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Was Hitler a Jew? Exploring Immigration of German Jews to Palestine

Immigration of German Jews to Palestine, the Oppression by the Nazis

Strategic Migration; How Zionist-Nazi Negotiations Shaped the Immigration of German Jews to Palestine

The historical narrative surrounding the immigration of German Jews to Palestine during the rise of the Nazi regime is often framed within the context of persecution and survival. However, this article delves deeper into the intricate dynamics between Zionism and Nazism, revealing a controversial alliance that significantly influenced Jewish migration patterns. The pressure on German Jews escalated dramatically after the Nazis came to power, prompting many to seek refuge in Palestine. Yet, the reasons behind this migration are multifaceted and warrant a thorough examination.

This investigation aims to address critical questions: What were the underlying factors that compelled the immigration of German Jews to Palestine? Was the atmosphere of fear solely a product of Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies, or did it involve a more complex interplay of political agendas? By analyzing historical documents, including the Haavara Agreement and testimonies from key figures, the article uncovers a troubling collaboration between Zionist leaders and the Nazi regime. This partnership not only facilitated the migration of Jews but also served to further Zionist objectives in establishing a Jewish homeland. The implications of this alliance are profound, as they challenge the traditional understanding of Jewish suffering during this period and highlight the strategic manipulation of narratives surrounding victimhood. Ultimately, this article seeks to provide a nuanced perspective on the events leading to the establishment of Israel, emphasizing the need for a critical reassessment of historical accounts.


Exploring the Jewish Roots of the Nazi Party and Zionism’s Role in the Immigration of German Jews to Palestine

After the Nazis came to power in Germany, the pressure on Jews increased significantly, and the societal atmosphere became such that German Jews had no choice but to emigrate to Palestine. However,

– What were the reasons for this pressure?

– Was the atmosphere created solely due to Hitler’s hatred of Jews, or was it just a media game in progress?

– Was Hitler a Jew?

– Why did the immigration of German Jews to Palestine occur, and why was no other country chosen as the destination?

– Who played a role in this decision?

The answer to this question may be strange and painful, but the main factor behind the Nazi pressure on Jews and forcing them to emigrate was Zionists. In reality, Zionism and Nazism were two sides of the same coin. Through covert agreements, they resolved to increase restrictions on Jews, intensify their persecution and killings, so that Jews would prefer to flee. The Jewish community in Europe, before the Nazis came to power, although always second-class and under suspicion, had achieved relative stability in society and no longer had much inclination to emigrate from Europe. This was a significant obstacle for Zionism to achieve its goal of establishing a state exclusively for itself and settling the majority of Jews there. Thus, they opted to make a covert and dishonorable agreement that would serve the interests of both sides. According to this agreement, Germany would be cleared of Jews, satisfying the Nazis, while the immigration of German Jews to Palestine would fulfill Zionism’s objective. The implementation of Israel’s strategic political-military plan to Judaize Palestine and then conquer other countries to achieve global governance would not have been possible without the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. Jewish citizens were like the blood in the veins of the Zionist regime, so Zionism had to bring them to the region by any means. On the other hand, it had to create a history full of oppression, helplessness, and homelessness for itself to justify the occupation of Palestine to the world. In pursuit of their goals, Zionists spared neither Christians nor Muslims, and even Jews were not exempt. Many Jews suffered in the furnace of Zionism’s ambitions, unaware of what they were truly victims of. Their suffering in camps and the explosion of ships carrying immigrants to Palestine were part of this system’s plans to achieve its goals. The conflict between Zion and the forces of truth is not a recent phenomenon; it is a timeless struggle of good versus evil that began with the creation of the human being and Satan’s rebellion against the Oneness of God. From that day until the day of the advent of the Promised Savior and the establishment of divine rule on earth, Satan recruits soldiers to burn the world in fire and prevent the divine upbringing of humans. Among them, Zionists are the greatest and most skilled soldiers of Satan to achieve this goal. Key events timeline regarding the immigration of Jews to Palestine is illustrated in Fig. 1.


