throughout world history. Another point is the necessity of understanding the nationalistic behavior of Jews. This behavior is not easily understood by Christians, Muslims, or even followers of other religions, as adherents of other faiths define their identity not by religion but by race and nationality. Particularly among Christians, religion has never been a unifying factor (except during the Crusades).
To correctly understand the role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity, we must travel back in history to the point of Jewish migration to Europe. After the rebellion and the humiliating defeat of Jews against the Romans, Jerusalem was no longer a suitable place for living. The Romans relocated the Jews outside of Jerusalem to areas like the western territories of the Roman Empire in Europe and the region of Mesopotamia.
Although Jews have always tried to portray this migration as exile, it was actually the result of their own failed uprising and disobedience. They migrated to Europe with the aim of trade and laying the groundwork for more significant goals. Since Jews, unlike Christians, were not interested in promoting and spreading their religion, they did not face much opposition from the Romans. They maintained good relations with Roman rulers, practiced their customs freely, were exempt from military service, but were required to pay taxes.
Eventually, with the Christianization of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Christianity became the official and primary religion of the Roman Empire. After this event, conditions became harsher for Jews, as zealous Christians considered them responsible for the death of Christ and sought revenge. Gradually, orders were issued that Jews either had to convert to Christianity or leave their countries. Some migrated, while others stayed and outwardly pretended to be Christians.
Jews were very wealthy and actively engaged in trade, commerce, and usury in Europe. They became increasingly wealthy and ultimately became the most important financial support in Europe. Consequently, kings, churches, and religious and political leaders in Europe established very close relationships with them, unlike ordinary people. This financial dependency allowed Jews to subtly and intelligently infiltrate churches and royal courts, gradually taking control of affairs. Jews have always tried to turn threats into opportunities; they even benefited from their forced conversion to Christianity to advance their goals. They infiltrated Christianity while disguised as Christians but with Jewish thoughts, rotting it from within and creating a hollow and submissive shell for themselves. This made it easier for the covert Jews of Europe to operate within Christianity. Jews managed to become a decisive force in strategic actions in Europe and America without war and bloodshed, undermining Christianity from within and pitting Christians against each other, becoming the rulers of their host countries without hassle. They were not satisfied and, while advancing their goals, instigated a series of wars between Christians and Muslims known as the “Crusades” to achieve their long-standing goal of conquering the Promised Land and establishing their desired global government. Christian-Jewish relations are illustrated in Table 1.
Causes of Anti-Semitism in Medieval Europe
Before discussing the role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity, it is essential to address the position of Jews in this era among the general public. Religious and sectarian biases were not the only factors contributing to anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages and even during the Renaissance. Jews were often seen as unsociable beings and were not popular among people. The reasons for European anti-Semitism can be categorized as follows:
–Religious Factor: Christians and, at one point, churches considered Jews responsible for the death of Christ and believed they should pay for it.
–Economic Factor: Jews were engaged in trade before the Crusades, but after the wars began, which blocked trade routes between East and West, they turned to money lending, investment, and usury. Usury was prohibited in Christianity but was a common occupation for Jews. However, not all Jews in Europe faced persecution; Jews residing in Britain, France, and Germany received support and attention from the government because their taxes went directly to the royal treasury. Anti-Semitism was primarily perpetrated by the lower classes; after European banks were established, the need for Jewish capital was somewhat alleviated.
–Toxic Ideologies: Jews had introduced many distortions into the Torah and Talmud, which promoted hatred and animosity against non-Jews. For example, according to distorted Jewish laws, killing a Jew was a grave sin punishable by law, while killing a non-Jew was considered a minor offense. This is just one example of the thousands of racist and hateful laws of Jews. These ideologies incited public hatred against them.
–Jewish Superiority Complex: Jews considered themselves a superior race, and this sense of superiority prevented them from integrating with their surroundings, leading them to be seen as reclusive, arrogant, and unsociable.
–Collaboration with Princes and Lords in Exploitation: As mentioned, anti-Semitism was primarily perpetrated by ordinary people, especially in countries that retained more feudal characteristics. Jews had more freedom and collaborated with nobles and princes to suppress and exploit slaves and peasants. They always viewed agriculture as a lowly profession and had a strong dependency on royal power. They infiltrated the royal court to the extent that they took on the responsibility of tax collection for the kings, receiving autonomy and independence in return, such as tax exemptions granted to the leaders of Jewish communities.
