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Issue of Palestine: Mysterious Key to Muslim Liberation and Emergence

Issue of Palestine: Mysterious Key to Muslim Liberation and Emergence

Examining the Status of the Land of Palestine in Abrahamic Religions and the Importance of the Issue of Palestine in the Struggle Between Truth and Falsehood

Palestine, a land whose name is integrated with history, religion, and conflict, has become more than ever a humanitarian issue that pains the hearts of freedom-loving people around the world. This land has always been a pivotal center of attention and is regarded as a key to understanding end-time events and the final battle between good and evil. But what are the reasons for the importance of the issue of Palestine? Why does Palestine hold such a significant and sensitive position for Abrahamic religions? Why has so much attention and conflict centered around this issue? One of the main reasons for the importance of Palestine is its religious and ideological significance. Quds is a holy city for the followers of the three Abrahamic religions and has consistently been the center of attention. Jews view it as the location of Solomon’s Temple and their historical heart. Christians honor this city for its significance in the life of Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) and regard it as a holy site. Muslims recognize Quds as their first Qibla (direction of prayer) and their third-holiest city (1). Despite historical and religious commonalities, this land has always been a site of conflict and struggle. The roots of these conflicts appear to be spiritual and sectarian differences. Still, they are driven by the greed and ambitions of Zionists and other forces of falsehood who exploit these religious differences to further their hidden agendas. Among the goals that Zionists have long pursued is the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple (2). Some questions arise such as why do Zionists seek to rebuild it after such a long time since its destruction? Can this action be viewed solely as a historical objective or merely as restoring an ancient structure, or are there hidden motives behind this apparent reconstruction? What is the connection between the issue of Palestine and the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple? In apocalyptic narratives, Palestine plays a central role. The leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has referred to the issue of Palestine as the mysterious key to the liberation of the Muslim Ummah; this profound statement requires careful analysis. Why is Palestine considered the mysterious key to liberation? What does this statement signify, and what secrets does it unveil? This article explores the significance of Palestine for Abrahamic religions, its connection with concepts such as the Ark of Covenant and Solomon’s Temple, and its role in the ultimate battle between truth and falsehood.


The Importance of Palestine for Abrahamic Religions

The land of Palestine holds great significance for Abrahamic religions and has always been a focal point for their followers. In examining the history of this holy land, its importance for various religions is highlighted in the following sections. Considering the connection between the issue of Palestine and its eschatological role in the advent of the Promised Savior, we will revisit this topic from that perspective. Palestine is home to many prophets, the birthplace of monotheistic religions, and the heart of resistance. Many prophets, including Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus (peace be upon them), lived in this land and conveyed God’s message to people. Historically, Palestine has been a battleground between truth and falsehood; on the one hand, prophets and men of God have fought for monotheism and justice, and today Muslims and freedom-seekers worldwide strive for liberation in this land. On the other hand, there are oppressors like Zionists who seek dominance, occupation, and colonization.

The Importance of Palestine in Judaism

The issue of Palestine holds special significance for Jews. They view Palestine as the Promised Land that God promised to Abraham (Peace be upon him) and his descendants, a belief deeply rooted in the Old Testament and foundational to the Jewish faith. According to Jewish tradition, Palestine and Quds were the locations of Solomon’s Temple, which served as centers of political and religious authority. The desire to rebuild Solomon’s Temple has been a long-held aspiration among many Jews, tied to their eschatological beliefs that the Jewish Messiah would appear following its reconstruction. Zionists have leveraged these sacred beliefs to justify the occupation of Palestine and the infringement of the rights of its oppressed inhabitants.

The Importance of Palestine in Christianity

For Christians, Palestine holds a unique status because it was where Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) lived and carried out his ministry. According to Christians, many significant events in his life—such as his birth, crucifixion, and resurrection—occurred in this land. Palestine hosts numerous sacred sites for Christians, including Bethlehem’s Church of Nativity, Quds’s Church of Resurrection, and other locations linked to Jesus’ life. Christians view Palestine as a holy land worthy of pilgrimage; many visit it to see its sacred places. Some Christians, particularly Christian Zionists, believe that Palestine plays an important role in eschatological events surrounding Jesus Christ’s second coming. Unfortunately, this belief has become a tool to support Zionist policies.