The Agreement between Zionism and Nazism

As we mentioned, for Zionists, the end justifies the means. They were ready to sacrifice many of their own people to achieve their goal of establishing an exclusive state in an exclusive homeland. Christopher Simpson, in his significant book Blowback reveals that he accessed documents from the Gestapo during the Nazi era. These documents show that secret agreements were made between the Gestapo, the German secret police, and the Haganah, the Jewish paramilitary organization.

Zionists pretended to be oppressed and depicted themselves as victims, asserting that their unfortunate circumstances led them to Palestine and that the reason for the immigration of German Jews to Palestine was the oppression by the Nazis. However, with the revealed documents and the statements of Adolf Eichmann, a high-ranking officer of Nazi Germany and a supporter of Hitler, it was disclosed that some leaders of the Jewish Agency, who later became high-ranking officials such as prime ministers and ministers in the usurping Israeli regime, had very close relations with the Nazis.

As previously noted, the lives of European Jews were not so bad before the Nazis came to power. They had adapted to their circumstances and showed little interest in liberation or returning to the Holy Land. This posed a significant threat to the Zionist objective and obstructed their efforts to establish a homeland. Therefore, they had to create turmoil behind the scenes to revive the ideal of liberation and a good life in the Promised Land for Jewish masses. Interaction with the Nazis was a mutual need through which both parties achieved their desires. This beneficial alliance became so robust that the Nazi propaganda chief defended Zionists, and a medal was made with a swastika on one side as the symbol of the Nazis and the Star of David on the other side as the symbol of Zionists. The content of this agreement reveals painful truths. The Zionist ideology was such that, according to David Ben-Gurion, one of Zionist leaders, they were willing for half of the Jewish population destroyed if it meant the other half could be relocated to Palestine. The ideology of the Nazis and Zionism had many similarities; both believed that the weak and useless individuals should be eliminated from society and that the future of the state should not be delayed by them. According to their agreement, the image of the crematoria/gas chambers had to be instilled in Jews to create a sense of fear and terror, leading to the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. The great pain is that even in the killings and persecution, justice was not served, and selective killings of Jews took place to create a bloody and sympathetic history for themselves and justify the usurping of Palestine. Through a covert selection process, influential Jews were separated from the common and general population. The majority of suffering and destruction was inflicted on the obscure ones, those who, from the Zionist perspective, were deemed not useful for the new state and whose elimination was considered less detrimental. In fact, a Zionist apocalypse was set in motion in which the weak and ordinary were sacrificed, and the elite were saved [1].

The Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement was a straightforward example of the economic and political agreements made between Nazi Germany and the Zionist Organization. This agreement was intended to facilitate the immigration of German Jews to Palestine and the transfer of their assets to the region. The objective was for German Jews to migrate to Palestine by transferring a portion of their capital from Germany. This agreement enabled them to move their German goods to Palestine and sell them there. This transaction helped the struggling Nazi economy and also contributed to the economic development of the Jewish community in Palestine, known as the Yishuv. The Haavara Agreement sparked considerable political controversy, as some groups believed that while it facilitated the immigration of German Jews to Palestine, it also strengthened the Nazi regime. Although the Haavara Agreement was officially signed, its details were not entirely transparent, and some aspects gradually became clear over time. Hitler did not directly participate in the negotiations related to the agreement, but the policies he implemented were in line with the Haavara Agreement and paved the way for the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. Various policies, such as imposing economic restrictions on Jews, enacting racial laws, pressuring Jews, encouraging Jewish migration, persecuting Jews, aligning with the Zionist movement, supporting the establishment of the Jewish community in Palestine, controlling the media, and using propaganda ultimately led to the immigration of German Jews to Palestine [2].

