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Distorting the Past: A New Perspective on the “Holocaust”

The true story and motivations behind the Holocaust

Unveiling the Holocaust Narrative; Historical Distortions and Political Agendas

The term “holocaust” originates from the ancient Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely burnt sacrificial offering to a god.”

Jewish groups have widely publicized the term “Holocaust” through various media forms, leading to its exclusive association with the suffering of the Jewish people during the Second World War. Zionist organizations claim that no other event should be referred to as a “Holocaust” or compared to it. The great focus on the term has sparked off debates, and critics face condemnation for using it for other historical tragedies. “Holocaust,” now synonymous with the Jewish genocide during World War II, has become a symbol of the anguish of Jewish people and brutal actions of the Nazis [1].

Questioning, denying, or rejecting the “Holocaust” is considered illegal and the violation of freedom of the press and expression, entering forbidden domains. Significant attempts have been made to keep the “Holocaust” a historical reality, including the creation of books, movies, memorials, and museums across the Americas and Europe [2]. In 2005, the United Nations, pressured by influential Zionist groups, declared January 27 as the “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” [3].

This paper examined the Zionist account of the “Holocaust” and then proved the falsity of their claims. This paper also provided readers with the motivations behind the “Holocaust” and how it has promoted the interests of the Zionist regime.


An Overview of Previous History

Official guardians of the “Holocaust” have done their best to silence any inconvenient questions. Most people are never made aware of what “Holocaust” revisionists say because Zionist forces dominate the media and have blocked mainstream access to materials that challenge the facts about the “Holocaust.”

A fair debate would show that “Holocaust” revisionists are not delusional, but raise valid questions supported by evidence. They do not deny Jewish internment or the horrific post-war camp conditions that caused many deaths; rather, they challenge the accepted narrative of systematic extermination.

Revisionists argue that while Germans committed war crimes during World War II, the Allies, including Soviet forces, also engaged in similar actions to a comparable extent. They cite examples such as the bombing of civilians, widespread sexual violence, and the expulsion and murder of millions of Germans and Eastern Europeans by the Soviets. They claim that many deaths in camps during the war’s later years were due to Allied bombing of vital transport lines for food and medicine, and that the destruction of pharmaceutical factories increased casualties among both soldiers and civilians.

After all these years, it is extremely challenging to find a member of the U.S. Congress willing to openly condemn the investigation of war crimes. Even if someone privately holds such opinions, they understand that expressing them would trigger a backlash so intense that it could cost them their political career.


The Zionist Narrative

Since world War II, Zionists have promoted their own narrative of the “Holocaust” to further their own interest. There have been many bloody wars thorough history where millions of innocent people have been brutally murdered. However, Zionists are presenting facts as if the killing of Jews has been the worst event in history and no other incident has ever been as significant as the “Holocaust.” In imposing their distorted narrative, they resort to two statements in Nazi documents which are interpreted as the Jewish genocide.


Final Solution

Zionists point to the term “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” (“Endlösung der Judenfrage”) as the mass killing of the Jews of Europe. They believe that this expression, which was used in SS documents, was a code for extermination [4]. The Nazi leaders wanted to exterminate 11 million Jews as part of the “Final Solution,” but they could kill 6 million.


Special Treatment

Sonderbehandlung (Special Treatment) recorded in Nazi documents, is another term used by Zionists. They maintain that at an unspecified time in late 1940 or 1941, the Germans started a systematic extermination policy. Jews were exterminated through gas chambers and Zyklon-B in six death camps [5] and were subsequently burned and turned to ashes in crematoria during the Nazi regime in Germany [6]. These camps included Auschwitz, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno. Auschwitz and Majdanek were both as labor camps and extermination centers, and the remaining four camps functioned solely as death camps where only a small number of Jews, needed for labor, could survive [7].


Evidence Refuting Zionist Claims

Despite the great Zionist effort to impose their own version of the “Holocaust,” many revisionists have done extensive research to find the truth about this event. Many of them have addressed the inconsistencies in the Zionist narrative and also referred to the accounts presented by Holocaust victims. Below some evidence is presented to show that what Zionists claim is not based on authentic historical facts.


Policy of Extermination

The huge number of the Jews who survived the “Holocaust,” including those who endured multiple camps, like Samuel Zylbersztain, contradicts the fact that the Nazis aimed to deliberately exterminate all Jews. The survival of numerous Sonderkommando members, despite allegedly working in gas chambers and crematoria, further dismisses this claim [8].

