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Role of Kabbalah and Freemasonry in the Rise of Global Zionism

Role of Kabbalah and Freemasonry in the Rise of Global Zionism

Unveiling the Mysteries: Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and the Influence on Global Zionism

The need for mysticism is undeniable. Since the human being cannot rely on his intellect and five senses for grasping truth due to perpetual errors, he needs another tool to understand the truth. This tool is mysticism.

There are various kinds of mysticism is the world. Among them, Kabbalah is recognized as Jewish mysticism, and it shares commonalities with other types of mysticism. Some believe the existence of these commonalities is natural. In other words, they believe that Kabbalah has taken influence from other religions. However, this is not true. Behind the existence of commonalities between Kabbalah and other mysticism lies a hidden truth, which will be explored in this article.

Kabbalah has paved the way for the emergence of organizations like Freemasonry. Freemasonry’s anti-religious beliefs have provoked reactions from different religious communities, which consider it a satanic movement.

The relationship between Kabbalah and Freemasonry is evident in their effort to remove God and religion from the human being’s life. In fact, Kabbalah and Freemasonry are seen as the tools of Satan that has created today’s secular world.

The collaboration between Kabbalists and Masons has led to the establishment of Global Zionism, a ruthless system that shows no hesitation in committing any crime.


Kabbalah as a Tool for Pursuing Satan’s Goals

Perhaps what has highlighted Kabbalah and Freemasonry and get people to join these cults is their mysterious nature, claims of antiquity, and strange rituals performed based on their seemingly justifiable rules and statements. However, the truth is that since around the 13th century, Kabbalah, as the Jewish mysticism, has become more prominent. By influencing influential people, Kabbalah has played significant role in influencing the influential movements in subsequent centuries, especially in Jews’ areas of interest. Gradually, Kabbalah became a more coherent and organized cult. By establishing Masonic lodges, Jews pursue their important goals in controlling people’s thoughts and global politics [1]. The culmination of their efforts led to the foundation of the Zionist Organization in 1897. Beyond the political ideologies employed to achieve the goals of Zionism, Kabbalah and Freemasonry play a more foundational role. In fact, they complete Satan’s puzzle in the creation of a new world order and global dominance.

The most powerful evidence that proves global Zionism is a tool for pursuing Satan’s goals is that it is in alignment with programs planned to remove God as the Absolute Perfect Being from the human life. So, by giving wrong directions, it paves the way for the downfall of the human being, his perpetual misery and failure to achieve the lofty goal God has set for him. In fact, by making the human being distracted by worldly matters, entertainment, lusts, and animalistic desires, it takes control of his mind and makes him the servant of Satan.


Why Was Judaism the Most Suitable Framework for Embedding Kabbalah?

  1. Why is Judaism a suitable ground for the advancement of Satan’s objectives?
  2. What is the relationship between Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and global Zionism?
  3. What role do these cults and organizations play in realizing the satanic plans of global Zionism?

In fact, since Jews deviated from the teachings of Moses and sought to establish a world government in contradiction to the role that God had envisioned for them, they became the suitable option for implementing Satan’s plans. Characteristics such as having great love for worldly matters and wealth accumulation, a sense of superiority and self-centeredness, tribalism and racism, being engaged in sorcery and magic, following sorcerers and tyrants, disobedience to prophets and God’s friends, manipulating God’s commandments, the killing of prophets, having desire to rule the world, believing that God is not in control of everything are aligned with Satan’s desires. So these characteristics has turned Jews into the tools for realizing Satan’s plans.


What Is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah, recognized by its followers as the secret knowledge of rabbis [2] and the esoteric teachings of the Torah, claims to uncover the mysteries and enigmas of existence and reach deeper aspects of God, creation, and the human soul [3]. In this pursuit, Kabbalah permits his followers to use sorcery and magic, occult sciences, letters, and numbers and mathematics. Furthermore, exorcism and spirit possession are permissible in some divisions of Kabbalah. In fact, Hebrew is one of the few languages in which numbers do not exist independently, and letters sometimes are used to express numbers. So Kabbalists seek to discover and extract hidden meanings from the Torah by converting words into numbers [4].