 Aliyah Bet: The Organization Supporting Jewish Immigrants

Zionism and Nazism achieved their goals under the prevailing conditions, and most Jews were determined to migrate to Palestine. However, migration under the prevailing circumstances was challenging and required substantial support. In this context, Zionists advanced their plan, and several organizations stepped in to assist immigrants, facilitating the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. Various organizations, such as B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, worked in different ways to improve the living conditions of Jews. However, the organization Aliyah Bet (also known as Aliyah B or Aliyah Bet) was particularly active in assisting the immigration of German Jews to Palestine, as legal migration was not possible, and illegal migration required significant effort and money.

In Hebrew, “Aliyah” means immigration and return to Palestine, and it is one of the ideological principles of the Zionist movement. Aliyah Bet was consisted of Jewish activists, charities, and community leaders who provided extensive services, especially in the field of facilitating the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. They first had to enable European Jews to escape from the Nazis, facilitate the immigration of German Jews to Palestine, and then provide housing for refugees who had lived in camps for a long time. Thousands of German immigrants traveled long distances by truck and ship to reach occupied Palestine. However, some immigrants drowned along the way, and some were arrested due to illegal immigration. The covert immigration had many objectives that Zionists even kept hidden from their allies. The goal of Aliyah Bet was not only to escape from the Nazis and other European governments but also to end British rule over Palestine and challenge British military capabilities. In a way, this illegal immigration sought to demean the British government’s restrictions on Jewish immigration [3].

The Burning of the Patria Ship in the Fire of Zionism’s Goals

In order to create a history of suffering and victimhood for itself, Zionism implemented massacres, and the immigration of German Jews to Palestine intensified. As mentioned, Zionism sought to expel the British from the region and establish its own dominance; consequently, it ignored British assistance for the immigration and acceptance of Jews. When Britain prevented the illegal entry of a ship carrying illegal Jewish immigrants named “Patria” to Haifa, a massive explosion occurred on the ship, it sank, and hundreds of Jews were killed. The Jewish Agency exploited this opportunity, portraying the explosion as a suicidal, honorable, and protest action against Britain for preventing Jews from entering their land, and prepared Poignant news about it, which was published in global media. The agency succeeded in its goal, and Britain issued entry permits to Palestine for the survivors of the incident. With this fabricated incident, Zionism added another record of victimhood to the history of Jews. A few years later, the publication of documents revealed the truth of the incident. The story was that the explosion was a pre-planned operation by Zionists themselves during the immigration of German Jews to Palestine. Initially, Zionists intended to sabotage the ship’s equipment so that it could not leave the port, but the ship’s equipment was pierced by the ship’s explosives, and the ship exploded in a horrific manner. In 1950, Israelis admitted in their newspapers that this action was carried out by the Haganah [4][5]. However, Patria was not the only ship burned in the fire of Zionist goals. The explosion of the “Struma” ship, which was carrying Jewish immigrants waiting to enter Istanbul, is another crime of Jewish ‏incineration.

The Story of the Exodus Ship

The issue of the immigration of German Jews to Palestine in the formation of the fake state of Israel is a very important case that must be addressed because through its events, we can well understand the deceit and tricks of Zionism. Another adventurous ship in the history of Jewish immigration to Palestine is the Exodus ship. Exodus also includes a small story that was transmitted to the world in layers of lies and exaggeration by Zionists. The story was that the ship carrying Jewish immigrants from France to Palestine, which was then under British mandate, set off. When Exodus reached the shores of Palestine, Britain seized it and ordered its return to Europe. With this action, Britain intended to make the organizers of illegal immigration aware of the consequences of their actions. The matter did not end so simply, and the Zionist media coverage was so strong that global organizations like UNESCO also got involved. The Jewish immigrants stayed on the ship for several weeks, and Britain decided to send them to camps under its control in countries like Cyprus and Germany. The powerful Zionist media play in the world sparked international threats and protests, ultimately leading to the legal resolution of the Exodus immigrants’ status. After several months, many of these immigrants were able to reach Palestine. This incident drew the world’s attention to the situation of Jewish immigrants and became one of the influential factors in changing views toward the establishment of a Jewish state. This seemingly simple but organized matter was able to be a significant step toward the establishment of Israel, as American and European Zionists coordinated with the Zionists of occupied Palestine, rallying global support for the cause. This coordination transformed a minor issue into a major movement, ultimately leading to the establishment of a fabricated state.