Moreover, because of the high rates of mortality in the camps caused by diseases, poor living conditions, and overwork, efforts were made to decline death rates among both Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners to improve economic efficiency [9]. For example, on December 28, 1942, Richard Glücks, the inspector of concentration camps, issued a notice to all camp commanders [10], stating:

The First Camp Physicians are to use all means at their disposal to effect a considerable decrease in the mortality figures in the individual camps. The camp physicians are to pay greater attention to the inmates’ rations than heretofore, and shall submit proposals for improvements to the camp commandant. Further, the camp physicians shall see to it that working conditions at the various work sites are improved as much as possible. The Reichsführer-SS [Heinrich Himmler] has ordered that mortality absolutely must decrease. [11]

The term “Final Solution” actually referred to the expulsion of Jews from Europe. In a letter to foreign minister Ribbentrop on 24 June 1940, Heydrich mentioned the need for a “territorial final solution.” Initially, it was decided to relocate Jews to Madagascar [12], but due to the challenges posed by the war, the Nazi leadership decided to deport them to occupied Soviet territories via Poland. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno, later labeled as “extermination camps” in Jewish and Allied reports, were, in fact, transit camps, a perspective supported by revisionist authors Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, and Thomas Kues in their works on these facilities. Moreover, while revisionist admit that Jews endured severe persecution during this time, they have proved that the leading cause of these high death rates was the spread of infectious diseases, with spotted fever, transmitted by lice, proving particularly deadly [13].


Diesel Gas Chambers

The assertion that diesel exhaust was used in the extermination camps of Belzec, Treblinka, and Sobibor originates from the testimony of Kurt Gerstein, an SS officer suffering from mental disorder. According to his account, the SS had crammed 700 to 800 victims into one chamber, and this could result in an exaggerated death toll [14]. Diesel exhaust, which contains minimal carbon monoxide and requires an excess of air, is much less lethal than often suggested. Experiments have demonstrated the slow asphyxiation caused by diesel fumes, making it unsuitable for mass murder, while a gasoline engine would have been far more efficient [15].


Disposal of Corpses

Auschwitz-Birkenau’s crematoria could contain a maximum of 108,000 cremations. While open-air burnings occurred during times of overcrowding, such as autumn 1942 (when typhus deaths overwhelmed crematory capacity), the alleged mass gassings of Hungarian Jews in May-July 1944 are not supported by Allied aerial photographs, showing no evidence of large-scale open-air pyres or mass graves [16].

The reported extermination of 870,000 Jews in gas chambers at Treblinka, a camp lacking crematoria, requires an estimated 137,000 tons of wood for open-air burnings. However, aerial photographs taken before and after the alleged mass murder show no significant deforestation. The expected 12,000 tons of ash, along with numerous bones, are absent, contradicting the scope of the alleged killings. The lack of significant human remains found by a Polish commission in 1945 further challenges the historical account [17].


 The Number of Jewish Victims

Determining the precise number of Jewish victims is impossible because of the lack of reliable statistics [18]. Around 350,000 Jews died in the concentration camps, but the exact number of Jews who were either executed on the Eastern front or died in the occupied Soviet territories, where they had been deported by the Germans, is still unknown [19]. Some “Holocaust” revisionists, however, consider this number to be 3000 at most [20].


Eyewitness Evidence

Eyewitness reports of gassings and cremations at Auschwitz are riddled with inconsistencies and physically impossible accounts, making them unreliable. Contradictory testimonies, often describing identical impossibilities, suggest collusion or secondhand reporting. For example, the widely cited claim of cremating three corpses in twenty minutes is nine times faster than the actual capacity, originating from Szlama Dragon’s 1945 testimony. Furthermore, chemical analyses conducted by Fred Leuchter in 1988 and subsequently confirmed by Germar Rudolf, found no cyanide traces in samples from the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz I and Birkenau, unlike a control sample from a delousing chamber which showed a significant presence of cyanide [21].


Motivations behind the “Holocaust”

Researchers who examined the roots and motivations behind the “Holocaust” narrative have pinpointed several determining factors in this context. As shown in Fig. 1, these include:


Establishment of Israel

The truths of modern history should not be ignored or forgotten. World War I, driven by a deliberate conspiracy, contributed to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent occupation of Palestine by Great Britain. This led to nearly thirty years of British mandate governance in Palestine, which set the stage for the creation of the Zionist state. Additionally, World War II, combined with the military and psychological support stemming from the “Holocaust,” played a crucial role in ultimately establishing the State of Israel [22].