The Importance of Palestine in Islam

Palestine—especially Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque—is extremely significant for Muslims; they view it as the heart of the Muslim Ummah. Quds was Islam’s first Qibla (direction for prayer), where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) initially directed prayers. Al-Aqsa Mosque is regarded as Islam’s third holiest mosque after Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca and Al-Nabi Mosque in Medina (3). Muslims believe that this mosque was where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) ascended to Heaven; thus it holds immense spiritual importance. It symbolizes unity among Muslims against oppression by the Zionist regime; they consider the occupation of Palestine and attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque an affront to their sanctities. Islamic narratives refer to Palestine’s role in eschatological events, linking the advent of the Savior with steadfastness in liberating Palestine. The liberation of Quds is seen as one signifier indicating proximity to the final advent of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance). The issue of Palestine encompasses humanitarian, political, religious, and ethical dimensions. Unity among followers of Abrahamic faiths—who all emphasize monotheism and justice—can serve as a strong barrier against oppression.


Connection Between the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s Temple with the Issue of Palestine

The Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s Temple are two key concepts in Jewish history closely linked with the issue of Palestine. Quds—where Solomon’s Temple was built—is highly significant for Jews. Throughout Jewish history, the Ark symbolizes sanctity and power. During Israelites’ wanderings in the desert and the wars it led them, Jews believed it brought blessings and victories. In Islamic narratives, it is referred to as the “Ark of Sakina,” containing divine peace and mercy, used by Israelite prophets. Solomon’s Temple was grand and magnificent built by Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him) in Quds, housing the Ark of the Covenant and serving as a worship center for Jews’ rituals. Occupation by the Israeli regime has politicized concepts like the Ark and Temple; finding the Ark and rebuilding the Temple are not merely archaeological or religious aspirations—they are strategic projects driven by global Zionism pursuing sinister goals. Zionists aim not only at reconstructing historical structures but altering power dynamics within the region, undermining Islamic world, and hastening the coming of their fabricated messiah. Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple holds historical, political, religious, and eschatological significance for Zionists; they know their fabricated identity rests on historical myths, believing reconstruction strengthens claims legitimizing falsehoods. Some radical Jewish sects strongly support rebuilding, while many other Jews oppose it, viewing it as a political, racist act. Solomon’s Temple historically served as a political and religious power center; Zionists want reconstruction to establish their dominance and legitimize control over Islamic lands. They believe in false eschatology, claiming that rebuilding the Temple signifies the Jewish Messiah’s coming to fulfill racist objectives—a demonic plot supported by various groups advancing the Zionist agenda. One primary ally aiding Israel’s reconstruction project includes Christian Zionists mainly operating within the U.S.; they perceive rebuilding the Temple and the return of Jews to the Promised Land as part of the prophecies of the Bible, a sign of nearing the End Times, the final battle between good and evil—Armageddon—and Jesus Christ’s second coming, and they support such endeavors. Other branches like the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church often hold differing views emphasizing spiritual symbolic aspects rather than physical reconstruction viewing projects as diversion from true Christian teachings.

The global hegemonic system led by the U.S. supports the project due to political and economic interests within the region aiming to weaken the Islamic world by creating a security shield around Israel.

Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple reflects broader sinister plans by Zionists striving for global domination, justifying the regime’s inhumane actions; Israeli leadership views battles through eschatological lens. As Netanyahu has suggested the title “War of Resurrection” for Israel’s conflicts with Palestine and the resistance axis, this proposal reveals the hidden goals and thoughts of this regime.

The conspiracies and plots designed by Zionists are based on their ideological beliefs and apocalyptic views regarding global issues. Therefore, Muslims and other freedom-loving people worldwide need to stand against the end-time seditions and the schemes of the Zionist regime, guided by their religious and ethical convictions, as well as awareness and insight. The land and the issue of Palestine hold special significance as one of the focal points of end-time seditions and a symbol of the ultimate confrontation between truth and falsehood.