A person familiar with Kabbalah can extract different meanings of a word by separating its letters and finding their numerical equivalents. Thus, Kabbalah, in its practical aspect, is like sorcery. It uses God’s name, the numerical equivalents of letters, initials, and abbreviations to dominate the world [5]. In fact, Kabbalah is a school of thought that relates to several magical sciences like astrology, simiyya, divination, palmistry, epistle writing, and spirit summoning [6].

This cult places satanic realism against truth-seeking. It seeks to make intangible tangible and invisible visible by taking help from priesthood and mysticism. Kabbalah uses political power combined with deception as a driving force to pursuit its goals.

Kabbalah, in its theoretical aspect, seeks to understand God’s world, and in its mystical aspect, seeks a way to achieve mystical union with God. When it comes to sorcery and practical Kabbalah, it aims to change this world. It can be observed in the teachings of the Zohar, one of the most famous books of this cult.


The Characteristics and Impacts of Kabbalah

Although Kabbalah claims to derive its teachings from the Torah and presents itself as Jewish mysticism, its concept fundamentally differs from some concepts of the Torah. In fact, unlike the Torah, Kabbalah believes in reincarnation [7], especially to make the souls of other nations blessed by Jews, verifying the legitimacy of evil alongside good, and believing in Shekhinah as the divine feminine [8].

While Kabbalah acknowledges God’s unity and calls it Ein Sof [9], there is a duality in its logic that does not lead to unity. The characteristics attributed to God or Ein Sof in Kabbalah, known as Sefirot[10] , are based on ten concepts: Keter (crown), Hokhmah (wisdom), Binah (intelligence), Hesed (mercy), Gevurah (judgement), Tiferet (beauty), Netsah (lasting endurance), Hod (majesty), Yesod (foundation of the world), Malkuth (kingdom). These concepts, also known as the Tree of Life [11], adhere to dualities in their principles that cannot be eliminated and do not lead to unity. Thus, they contradict the foundations of Judaism as one of the monotheistic and Abrahamic religions.

In fact, Judaism displays the embodiment of its knowledge or Sefirot of the Tree of Life in the form of a half-human, half-animal figure. This figure, is completely in alignment with the Baphomet, a symbol used by the Satanic cults. A significant part of the mechanism of modern Satanism, which has emerged in recent decades, finds its roots in theoretical foundations of Kabbalah. Furthermore, the sexual practices of contemporary Satanism draw from the extreme sexual practices that were part of Kabbalah in centuries past.

Before the rise of Kabbalah, the peak of Jewish intellectual production in the mystic realm was represented by two books: Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) and Sefer Bahir (Book of Clarity or Book of Illumination) [12]. These books are the result of their authors’ attempts to frame Jewish religious beliefs and political ideas within the mystical concepts of Islam. In fact, Kabbalah, by infusing its concepts into other religions or mysticisms, seeks to create a commonality with them. By doing this, Kabbalah lays the groundwork for having more influence on them in the future. Thus, by using concepts such as light, manifestation, and spiritual journey, it gets closer to Islamic mysticism. Moreover, it is being influenced by Buddhism and Zoroastrianism to accept the authenticity of the evil. Kabbalah also aligns itself with the Philosophies of Laozi and Hegel.

Kabbalah attempts to broaden its appeal by aligning itself with the teachings of the Torah and Talmud or by claiming that there is a link between it and ancient Egyptians. However, the peak of the resurgence of this cult was in the early 13th century at the time of James I of Aragon. James I [13], one of the leaders of the Crusades, had a close relationship with wealthy Jews who played a significant role in his invasion of Islamic lands. At this time, Nachmanides [14], the Spanish chief rabbi, along with Meir ben Todros HaLevi Abulafia, the head of the Jews in Spain, inspired by the teachings of Isaac the Blind [15], the originator of the concept of Ein Sof, established the first center of Jewish mysticism in the city of Girona [16]. This center played a crucial role in producing Kabbalistic books and disseminating them throughout the Iberian Peninsula. Kabbalists did not stop there. They promoted Kabbalah through various means. In the Ottoman Empire, which encompassed Baghdad, Istanbul, and occupied Palestine, Kabbalists pretended to convert to Islam and promoted their cult. Furthermore, some Jews moved to Southern Europe and pretended to convert to Catholicism, and some of them migrated to Eastern Europe, the Baltic Sea, and the White Sea, up to Ukraine and Crimea, where they pretended to convert to Orthodoxy to promote and disseminate Kabbalah.