Paul, the Secret Agent for the Destruction and Distortion of Christianity
In the article “Doctrines of Jesus,” a figure named “Paul” and his actions in distorting Christianity were extensively introduced. He was the founder of the distorted religion of Christianity and is considered the second most important figure in Christianity after Jesus. He ignited a fire in the doctrines of Jesus and elevated himself to a position close to Jesus among Christians. Paul was a Jew who had previously harmed many Christians, but then he wrapped himself in a halo of sanctity and claimed to be a prophet from God and Jesus. He was the main pawn in the operations undertaken by the covert Jews of Europe within Christianity. After infiltrating among Christians, Paul altered the laws and commandments of Christianity, changing the beliefs and doctrines of Jesus and transforming Christianity from its monotheistic and divine path into a religion filled with polytheism. Beliefs such as Jesus being God or the Son of God, the crucifixion and ascension of Christ, and many other polytheistic beliefs in Christianity were not from Jesus but were introduced into the religion by Paul [1].
The Path of Infiltration of Jews into Christianity
After the Greek domination of Palestine and when Jews migrated to Europe, due to the circumstances mentioned, they had to pretend to be Christians. With a calculated decision, they started a new operation. They remained covert Jews disguised as Christians, marking the serious beginning of the involvement of covert Jews of Europe within Christianity. They became Christians to divert Christianity from the path intended by Jesus and guide the world toward their own desired direction. In the Talmud, they have even given themselves the right to deceive non-Jews. They can penetrate under the guise of another religion to sow discord among its followers [2].
Truly, covert Jews or “Jewish Christians” have been the main agents of the distortion of Christianity and the doctrines of Jesus even in modern times. They managed to infiltrate the papacy and make Christian leaders obedient to their commands. The church in the Middle Ages had absolute control over everything in the lives of Christians, including politics, economics, culture, religion, and everything else; even the final word against kings and princes of Europe was spoken by churchmen. Therefore, the conquest of the church was the most important goal of covert Jews of Europe regarding Christianity.
The College of Cardinals was divided into two groups in 1130 AD, and one of these groups was led by the wealthy Berliuna family, who were of Jewish descent and covert Jews [3]. Giovanni Gratian Berliuna, whose papal title in the church was “Gregory VI,” bought the papacy from “Benedict IX” for about two thousand pounds of gold [4]. After him came “Gregory VII”; although there is no definitive evidence of his blood relation to Jews, some reports suggest that he was of Jewish descent on his mother’s side [5]. In any case, this pope was strongly supported by Jews and had close financial ties with them.
The Path Taken by Jews to Influence and Guide Popes
Although in 1179 the “Third Lateran Council” legally and religiously declared usury as forbidden, Pope Gregory IX changed the law due to his close financial relations with Jews and officially turned this theory into the law of the Roman Church. Jews gained such influence over Catholic popes that they shaped them like wax in their hands [6]. For example:
-Pope Gregory I prevented the forced conversion of Jews to Christianity and granted them citizenship rights.
-Pope Eugene III interacted and engaged with Jews during religious ceremonies.
-Pope Alexander III was completely aligned with Jews and used them for his financial affairs.
-Pope Gregory IX pardoned Jews in the Inquisition and even declared usury permissible to ease their burden.
-Pope Innocent IV denied the story of Jewish murder of Christian children, encouraging Christians to befriend and coexist peacefully with Jews.
-Pope Gregory X reiterated the previous pope’s words, stating that no Christian testimony against Jews would be accepted unless confirmed by a Jew.
-Pope Paul VI issued a resolution exonerating Jews from the blood of Christ. This resolution is considered the most significant acknowledgment in the relations between Jews and the popes of the Vatican and supports the role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity. After Pope John XXIII called for the “Second Vatican Council” from 1962 to 1965, one of the German cardinals included a special agenda item for Jews in the council, which involved exonerating them from the responsibility of crucifying Jesus.
-Cardinal Lawrence Shehan, in 1962, who was the Archbishop of Baltimore in New York, published an important document. This document acknowledged the narratives of Catholics and Jews and publicly stated that Catholics should religiously and spiritually recognize the existence of the fake state of Israel for Jews and respect this matter. The document emphasized the close relations between Catholics and Jews. Even a part of the Catholic prayer that referred to Jews as murderers was removed by the pope, and a document named “Nostra Aetate” was issued in support of Jews.
-After these events, Jewish expectations from Christian leaders increased significantly. In 1982, Pope John Paul II extended a hand of friendship to a Jewish rabbi for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, and this act was recorded as a historic event in Zionist Jewish circles. However, Jews were not satisfied with this. The role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity did not end here and became increasingly serious.
-An important document was published by the Vatican in 1985. This document introduced Israel for the first time as a combination of the divine religion of Judaism and a legitimate and official regime. Pope John Paul II even issued a document opposing what was recorded in the Gospel, declaring Jews pure and free from the blood of Jesus. This caused significant protests among Christians. Pope John Paul II had the greatest inclination toward Jews and played a crucial role in the profound transformation of Vatican relations with Jews. He frequently met them, visited Israel, and openly spoke about his positions regarding Jews.