Resolution on the Plundering of Palestine

Up to this stage, the pieces of the puzzle, including the immigration of German Jews to Palestine by Zionists, were put together to reach the stage of establishing a Jewish state. The resolution for the partition plan for Palestine was issued by the United Nations on November 29, 1947, in favor of Israel. The United Nations, in its infamous Resolution 181, voted for the partition of Palestine into two separate parts: one for Arabs living in Palestine and one for Jews. Despite numerous Arab objections, the protests were futile, leading to relentless wars and continuous Palestinian resistance. Apart from the fact that the United Nations did not have the authority to transform or transfer sovereignty, the principles enshrined in the Charter, such as the conditions of Palestine’s trusteeship and justice, were violated. Moreover, this Resolution was enacted through bribery, influence, lobbying, unprecedented pressure, and threats from Western governments like the United States, which significantly undermines its legitimacy. “Truman” and “Clifford,” the President of the United States and his Secretary of Defense, explicitly supported the establishment of a national homeland for Jews [6]. A key factor in the Resolution’s enactment was the payment of substantial bribes to the organization’s agents. Historical records document bribes of $45,000 and $75,000 [7]. The intense pressure and coercion from Zionism and its supporters on the organization and its representatives led to their submission, and apart from bribery, the fear of retaliation and punishment also played a role in the Resolution’s approval. Historical records of these pressures exist [8].

Content of the 1947 Resolution

This resolution, which advocated for the partition of Palestine, not only sought to create a dedicated country for Jews but also wanted the world to recognize this right for Jews. After the Resolution was passed, occupied Palestine welcomed all Jewish immigrants scattered around the world [9].

The content of the Resolution indicates blatant injustice and clear plundering of Palestine by Zionists. At the time of the adoption of the Resolution, regardless of any other issue, the Arab population of Palestine was about 1.3 million, and the Jewish population was about 650,000. However, the land partition plan allocated about 57% of the lands to Zionists, who constituted only 33% of the population and controlled about 5% of the areas, giving them ten times what they had [10].

Another significant injustice inflicted on Palestinian Arabs by this Resolution was that the portion allocated to Jews included the fertile lands of the region, while the lands designated for Palestinians were mountainous and uncultivable. In reality, this resolution was not a plan for land partition but a blueprint for the international plundering of a defenseless territory [11].


The Truth Behind the Migration of Jews to Palestine

The entire story of the immigration of German Jews to Palestine and even the establishment of the Zionist state is merely the surface of a much larger truth in the world. A truth that few have addressed and is hidden behind the political news and the war between Palestine and Israel. The inception of Zionist ideology dates back much earlier than 1947. Zionist thought is rooted in a battle that began at the dawn of human creation, a mutual battle between the army of monotheism and the army of Satan. This battle continues until the day of the establishment of the new global civilization by the specialized and infallible Imam, and from the beginning of creation until the day of his advent, each of the two fronts of monotheism and Satan are recruiting their forces. Among them, Zionists are considered the most elite agents of Satan, working to thwart the establishment of the true religion by the infallible Imam and the nurturing of the perfect human. The traces of their relentless efforts to bring Jews to power and humiliate and destroy other religions and their followers can be seen throughout history. Since Satan rules over Zionism and their state is the state of Satan, they cling to any means to achieve their goal. Agreements, political deals, large bribes, crematoriums, exile and suffering in camps, ship explosions, media takeovers, and more are just part of Zionism’s plans and protocols to push the world toward a global and satanic Jewish government. Zionism has never sought to establish a small state and considered it merely the starting point of its rule, aiming to enslave all the people of the world and turn humans into their domesticated animals. Similar to how Satan vowed to obstruct humanity’s path and is never content with small victories, Satan’s forces also strive to fulfill his aim of preventing the establishment of a righteous and divinely guided government under the infallible Imam. They do not rest in the battle between good and evil and have no fear of sacrificing millions of people, even their own kind because in the Satan-centric ideology of Zionists, a select few are considered the masters of the world, and the destruction of anyone in their path to supremacy is of no significance. In contrast, the divine government of the infallible Imam, where God is the center of all relationships and laws, values the life and dignity of every human being equally, aiming to elevate and nurture humanity to the lofty status of Allah’s deputy and succession on earth.