Analysis of the Role of the Issue of Palestine in the Final Confrontation Between Truth and Falsehood

The issue of issue Palestine should not be viewed as merely a regional crisis; it is at the heart of many global developments. Following the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist regime, a chain of wars, crises, instability, and insecurity has emerged in the region—crises that extend beyond the Middle East and engage the entire world with the Palestinian cause. This situation has revealed the essence of imperialism and the global system of domination. Those facing the issue of Palestine have no choice but to stand on one side of the battle between truth and falsehood.

Since the dawn of history, Palestine has witnessed numerous ups and downs and has been a battleground for the eternal conflict between truth and falsehood. Today, this confrontation has escalated into a struggle between global Zionism and the Resistance Front, with Palestine symbolizing this clash.

On one side of this struggle, the people of Palestine are resisting oppression and occupation with all their might, while on the other side, the forces of falsehood are doing everything possible to suppress this resistance. Although this confrontation is often perceived as a political struggle, it is fundamentally an ideological war that challenges human and religious values. The Supreme Leader of Iran has stated regarding Palestine: “Today, all Muslim nations should treat the issue of Palestine as their own issue. This is a mysterious key that will open the doors of deliverance to the Muslim Ummah.” This statement reflects the deep connection between the issue of Palestine and apocalyptic events, indicating that the primary movement and first step toward the advent of Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent) and removing obstacles to it must be taken in Palestine.

The Leader’s words are not merely a political slogan; they represent a profound truth rooted in Islamic teachings. This statement unveils significant secrets, familiarizes us with hidden dimensions of the conflict between truth and falsehood, and exposes the sinister plots of Zionists to dominate the world and destroy monotheistic religions. Understanding the depth of this statement leads us to recognize aspects such as God’s plan for liberating the world from oppression, the necessity for unity among Muslims, Palestine’s connection to end-time events, establishing the government of global justice, the final battle between truth and falsehood, and Palestine’s role in this battle.

The liberation of Palestine is a prelude to the advent of the Savior and the establishment of the government of global justice. When Palestine is freed from Zionist control, it will pave the way for the advent of Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent). At that time, Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his advent) and his first army will come from Mecca to Quds for prayer, while Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) will join them from Damascus. The victory of Palestinian people and the liberation of Quds are part of the process leading to the advent of the Savior and the establishment of the government of global justice, and it is part of God’s promise.

The Zionist regime’s efforts to Judaize Quds, destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and rebuild Solomon’s Temple are essentially attempts to confront the truth and obliterate the Islamic identity of this holy city. Supporting Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is tantamount to defending Islamic identity and values as well as preparing for the advent of the Savior. Palestine is not just a piece of land; it symbolizes unity among the Muslim Ummah.



According to religious beliefs, true peace will not be achieved in the Muslim world as long as Palestine remains under occupation. With support from imperialist powers, the Zionist regime seeks to suppress Palestinian resistance and dominate the region. In contrast, the Resistance Front stands firm against this oppression with all its strength. The resilience of Palestinian people against tyranny and oppression as well as their efforts to preserve their identity and religious values signify their readiness for the advent of the Savior and the ultimate confrontation with the front of falsehood.

In recent years, especially after Operation Storm Al-Aqsa, people worldwide have witnessed how Palestinian resistance and sacrifice have inspired freedom-loving individuals globally, turning it into a test for all humanity to see whether individuals stand on the side of truth or falsehood. The issue of Palestine presents an opportunity for awakening, awareness, and solidarity.

If we wish to be soldiers on the front line of truth, we must raise awareness among ourselves and others regarding the issue of Palestine and Zionist conspiracies. We must support Palestinian resistance against occupiers, remain united against the enemies of Islam, prepare ourselves for the advent of the Savior, and create conditions for establishing the government of global justice.



  1. Saleh, Mohsen Mohammad. “Basic Facts on the Palestine Issue.” Middle East Monitor. 2 (2021).
  2. Adams, Robert I. THE APPROACHING APOCALYPSE: What You Should Know About the End Time and the Return of Christ. Lulu. com, 2018.
  3. Indriasandi, Ihwanarotama Bella, and Wildana Wargadinata. “Palestine-Israel Conflict Resolution Analysis Study in the Perspective of Islamic History.” Jurnal al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Humaniora 8.2 (2023): 102-112.




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