-On June 15, 1994, the diligence and role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity intensified, and an agreement was signed between Zionist Jews and the Vatican to establish comprehensive diplomatic relations between them. This agreement discussed serious peace and friendship and their interactions, but the Vatican did not comment at all on occupied Quds.
-On December 16, 1994, the Vatican decided to hold a memorial ceremony with the presence of Pope John Paul II and the chief rabbis of Rome. He declared, as if he considered himself directly responsible for the suffering of Jews, that Jews had been scattered around the world for years and that now was the time for their return to their ancestral land. This was not the last special concession he granted to Jews. During his tenure, a text regarding the city of Quds was prepared, and he completely distanced himself from supporting Quds.
-In 1997, an agreement was made between Israel and the Vatican. This agreement gave the Catholic Church a legal status in the Holy Land. Pope John Paul II visited the Jewish temple in Rome for the first time in history in 1986. In this visit, he referred to the Jewish rabbis as great brothers and dear friends, considering this visit as the beginning of the end of oppression against Jews. He visited Israel, consistently issued sermons and statements in its support, referred to the suspicious event of the Holocaust, and expressed sympathy with them. The pope wrote these words on a piece of paper and placed it in a crevice of the Western Wall. The Jewish rabbis recorded it as a historical document. The role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity became so prominent that a flood of statements and documents was published, showing the apologies, humiliation, and lamentations of the people of Europe, especially Germany, toward Jews. In fact, Jews, through secret cooperation and relations with the church, managed to dominate the fake media and turn threats into opportunities.
-The German-born pope of the Vatican, Benedict XVI, in 2005, followed the same path as Pope John Paul II in terms of friendship, closeness, and apologies to Jews, becoming a key player in the operations of the covert Jews of Europe within Christianity. He visited a Jewish temple in Germany, which had previously been a Nazi detention center, on the anniversary of the massacre of Jews in the city of Helen during the Nazi era.
European media, especially the Germans, referred to John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI as “the first Jewish pope” and “the second Jewish pope.” Another service of the second Jewish pope to Jews was that he removed the part of the Christian prayer that was against Jews, enhancing the interests of the covert Jews of Europe in Christianity. He visited the synagogue of Jews in New York. It is unfortunate that on the very day that Palestinians call “Yom al-Nakba,” the second Jewish pope visited Zionists and expressed joy and gratitude on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the occupation of Palestine.
Reviewing these historical events regarding the role of covert Jews in manipulating the popes of the Vatican and Rome and dancing them to their own tune assures us that the pillars of belief in the Catholic Church are rotten from within. This began after Paul infiltrated the church, which was the mother of all churches in the world.
The Creation of the “Protestant” Branch
In 1523, a man named “Martin Luther” stood against the Catholic Church. He initiated a rebellious movement and created a new religion called Protestantism. He placed the Torah alongside the Gospel in a single book, and thereafter Christians recognized the Torah. He was strongly incited by Jews to revolt against the Catholic Church and facilitated the entry of Jews into the Protestant Church. Luther established Christianity in accordance with Jewish teachings and created a new path for the covert Jews of Europe in Christianity [7], transforming the Protestant Bible into the Jewish Torah.
King Henry VIII of England officially declared his separation from the Catholic Church in 1538 and joined the Protestant religious movement, making England one of the powerful supporters of Jews. To appease Jews with his religion and services, Luther wrote the book “Christ Was Born a Jew.” In this book, he stated that Jews are the children of God and that Christians are strangers who must be satisfied to eat like dogs from their master’s table. Many Christians consider Luther’s move as the true beginning of the Jewishization of Christianity and the birth of Christianity from Zionism; in reality, the role of covert Jews in Christianity was to weaken Christianity and humiliate Christians to pave the way for their own supremacy and rule over the world [8].
The continuation of the role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity was executed by “Puritans.” Puritans were a group of Protestants in the Reformed Church. They sought to eliminate the remnants of Catholicism in church ceremonies and replace the episcopal system with a Presbyterian system. They wanted to cleanse the church of Catholic teachings and symbols, preserving it only to include matters mentioned in the Bible [9].
The Role of Covert Jews in the Crusades
The role of covert Jews of Europe in Christianity did not end with the processing of the Christian religion; they also needed Christians to pave their way back to Jerusalem. We mentioned that Gregory VII had special influence among all the kings and princes of Europe. Interestingly, he was the initiator of the idea of crusades against Muslim countries, although he himself was not the executor. From the time he severely punished kings like Henry IV for negligence, all the kings and princes of Europe realized that any slightest negligence, disrespect, or disobedience toward him would lead them to the shameful fate of King Henry. From that day on, the pope became the absolute ruler and lord of Europe, and all of Europe was condemned to obey his orders and laws.
