The October 7th Event and the Ongoing Struggle for Justice in Palestine
The October 7th event has emerged as a defining moment in the historical narrative of Palestine, a region marked by conflict and suffering for more than seven decades. The significance of this incident lies not only in the immediate violence but also in its ability to ignite global awareness and action regarding the Palestinian cause. Historically, Palestine has been a land with rich cultural and religious importance, but it has been influenced by colonial aspirations and geopolitical power struggles. The conditions leading up to October 7th are rooted in a complex interplay of past injustices, territorial disagreements, and the emergence of global Zionism, which has been trying to legitimize the occupation of Palestine through various strategies.
This paper examines the various dimensions of the October 7th incident, examining the humanitarian crisis that is going on in Gaza, the political consequences for the region, and the wider implications for international relations. The analysis emphasizes the role of media in impacting public understanding and the narratives regarding the conflict, as well as the responses given by international entities. By placing the events of October 7th within the larger context of Palestinian history and the ongoing struggle for freedom, this study aims to provide a complete understanding of the present situation and its possible consequences for the future of both Palestine and the world.
Legitimacy of the Participants and Contexts of the October 7th Events
A simple yet curious glance shows that the state of the world has no longer a normal state, and the pace of unfolding events has sped up. What is the October 7th incident, and what is going on? What do the protests all around the world condemn? What actions and falsehoods have pushed students and freedom seekers worldwide beyond their limits of tolerance? What has awakened the collective conscience of the world? Why has the issue of Gaza and Palestine suddenly become a global one? What does the future hold for the world?
A quick look at news reports leads us to a frequently repeated date: October 7th, 2023. It seems that Palestinians are engaged in a constant conflict with the Israeli regime over a land called Palestine and a place known as Quds. The roots of this war are deep, but its most significant manifestation has been the event of October 7th, which is still in progress.
A year ago, around this time, Palestinians launched Al-Aqsa Storm Operation. Since that time, the whole world has witnessed the killing of 42,000 people; millions have lost their home, and Gaza has been ruined. Many political leaders from Palestine and Lebanon, such as Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Foad Shakir, Ibrahim Aqil, and Ismail Haniyeh, have been assassinated. The Israeli Zionist regime has harshly treated the neighboring countries, launching various attacks on Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and even Iran. In response to this aggression, however, Iran launched two drone and missile strikes, showing that the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, formerly considered the iron fortress of Israel, are mere legends. For a year, people have evacuated northern Israel; Lebanon and Yemen have mocked the power of the Israeli army, and Israel’s maritime route from Yemen has been completely blocked. After all these setbacks, Israel has changed its approach, and now Syria has fallen into the hands of terrorist groups which are connected to Israel. All this has happened in just 365 days.
The Geography of Palestine
For many people of the world, before October 7th, Palestine may not have existed. For seventy-five years, mainstream global media hid the truth behind the walls of Gaza and the West Bank from the eyes of the world. October 7th shattered this wall, and now, after witnessing this series of rapid and shocking events, which have been reported by media, including the people of Palestine themselves, those less familiar with politics might think that Palestine has just come into existence! However, the truth is that October 7th is not the beginning of Palestine’s history. Palestine has one of the oldest human civilizations, which was handed over to Zionists seeking to possess it as a territory without a nation due to sinister plots by England and the U.S. seventy-five years ago. The story of the hostility between Palestine and Israel is very complex, and its political aspect is just one of its dimensions.
Palestine is a distinct area with clear natural and political boundaries. The Jordan River marks its eastern frontier, while its northern border is shared with Lebanon and Israel. To the west, the Mediterranean Sea stretches along its coastline, encompassing Gaza’s shores. The region extends southward through the Negev desert, eventually reaching the Gulf of Aqaba at its southernmost point [1]. This region has immense geopolitical and strategic importance because of its position [2]. It is situated at the crossroads of three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa [3], and acts as a bridge connecting the Arab and Islamic nations of Asia with Africa [4]. Therefore, it has drawn the attention of various governments and colonial powers across the ages.