With writing the book called Zohar [17], in the late 13th century, Kabbalah, along with its mysterious concepts, evolved into a coherent system of structured thought and practice [ 18]. In fact, Kabbalah, beyond its mysterious role as Jewish mysticism, played as a political ideology to encourage Christians and direct them toward Palestine during the Crusades and after the Crusades. This book is filled with the mysterious concepts that predict the fate and divine mission of Jews. According to the prophecies of this book [19], attributed to Shimon bar Yochai in the 2nd century CE [20], Jews are in a transitional period and the beginning of the Messianic era. These prophecies say that first Moses will appear and pave the way for the advent of two Messiahs named Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David [21]. From the perspective of Kabbalists, Messiah ben Joseph is Jesus (Peace be upon him), and Messiah ben David is the Mashiach, the awaited Messiah of Jews [22]. Thus, from the beginning, Kabbalah has followed the path that has the potential to bring Christians and Jews together to pursue its goals.


The Relationship Between Kabbalah and Freemasonry

The Kabbalah mystical school played his role well in reviving and promoting the ideals of Christianity and the warmongering for the Crusades and thereafter. By the 14th century, the beliefs of Kabbalah had spread not only in Jewish communities worldwide but also in the Christian intellectual centers and political organizations [23]. The prevalence of Kabbalah’s principles and thoughts provided a solid foundation for forming cults, associations, and lodges such as the Masonic lodge in the 17th century, which served as a basis for the establishment of the World Zionist Organization.

Some believe that the history of Freemasonry is traced back to the time of King Henry III when the special guild for Freemasons was established [24]. Freemasons tried to maintain the secrets of their professional guild private. They recognized each other worldwide through signs and codes known only to themselves. Others identify the origins of the establishment of the Masonic lodges with the Knights Templar, who gained wealth and power during the Crusades [25]; in fact, Freemasonry was initially established as an ordinary guild that had its own rules and regulations. After the Renaissance, in the early 17th century, it was changed and adopted stance to religion. It elevated the human intellect over divine revelation and religious reasoning, defending materialism [26] [27]. So thinking in such way either leads to the denial of God’s existence or reduces God to the level of the human being’s intellect. The beginning of Freemasonry coincided with the last period of the Crusades and the emergence of the Kabbalah cult; it was during this time that the first center of Kabbalah was established in the city of Girona by the influential courtiers of James I of Aragon.


The Structure of Freemasonry

In fact, Freemasonry, like Judaism, is a multi-layered structure where its members, despite lacking direct communication, coexist with each other. The structure of Freemasonry consists of various elements. While it started as a guild exclusively for masons, the organization now accepts members without any background in architecture or masonry.

The first element is hierarchical, also known as degrees [28]:

a. Entered Apprentice or learner degree

b. Fellow craft or companion degree

c. Master Mason

Of course, in some associations, there are different types of classifications. For example, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, classifies its members by degree. There are nearly thirty-three degrees in this lodge [29], and sometimes the number of these degrees reach to several thousand degrees [30]. Symbols such as triangles, compasses, rulers, scissors, elevators, five-pointed stars, and numbers like 3, 5, and 7 are also used as symbols and tools for discovering light within this cult [31] [32]. In fact, Masonic associations consist of individuals ranging from 7 to 50 members who form a union under the supervision and influence of one of the larger associations. Freemasons regard Prophet Solomon as the determined builder [33], and his temple as the symbol of perfection that all masons aspire to achieve. Thus, there are many commonalities between Solomon’s Temple and Masonic symbols.

The second element of this organization is recognized as faith in freedom, equality, and humanity; since Freemasonry adapts itself to its historical and geographic environment and to its civilization, contrary to this element, many associations and lodges, became racist.

