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Divine Civilization

Divine Humanism Civilization


O’ People of the earth! Ignorant, corrupt and selfish politicians and scientists have deprived the world from Divine Humanism Civilization by enacting laws that only supports the capitalists and governing bodies!

Divine Humanism Civilization is a kind which respects both material and spiritual sides of humanity while it creates such empathy and affection among mankind so that no one in the world would ever suffer poverty, war, conflicts, anxiety, and anonymity. In a Divine[1]Humanism Civilization which is established mainly by God’s direct instruction and His messengers, mankind’s prosperity and well-being both in life and the hereafter is guaranteed. In such a civilization, not only does mankind achieve the highest levels of welfare, wealth, and well-being, but also understands why they were originally created. Spirituality, eternal and pure affection towards God, people of the world, the earth, and True-Self are among the pillars of Divine-Humanism Civilization!

Sadly, the so-called civilization established by tyrant and incompetent leaders of the world today is nothing but a savagery and ruthless civilization! It has led the communities and nations to mental and physical ailments, fear, bloodshed, oppression, and poverty.

Why through the COVID-19 Pandemic over 2 million weapons were purchased by terrified, agitated, and insecure people in the United States alone?

Why the so-called civilized countries stole and plundered the purchased face masks from their own allies?

Why is there such discrimination and oppression in distribution of medical equipments?

Why the medical teams in most economically competent and advanced countries affected by COVID-19 were not provided with protective masks, gowns and other?

How is mankind able to establish a civilization competent enough to serve humanity through its limited knowledge and information about the universe, self, and other dimensions of human life? A number of arrogant, tyrannical, and ruthless individuals resisted the flawless and complex mathematical divine laws and enacted their own false and oppressive laws to rule the world. As long as we expect people like us save the world, we are condemned to surrender to these corruptions and crimes!

We will be saved only when we undoubtedly are sure that we no manmade faith, cult, religion, or science is able to rescue us. We are saved only when we learn to trust the most compassionate God who is the creator and possessor of mankind and the universe; the same God who has promised a bright, beautiful, achievable, near, and feasible future for mankind in every Holy Scripture!

However, we are free to make our own choice! As long as we put our trust in ignorant and oppressive people to save the world, we are deprived from this bright future.

The sinful and ruthless human has been weight and measured and was proven incompetent; there is no hope for human beings and their solutions! We should wisely and lovingly return to the merciful God who runs the heavens and earth and ask him to send us The Savior of the World to rescue people from this woeful situation.

Mankind has reached a deadlock and there is nowhere to go, except going back to God. The luminous pathway which God has provided for our salvation is now waiting for our action! The luminous path is based on God’s sacred and endless knowledge, and along this path, every aspect of human being and their needs are provisioned.

Divine laws are supported by Divinity; the wise and calm people love, cherish, and follow them wholeheartedly. The current world leaders arrogantly resist the divine laws and civilization, because they see them as obstacles to their greed and wild ambitions.

O’ People of the earth! O’ The meek, and oppressed ones! God has created you much higher than his archangels. God has created the earth and the heavens for you! Yes, you; caught in the blood stained claws of arrogant, selfish, corrupt and oppressive rulers of the world! You are deprived of the most basic human rights which is living a happy, peaceful and convenient life!

All of us must rise across the globe and stand against the criminal, arrogant and selfish

rulers and take our birthrights back! Unless we stand up, God will not help us! We are responsible for the current global situation; we need to confess our negligence and sins and repent to God so that we can make peace with our merciful God and dearest Savior! Come, then, and let us take our tribulations and problems to God collectively and share them with Him:

O’ Lord! How great and honorable it is to rejoice in having you as our friend and to have you in mind!

O’ Lord! Thanking you is the greatest honor for the grateful!

O’ Lord! Following your commands lead us to prosperity and salvation.

O’ Lord! You eagerly welcome every sinner who repents, with open arms.

O’ Lord! Every obedient and disobedient alike receives your endless blessings.

O’ Lord! Any sinner, who reaches out to you regretfully, always finds the doors of your blessings and forgiveness wide open to them!

O’ Lord! You love those who weep; You are the Lord of those who trust you; You guide the misguided; You are friends of believers; You are the companion to all strangers; You are the refuge to all broken-hearted; You are savior of all the honest people.

You are patient and grant your people the chance to repent. You give and forgive unconditionally. You are honest and never break your promises. You never get tired of forgiving and blessing people.

Now, we take refuge to your compassion and kindness sinfully; miserable, helpless, defeated, frightened, despondent, anxious, agitated, and heartbroken!

Where is the symbol of justice and kindness, O’ Lord?

Where is that lovely and beautiful face, O’ Lord?

Where is the favorite servant of God whom everyone is eagerly looking forward to see?

Where is the avenger who is going to take revenge for every meek, oppressed, deprived, and innocent victim?

Where is the one whose apparition was promised by every prophets and messengers?

Where is the one who every believer and nonbeliever counting the days to his apparition?

Where is the one whom every orphan on earth, every lonely and stranger, every innocent and oppressed captive and prisoner, hundreds of millions of hungry people who were looted by ruthless power mongers? Each and everyone need him urgently and are looking forward to his apparition!

O’ Dear Lord, you have created us to be your companions and friends. Remove, then, through the presence of a leader whom you have reserved to rescue us, any obstacles that may stop us being friends with you and love you.

You have made promises that the Savior will establish justice and equality all over the world; that the peace and serenity will last for thousands of years! Hence, we beg your forgiveness and mercy as we are your ignorant and sinful servants and we humbly ask you to send us the Savior of the World!


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