Fig. 1. Key Events Timeline



The exploration of the immigration of German Jews to Palestine reveals a complex interplay of political agendas that transcends the simplistic narrative of victimhood. The collaboration between Zionist leaders and the Nazi regime, exemplified by agreements such as the Haavara Agreement, underscores the strategic manipulation of Jewish suffering to achieve broader political goals. This alliance not only facilitated the mass emigration of Jews but also played a pivotal role in the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

The historical context of this immigration challenges conventional understandings of Jewish persecution during the Nazi era, suggesting that the motivations behind the emigration were not solely rooted in the desire for safety but were also influenced by Zionist ambitions. The consequences of this collaboration continue to resonate in contemporary discussions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the need for a critical examination of historical narratives. As we reflect on these events, it becomes evident that the struggle for power and identity is a timeless theme, with implications that extend far beyond the immediate context of World War II. Understanding this history is essential for fostering a more nuanced dialogue about the complexities of the region and the enduring impact of these historical alliances.



[1] Sokolow, Nahum. History of Zionism (1600-1918): I. ‎Adamant Media Corporation, 2001; Sokolow, Nahum; Garaudy, Roger. The Founding Myths Of Israeli Politics. USA: Aaargh, 1996; Ivanov, Yuri. “Caution: Zionism!” Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1970; Sheikh Noori, Mohammad Amir. Zionism and the Critique of Contemporary Western Historiography. Tehran: Publisher of the Publications Organization of the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, 2009.

[2] Kruger, C. G. “The English Historical Review.” The English Historical Review. Oxford University Press. 510 (2009): vol. 124, pp. 1208-1218; Weiss, Yf’aat. “The Transfer Agreement and The Boycott Movement: A Jewish Dilemma on the Eve of Holocaust.” Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies. Translated by Naftali Greenwood. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem Studies. (1998): vol. XXVI, pp 129-172.

[3] Ben Sasson, Hiam H. A History of the Jewish People. Harvard University Press, 1976; Alroey, Gur. An Unpromising Land: Jewish Migration to Palestine in the Early Twentieth Century (Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture).‎ Stanford University Press, 2014.

[4] Derogy, Jacques and Henry, Carmel. The Secret History of Israel. Damascus, 1979.

[5] Edwin, Samuel. “Immigration to Israel: Its Causes and Consequences.” Herael Year Book, 1959.

[6] Cattan, Henry. Palestine and International Law: Legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Longman, 1976.

[7] M. Lilienthal, Alfred. The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace? ‎Dodd, Mead & Co., 1978.

[8] Garaudy, Roger. The case of Israel: A study of political Zionism. ‎ Shorouk International, 1983; Cockburn, Andrew and Leslie. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. Harpercollins, 1991; M. Lilienthal, Alfred. The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace? ‎Dodd, Mead & Co., 1978.

[9] Sefataj, Majid. Encyclopedia of Palestine. Tehran: Office for Islamic Culture Publishing. (2001): vol. 1.

[10] M. Lilienthal, Alfred. The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace? ‎Dodd, Mead & Co., 1978; Cattan, Henry. Palestine and International Law: Legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Longman, 1976.

[11] Sheikh Noori, Mohammad Amir. Zionism and the Critique of Contemporary Western Historiography. Tehran: Publisher of the Publications Organization of the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, 2009.


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