The third element is recognized as the divine element. It means faith in Creator without any revelation; this reflects the secular structure and humanist philosophy of Freemasonry in countries like France.

In fact, Freemasonry’s aim is to liberate its followers from outdated thoughts and prevailing habits and traditions, so that they achieve enlightenment through rituals and symbols. Thus, in the statements of various bodies of Freemasonry, there are some expressions that prove this organization seeks to combat divine religions, promote atheism and immorality, and to dominate the world [34]. Examples of this include:

“Freemasonry is the only party that fiercely combats religion and its rituals and traditions… Do not forget, we are the true enemies of religions” [35].

“Our goal is to establish a government on the basis of denying God” [36].

“Soon religions will be replaced by Freemasonry.”

Thus, Freemasonry, which was initially recognized merely as a religious guild, transformed into an organization that not only sought to remove God from its members’ lives but also believed that the existence of God conflicted with its satanic goals. So it aimed to remove religion and belief in the Unseen realm from the human being’s life. It insisted on this belief to the extent that according to the discussions at the French Masonic conference in 1897, a lack of belief in religion and the preference for Masonic regulations over national interests are considered conditions for membership in this organization [37]. Additionally, according to the teachings of Freemasonry, lust is used as a means to get rid of religion’s sanctity.

“Humans are inherently drawn to what is forbidden and to lust. Our purpose, then, is to intensify lust, so that they become consumed by it and reject all that is sacred.”

In fact, Freemasonry selects members from different social classes. Nevertheless, since it puts nobles first, only kings and elites are allowed to be on the top of the pyramid in its hierarchical structure. It also operates on the basis of material reason. Thus, it attracts many individuals who have distanced themselves from religion and have a tendency to secularism. Among these were secular Jews who, although noting the shared symbols and signs due to the relationship between Kabbalah and Freemasonry, considered Freemasonry to have a closer alignment with their own secular values. Consequently, considering the connection between the goals of Kabbalah and Freemasonry with distorted Judaism, Freemasonry has become a suitable platform for serving World Zionist Organization.


The Relationship among Freemasonry, Judaism, and Zionism

Indeed, the similarities between Freemasonry and Judaism, in both their symbols and objectives, are so extensive that it is hard to dispute the existence of a relationship between them.

In this regard, Reinhart Duzi, the famous orientalist says, “Freemasonry is a wide spectrum of different religions that acts on one goal, which is the reconstruction of the Temple, as this Temple symbolizes the State of Israel.” The letter issued by the Jerusalem Committee, based on the request of Freemasons to rebuild the Temple, confirms this matter [38]. Furthermore, the excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque carried out by the Zionist regime to reconstruct Solomon’s Temple serve as another confirmation on this matter.

For endorsing the relationship between Freemasonry and Zionism, we can refer to a Quote by Ahmad Alwash, the Master of the largest Masonic lodge in Alexandria. He says, “I did not achieve the clear goal that I was promised. However, one truth became clear to me: Freemasonry and Zionism are one entity and they complete each other.”

The relationship between Freemasonry and Judaism rooted in the distorted Torah is more evident in Masonic ceremonies, occasions, rituals, and thoughts. Moreover, the tablets written in Hebrew, the presence of symbols reminding Solomon’s temple, and the commands and patterns derived from the Torah all indicate that there is a shared root between Freemasonry and Judaism.

Isaac Wise, the prominent Jewish rabbi, stated in an English magazine in Israel on April 30, 1965 that, “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from the beginning to end, with the exception of only one by degree and a few words in the obligations” [39].

Moreover, there are commonalities among Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and secular Judaism, i.e., global Zionism. All these groups are involved in a systematic effort to deceive the public, establish laws and protocols to dominate the world, remove God and religion from people’s lives, separate religion from politics, and reconstruct Solomon’s Temple. These efforts can easily be seen in the statements made by the figures in these cults, statutes related to Kabbalah and Freemasonry, or the protocols of global Zionism. Although these efforts may initially appear as actions to fulfill Jews’ aspirations, from a broader perspective, they complete Satan’s puzzle for building a New World Order, dominating the world, and removing God from human life. Fig. 1 shows the role of Kabbalah and Freemasonry in establishing the New World Order.