It can be asserted that World War II, which was entirely a Zionist-conceived “Holocaust,” would not have resulted in the creation of the state of “Israel” without the propaganda efforts in Palestine. Additionally, it is important to recognize that the ongoing existence of the Zionist state in Palestine has largely depended on the narrative surrounding the “Holocaust” [23]. In fact, Israel uses the “Holocaust” to justify the violation of human rights and international law, extending this justification to support its role in the “war on terror”—a conflict largely launched by the West against Arabs and Muslims, seen as Israel’s primary threat [24].


Sympathy with Zionism

The alleged crimes committed against Jews convinces everybody that Jews need an independent state to stay safe. Those who believe in the “Holocaust” assert that no one would be bold enough to fabricate a story as outrageous as the six million legend; it would require an extraordinary level of imagination that no one possesses, and even if someone did, the significant risks associated with telling such enormous lies should deter them. This argument essentially states that the very existence of the legend suggests the truth of its core elements, which we can categorize as the hoaxers’ ontological argument [25].

In 2014, Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom published a book titled Breaking the Spell, which critiques the widely accepted narrative surrounding the “Holocaust.” He argues that many people in the Western world are under a “spell” that prevents them from questioning the established account of events, such as the use of gas chambers and crematoria at Auschwitz. Most individuals accept these details without scrutiny, often finding the grim realities too repulsive to examine closely [26].

Therefore, “Holocaust” is simultaneously a sword and a shield for Israel, acting as an offensive weapon while also serving as a means of defense. This dual role shows how the narrative of the “Holocaust” is essential for the very foundations of Israel’s existence, encapsulating the immense suffering and oppression endured by Jewish people. As a result, it is not surprising that conversations, academic examinations, and research regarding this subject are often perceived as entering a sensitive or even taboo area [27].


Holocaust: A Justification for Crimes Committed against Palestinians

The ongoing genocide in Gaza is heavily influenced by the legacy of the “Holocaust,” which prevails over Israeli political rhetoric and strategy. Many Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, draw direct parallels between Hamas and the Nazis, creating the situation as an existential struggle for the survival of the Jewish state [28]. Today, the Israeli army is going to extremes to exterminate the people in Gaza through massive bombings and killing thousands of women and Children.


  Holocaust Reparations

After successfully shaping the narrative of the “Holocaust” through propaganda, the Zionists exploited this to seize wealth from various European countries. They implemented strategic plans to pressure these countries, leading to the establishment of numerous organizations and agencies, such as the “Humanitarian Fund for the Victims of the Holocaust” in Switzerland, which claimed to represent Jewish interests and sought compensation [29].

In the early 1950s, Germany entered into agreements to pay reparations to Jewish organizations, “Holocaust” survivors, and the state of Israel as compensation for the atrocities of World War II. These agreements included lifetime compensation for survivors, annual payments to Israel, and ongoing support for various Jewish and Zionist organizations through the Jewish Claims Conference. Notable organizations involved including the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the World Jewish Congress. Since then, these groups have successfully secured billions in reparations from Germany and other countries like Austria and Switzerland [30].


An Excuse for Israel’s Nuclear Program

Israel has nuclear weapons and is the primary source of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. Israel has hindered efforts to establish a nuclear weapon-free zone in the region, with an estimated 200 to 400 nuclear warheads. Moreover, it refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Israelis have repeatedly invoked the “Holocaust” and the imagined vulnerability of the Zionist community in occupied Palestine to justify their possession of unconventional weapons. The propaganda approach of Zionism has long focused on portraying Jewish victimhood, which has provided a justification for Israel’s crimes, territorial expansion, acts of aggression, and feelings of supremacy. As a result, the “Holocaust” has become a versatile tool for various purposes [31].

David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, defended the regime’s nuclear weapons program in a letter to President John F. Kennedy. He viewed the efforts of Islamic nations and the Palestinian people for the freedom of Palestine as a threat aimed at “destroying Israel,” stating that their quest for “liberation” would lead to another “Holocaust.” He wrote:

It is not our democratic system, or our borders and independence alone which are threatened, but our very physical existence is at stake. What was done to six million of our brethren twenty years ago with the participation of Palestinian Arab leaders … could be done to the two million Jews of Israel, if, God forbid, the Israel Defense Forces are defeated.

I am bound to say to my deep regret that such thoughts of total aggression are not absent from the minds of some of the Arab rulers of our region. The propaganda campaign which they conduct against us in Africa and in other continents does not differ much from the ill-famed and ill-fated Nazi propaganda.