Historically, Palestine has served as a land bridging various empires to the north, east, south, and west. Playing a crucial role in the history of humanity, this region has always attracted empires and trade caravans due to its significant trade routes [5]. This role became even more pivotal later with the opening of the Suez Canal as a vital pathway for global trade and oil and natural gas transportation, offering the fastest maritime route between Asia and Europe [6].
Beyond its political and geographical importance, Palestine also has great historical and religious significance. This land is revered in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. To Jews, it is the promised land; to Christians, it is where Jesus (Peace be upon him) was born and Mary (Peace be upon her) lived and worshipped; to Muslims, it houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first qibla.
The Occupation of Palestine Founded on a Baseless Claim
It is not unexpected that Israel has used this historical and religious background as a pretext for occupying Palestine, calling it its ancestral homeland. However, The Children of Israel are descendants of Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him), who originally came from Ur in Sumer, situated in southern Mesopotamia, and later moved to Palestine. It is widely accepted that the Jebusite tribes, also known as the Arab Canaanites, were the first inhabitants of Palestine [7], having built Quds over 5,500 years ago. Palestine’s strategic location in the Middle East has made it a desired site for establishing a dependent state. Colonial Western powers and global Zionism, by using false claims, justified the occupation of this land to make it a base for increasing their influence and advancing their goals [8].
Global Zionism and the Formation of Israel
Global Zionism, long before the October 7th incident, not only paved the way for its entry into Palestine and its occupation through dirty political strategies, but it also engaged in extensive propaganda efforts to portray Jews as victims and impose their false claims on collective consciousness throughout the world. The claim suggests that Palestinians willingly sold their lands to Jewish settlers [9] or that when they were given the opportunity to establish a state, they refused due to weakness and incompetence. These claims, amplified by Western media propaganda, have led the public to overlook Palestinian victimhood, presenting Jews as the original residents of Palestine, aiming to move back to their ancestral homeland [10]. It is this narrative that has raised widespread questions, such as the futility of the Al-Aqsa Storm, since the October 7th incident. To address these doubts, we must acknowledge that the October 7th event has made the world aware of the crimes and atrocious acts committed by Zionists after seventy-five years.
Although global Zionism is not a recent phenomenon and it actually traces back to the history of Jewish people, the efforts of global Zionism have become more serious in the last two centuries, progressing toward fulfilling its goals. Jews were once recognized by God as the chosen people under Prophet Moses to form a divine government, but they have deviated from this path and decided to establish a global government without God’s permission. This ideology, which prepared the ground for global Zionism, continues to seek the formation of a world government by disobeying God’s commands.
The Hidden Schemes of Global Zionism
Global Zionism aims beyond the formation of Israel, pursuing its goals according to a strategic plan in various dimensions. It seeks to control public opinion worldwide in favor of its activities, so it has set up many global organizations based on its Zionist protocols, directing different societies toward a new order or the assertion of its global dominance through threats, bribery, or encouragement.
However, the key tool which ensures the success of Zionists has been media propaganda to shape public opinion. The most significant justification for Israel’s aggressive and brutal actions, aimed to cleanse its crimes in the minds of people, has been the claimed victimhood of Jews and the old hostility of various peoples against them, often referred to as the anti-Semitic movement. In reality, the Holocaust, the portrayal of Jews as the first residents of Palestine, and the questions about the voluntary sale of Palestinian lands to Jewish settlers are all factors that have been repeatedly deployed to justify the Jews’ right to invade Palestine.
Global Zionism, with its dominance over media, including Hollywood, news outlets, and large advertising companies, has created the necessary topics to spread its thoughts and disseminate them widely. The media has even been a tool to amplify the power of Israel and its intelligence network [11], and in the event of October 7th, it has distorted information and imposed censorship to influence public opinion. Such tactics are not unprecedented. For example, figures like Muawiya and other caliphs of the Umayyad Dynasty used similar strategies during the early Islamic period, while more recently, media has been used to instill fear and terror through groups like ISIS.