Role of Kabbalah and Freemasonry in the Rise of Global Zionism
                                      Fig. 1. The role of Kabbalah and Freemasonry in establishing the New World Order



Kabbalah and Freemasonry represent two intertwined strands of thought that have significantly influenced the rise of global Zionism. Their shared characteristics and goals reveal a complex relationship that transcends mere religious or cultural affiliations. By examining the historical evolution of these movements, it becomes evident that they have been instrumental in shaping modern political ideologies and practices. Kabbalah’s mystical teachings and Freemasonry’s secular principles have combined to create a powerful framework for pursuing ambitions that often align with broader satanic objectives.

The implications of this research extend beyond historical analysis, as the ongoing influence of Kabbalah and Freemasonry continues to manifest itself in contemporary society. Their efforts to manipulate public perception, separate religion from politics, and reconstruct the Temple of Solomon highlight a persistent drive toward establishing a New World Order. As we navigate the complexities of modern geopolitics, understanding the roles of Kabbalah and Freemasonry becomes crucial in deciphering the underlying motivations that shape our world today.



[1]. de Poncins, Léon. The Secret Powers Behind Revolution. (1929): 101.

[2]. Gersh, Harry. Kabbalah. Behrman House (1989): 7.

[3]. Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic. 232.

[4]. Ibid

[5]. Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic. 234-243.

[6]. Watts, Fraser. Spiritual Healing. Scientific and Religious Perspectives: 69.

[7]. Fauset, Michael. Kabbalah, Hermeticism and M-theory. 12.

[8]. Loper, Deanne M. Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know (Epub version). 40.

[9]. Ibid. 8.

[10]. Jacobs, Louis. The Book of Jewish Belief. Behrman House (1984): 92.

[11]. Ibid

[12]. Drob, Sandfor L. Symbols of the Kabbalah Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. 13.

[13] . James I and the Jews

[14]. Karesh, Sara E; Hurvitz, Mitchell M. Encyclopedia of Judaism. (2005): 348.

[15]. Ariel, David. Kabbalah the Mystic Quest in Judaism (Epub version). 76-77

[16]. Ibid

[17]. Ibid. 79.

[18]. Shokek, Shimon. Kabbalah and the Art of Being. The Smithsonian Lectures: 113.

[19]. Ariel, David. Kabbalah the Mystic Quest in Judaism (Epub version). 101.

[20]. Scott B, Nogel. The A to Z of Prophets in Islam and Judaism. Scarecrow Press (2010): 354

[21]. Olshausen, Hermann. Biblical Commentary on the New Testament. (1863): vol.2 306.

[22]. Loper, Deanne M. Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know (Epub version). 104.

[23]. GreensPahn, Frederick E. Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah New Insights and Scholarship. 9.

[24]. Freke Gould, Robert. The History of Freemasonry. (1884): vol.3, 17.

[25]. Ralls, Karen. Knights Templar Encyclopedia. 71.

[26]. Di Bernardo, Giuliano. Freemasonry: A Philosophical Investigation. 76.

[27]. Dubery, Eric. The Atlantean Conspiracy. (2011): 33-34.

[28]. Stavish, Mark. Freemasonry: Rituals, symbols and History of the Secret Society. 128.

[29]. de Poncins, Léon. The Secret Powers Behind Revolution. (1929): 25.

[30]. Ibid

[31]. The Numbers 3, 5 and 7 as Freemasonry Symbols

[32]. Caulifield, James. Secret and Silent Men of 1798. 46.

[33] . The Status of Prophet Solomon in the Freemasonry

[34]. de Poncins, Léon. The Secret Powers Behind Revolution. (1929): 92

[35]. Habanka Al-Maidani, Abd Al-Rahman Hassan. Makayid Al-Yahud abr Al Tarikh. 237.

[36]. Ibid

[37]. To learn more, study in Arabic

[38]. Excavation Projects under Al-Aqsa Mosque

[39]. Mulsow, Martin; H Pokin, Richard. Secret Conversations to Judaism in Early Modern Europe. 189.



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