Gregory VII, who was a pawn of Jews, laid out the overall plan for the Crusades and entrusted its execution to his disciple “Urban II,” who was also a Christian pope [10]. Pope Urban II, having been educated within the household of the Pierleoni Jewish family and was their servant, played a crucial role in the influence of covert Jews of Europe within Christianity. Pope Urban II’s speech to people to incite them to war against Islam reflected the same beliefs of Jews regarding Islam and Jerusalem, which he attempted to present as his own benevolent and humanitarian theory and that of the church. He used the term “Chosen People,” which is a phrase specific to the Talmud and Torah, completely making a Jewish invitation to reclaim Jerusalem [11].
While the core motivations and essence of the Crusades were as previously stated, their outward presentation was carefully crafted to appear justifiable for other reasons. It was claimed that some residents of Jerusalem had disrespected the pilgrims visiting the tomb of Jesus there. Pope Urban II, who had been bribed and trained by Jews, staged a show, convened a council, and called on Christians to save their holy place. Following this, bloody wars broke out between Muslims and Europeans in Jerusalem known as the Crusades, which were the result of actions taken by the covert Jews of Europe. During these wars, Jerusalem changed hands multiple times between Muslims and Christians but ultimately fell to the Muslims under Saladin. The Crusades and the Christians’ urgent need for money to equip their armies created very favorable conditions for Jewish usury, making Jews the most important source of financing for Christians [12].
Early Period
· Era: Jews migrate to Europe · 313: Christianity becomes official religion under Constantine · 50 AD: Paul’s influence on early Christianity
Medieval Period |
· 1130: Division in College of Cardinals
· 1179: Third Lateran Council bans usury · 1130-1200: Gregory VI & Gregory VII papacy |
Protestant Era |
· 1523: Martin Luther starts Protestant movement
· 1538: Henry VIII breaks from Catholic Church |
Modern Vatican |
· 1962-1965: Second Vatican Council
· 1982: Pope John Paul II meets Jewish rabbi · 1994: Vatican-Israel diplomatic relations · 1997: Vatican-Israel legal agreement · 2005: Pope Benedict XVI continues Jewish relations |
Table 1 Historical Timeline of Jewish-Christian Relations in Europe
This analysis, drawing upon documented historical sources, endeavored to examine the role of covert Jews of Europe within Christianity from a different perspective. Jewish communities have consistently pursued their long-term objectives and have adapted their strategies to achieve these aims. In the context of Rome and under evolving circumstances, they redefined their role and sought to advance a global religious influence, the return to Jerusalem, and the establishment of global governance via a different methodology. The actions of covert Jews within European Christianity were instrumental in a strategic design to diminish other religions and gain paramount influence. These efforts, through deception and the strategic use of influence over Christian leaders, facilitated the initial phase of this agenda. The establishment of the State of Israel is a consequence of this covert Jewish influence within European Christianity and as an instrument for the advancement of their larger objectives.
[1] Rashad, Yousef. The Role of Covert Jews in Christianity. Tehran: Helal. (2019): 6-38.
[2] Quran, 2:96; Branaits, I.B. “Fadha al-Talmud: The Secret Teachings of the Rabbis.” Zuhri Fateh. Beirut: Dar al-Nafaes, 133, 136.
[3] Durant, Will. “The Story of Civilization.” Translated by Mahmoud Zaki Najib. Lebanon: Maktabat al-Alama Ibn Fahd al-Hilli. (1988): 16, 59.
[4] Andrawes, Ezzat. Encyclopedia of the History of Copts in Egypt. Beirut: The Advisory Center for Studies and Documentation, 2011.
(This book is written by a zealous Christian about the names of all Catholic popes.)
[5] Prinz, Joachim. Popes from the Jewish Quarter. Translated by Khalid Asaad Issa, edited by Suhail Zakkar. Syria: Dar Hassan, 1983.
[6] Rabbani Khorasgani, Doha. Zionism and Europe: Tracing the History of the Zionist Movement in Europe. Tehran: Islamic Revolution Center Publications; Rashad, (2019): 107.
[7] Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization. Translated by Mahmoud Zaki Najib. Lebanon: Maktabat al-Alama Ibn Fahd al-Hilli. (1988): 15; Rashad, (2019): 107.
[8] Kanaan, George. Christian Fundamentalism in the Western Hemisphere. Beirut: Bisan Publishing and Distribution, 1995.
[9] Fatehi Peikani, Hamideh. “Puritans: A Protest and Different Approach in Protestantism.” Seven Skies. 87 (2024): vol. 26, pp. 105-128.
[10] Rashad, (2019): 47-51.
[11] Durant, (1988): 15.
[12] Shahbazi, Abdollah. Jewish and Persian Usurers: Jews and the Jewish Oligarchy. Tehran: Institute for Political Studies and Research. (2019): vol. 2, p. 108.