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برچسب ها :

His attention was caught by the counter. He walked over and took a look around. I greeted him and started explaining the website. Once I finished, he said something that lingered in my mind for hours. He mentioned that he has a German green card and wants to go to Germany, likely to study or work abroad. However, his mother set an unusual but clever condition for him to go: he must visit Karbala first!   When he starts the pilgrimage, it seems like his heart is turned upside down. It feels as though he finds a part of himself that he had lost within the pilgrimage, and he disconnects from everything else. He turns away from all the shiny attractions of foreign lands and wouldn’t trade the soil of Karbala for anything else. After all, this soil carries a unique essence.   When he joined us, he said, “I’m sure none of this is a coincidence,” and we agreed to send him some humanology discussions to savor. It’s just a pity he didn’t let us take a memento photo with him.   I wish all of us could also find our true self like this man. That’s when we’ll understand why we were born, why we need an Imam to live in this world, and what the Imam means. Our sole focus these days is to effectively communicate these key ideas to others.


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