For these reasons it is of utmost importance to provide the Israel Defense Forces with sufficient deterrent strength which will prevent our neighbors from making war on us. As long as the peace of the world is not secure everywhere we have to secure our peace through our strength. [32]


Other Motivations

In addition to what stated above, Zionists pursue other motivations in imposing their own narrative of the “Holocaust” on people worldwide. These include preventing a global popular uprising against Zionism, maximal evacuation of Jews from other countries to Israel, placing Jews at the junction of three continents and establishing Israel in the center of the Middle East and in the heart of Muslim countries to secure Western benefits and control and manage their security concerns from within the region, and many other motivations, which are beyond the scope of this article.

Fig. 1. Motivations behind the Holocaust


Research Limitations

The limitations imposed by the unavailability of key scholarly materials greatly affected this research paper. A core component of the study demands the examination of works written by “Holocaust” revisionist figures; however, considerable difficulties were encountered in finding these materials. Both print and online searches failed to yield a comprehensive collection of the necessary texts.



The impact of the “Holocaust” has, until now, hindered the documentation of the hidden truths of wars and crimes in recent history within global texts, sources, and official records. A significant portion of the population, as well as numerous intellectuals, authors, academics, and leaders across various societies worldwide, lack extensive knowledge about the extent and scale of atrocities in the previous century, encompassing World War I and World War II and those responsible for them. It is evident that unveiling the diverse aspects of these tragic events and the mysteries surrounding them will lead to a shift in perspectives and analyses on numerous contemporary global issues. This transformation will only transpire once there is a compelling demonstration that the “Holocaust” is a concocted myth propagated by influential and powerful Jewish organizations and movements in modern times [33].



[1]. Taghipour Mohammad Taghi. Hidden Realities of the Holocaust. Tehran: Political Studies and Research Institute, 2022, 9-10.

[2]. Ibid, 11.

[3]. Ibid, 13-15

[4]. Graf, Jurgen. “What is the reality of the Holocaust in Europe? And how much do Europeans believe in this? (The official Holocaust Story and its Acceptance by Western Society).” (2020): 8.

[5]. Ibid, 2.

[6]. Taghipour, 9.

[7]. Ibid, 2.

[8]. Graf, 6.

[9]. Graf, 4.

[10]. Ibid.

[11]. Nuremberg document NO-1523.

[12]. Nuremberg document T-173.

[13]. Graf, 2, 8.

[14]. Roques, Henri, and André Chelain. La thèse de Nantes et l’affaire Roques. Polémiques, 1988.

[15]. Berg, Friedrich P. “Diesel Gas Chambers: Ideal for Torture, Absurd for Murder.” Dissecting the Holocaust, edited by Germar Rudolf, Uckfield, 2019, 431-474. Rudolf, Germar. Lectures on the Holocaust, Uckfield, 2017, 258-261.

[16]. Rudolf, Germar (editor). Air Photo Evidence. World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites analyzed. Uckfield, 2018.

[17]. Mattogno, Carlo, and Jürgen Graf. Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? Uckfield, 2016, 145-46.

[18]. Rudolf, Germar. “Holocaust victims: A Statistical Analysis” in Germar Rudolf (editor), Dissecting the Holocaust, Uckfield, 2019, 175.

[19]. Graf, Jürgen. Der Holocaust. Die Argumente. Uckfield, 2017, 112.

[20]. Butz, Arthur R., and A. R. Butz. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The case against the presumed extermination of European Jewry. Vol. 7. Australia: Theses & Dissertations Press, 2003.

[21]. Graf, Jurgen. Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrators’ Confessions of the Holocaust. 30 “Gas Chamber Witnesses” scrutinized. Uckfield, 2019, 127.

[22]. Taghipour, 118.

[23]. Ibid.

[24]. Rudolf, Germar. “Holocaust Skepticism: 20 Questions and Answers about Holocaust Revisionism.” CODOH, 20 Apr. 2018, www.codoh.com/library/document/holocaust-skepticism-20-questions-and-answers-about-holocaust-revisionism.

[25]. Butz, 301.

[26]. Graf, “What is the reality of the Holocaust in Europe?” 9.

[27]. Taghipour, 120.

[28]. Massad, Joseph. “Israel’s Legitimacy Was Built on the Holocaust. Now Its Own Genocide Is Destroying It.” Middle East Eye, (10 Oct. 2024), www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-support-built-on-holocaust-own-genocide-destroying-it.

[29]. Taghipour, 133.

[30]. Ibid, 133-134.

[31]. Taghipour, 130.

[32]. Department of State, Central Files, 611.84A/6–2462. Secret; Personal. Attached to a June 27 memorandum from Brubeck to Bundy that reads: “The enclosed letter from Israel Prime Minister Ben-Gurion to the President, dated June 24, 1962.

[33]. Taghipour, 153-154.



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