Our Position in the Course of History
Global Zionism sees the creation of Israel as a base for achieving its higher goals, including the establishment of a world government and a new world order. However, to achieve this goal, it encountered significant obstacles such as Islam and the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Thus, just as the Israeli regime sought to control political and economic dynamics across the entire region of West Asia and even the entire Islamic world by establishing relations with regional states, it was suddenly caught off guard by the Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023, which has placed its plans and even its existence at risk [12].
The truth is that we are now witnessing a long-standing conflict between two fronts that have stood against each other since the beginning of time. This all-out war, which has always been going on in the background of history, is approaching its decisive moments and has become so overt that we are seeing a part of it in Palestine, especially Gaza. The events of October 7th symbolize the battle between the forces of truth and falsehood, and good and evil, which has now reached an open confrontation even in its most superficial layers, reaching its climax. The question now is, in this decisive battle, on which side of history do we stand?
Date | Event Description | Ref. | |
1948 | Establishment of the State of Israel and the beginning of the Palestinian exodus | [13] | |
1967 | Six-Day War leading to Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip | [14] | |
1987 | The beginning of the first Intifada (Palestinian uprising) against Israeli occupation | [15] | |
2000 | The eruption of the second Intifada following failed peace talks | [16] | |
2014 | Gaza War, resulting in significant casualties and destruction | [17] | |
2023 | Escalation of tensions leading up to October 7th | [18] |
Table 1. Timeline of Key Events
The events of October 7th, 2023, have not only deepened the conflict between Palestine and Israel but have also led to global awareness and activism. The humanitarian crisis going on in Gaza has drawn attention to the long-established injustices faced by Palestinians, challenging the dominant narratives that have historically made their plight seem insignificant. As the world tries to understand what is happening, we need to remember how complex the situation is and that a fair solution is needed. The events of October 7th show a turning point in the fight for Palestinians to gain independence, and how important it is to defend them against oppression. Going forward, countries need to talk honestly and take measures to address the causes of this conflict and work toward lasting peace that respects the rights and dignity of everyone involved.
[1] Faris, Nabih Amin & Charles Brice, William. “Palestine.” Britannica, 2024.
[2] Safataj, Majid. Encyclopedia of Palestine. Tehran: Islamic Culture Publishing House, 2021.
[3] “History of Palestine.” Wikipedia, 2023.
[4] Safataj, Majid. Encyclopedia of Palestine.
[5] L. Hart, John. “Palestine – Land Bridge Between Empires Key International Routs Brought Both Trade Caravans and Invading Hordes.” Deseret News, 1990.
[6] “How the Suez Canal Impacts Oil and Natural Gas Markets.” Energy Rogue,
[7] “Jerusalem and the Canaanite Arabs.” Al – Quds Jerusalem,
[8] Ingrams, Doreen. Palestine Papers 1917-1922: Seeds of Conflict. London: John Murray, 1972.
[9] Mohammad Saleh, Mohsen. “Did the Palestinians Sell Their Land? And Leave it to the Jews?!” Al-Zaytouna Centre, 2020.
[10] Pilger, John. Ten myths about Israel. London & New York: Verso, 2017.
[11] Tamimi, Tamara & Suárez Vargas, Daniela. “Propaganda vs. Truth: Israeli Propaganda and Palestinian Demonisation.” E- International Relations, 2024.
[12] “Al Aqsa Flood Operation in Imam Khamenei’s Words.”, 3 June 2024.
[13] Karsh, Efraim. Essential Histories • The Arab-Israeli Conflict – The Palestine War 1948. Great Britain: Osprey Publishing, 2002, p. 52.
[14] Khalidi, Rashid. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine. New York: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2020.
[15] B. Qumsiyeh, Mazin. Popular resistance in Palestine. London & New York: Pluto press, 2011.
[16] Baroud, Ramzy. The Second Palestine Intifada. London: Pluto Press, 2006.
[17] Baroud, Ramzy. “The 2014 war through the eyes of Gaza’s youth.” Al Jazeera, 2017.
[18] Zanotti, Jim & M. Sharp, Jeremy. “Israel and Hamas Conflict in Brief: Overview, U.S. Policy, and Options for Congress.” Congressional Research Service, 2024.