Global Domination and the Protocols of Zionism; Exploring the Narrative of Jewish Supremacy
The Protocols of Zionism have long been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. Originating from a secret Zionist congress in 1897, these protocols outline a systematic plan for Jewish domination over global societies, particularly targeting Christianity and Islam. The significance of this document lies not only in its content but also in its historical context. This study aims to dissect the Protocols, exploring their claims of Jewish superiority, the strategies for undermining non-Jewish governments, and the role of wealth and media in achieving these goals. By examining the language and themes present in the Protocols, we can better understand the socio-political implications of such ideologies. Moreover, this study reveals the perilous consequences of Jewish extremist beliefs, illustrating their capacity to incite division and impede constructive dialogue between communities. The Protocols serve as a chilling reminder of how easily identity, power, and warped narratives can be weaponized.
Introducing the Protocols of Zionism and the Global Goals of Zionist Jews in Designing Them
Do you know anything about the Protocols of Zionism [1]? The term “protocol” means a formal document, treaty, or convection established between several governments. The Protocols of Zionism refers to some code behaviors and decisions designed by a group of Jewish theorists and rabbis in order to conquer the world. Jews have made these plans to destroy Christianity and the papacy, and then Islam and Muslims. Zionists believe that after this destruction, which they believe will last a hundred years, they will dominate the world, and establish a Judeo-David monarchy, in which only their own religion exists.
These protocols have been designed and implemented for a long time. In 1897 the content of the secret Zionist congress held by “Theodor Herzl” in Switzerland, city of Basel, was leaked inadvertently. That is why the Protocols of Zionism are available now to the world. Eventually, these secret protocols fell into the hands of the secret police of the Tsarist Russia’s. After a few years, these protocols were translated into Russian by a Christian clergyman and entered the library of the British Museum in London. It gradually translated into other languages as well. The Protocols of Zionism contain twenty-four articles, which we will explore next.
What is more important than the content of the Protocols is knowing the thought and origin from which they emerged. The content of these Protocols which astonishes the reader, would not be strange at all to anyone who knows the history of Israelites and Zionism. Jewish Zionists are the descendants of the same people who distorted the Torah of Moses and wrote on behalf of themselves several volumes of books called the Holy Bible, in order to make people accept their destructive and perverted beliefs in the name of religion. The Protocols of Zionism were written by the same people who sacrificed many prophets for their own lusts, arrogance, stubbornness, and obstinacy. The dangerous ideas of perverted Judaism that are reflected in the Protocols of Zionism are the fruit of the distortion that was created in the monotheistic law of Moses and has turned into the fast-growing cancer of the world. Stay with us to learn more about this Issue.
The Main Content of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Protocols of Zionism consists of twenty-four articles in which numerous important matters are mentioned, but some issues are emphasized more and are addressed repeatedly. In this section, we will introduce these issues and quote some of those sentences from the Protocols.
The Chosen People
By reading the Protocols of Zionism, we clearly see their sense of self-superiority. The dominant content of these protocols is related to declaring the supremacy of Jews over all the nations and religions of the world; for instance, in Protocol V, it is stated that the prophets said, they are a people chosen by God to be the rulers of the world. God has given them great intelligence to fulfill the responsibility of directing masses [2]. In Protocol XI, they state that “the goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock” [3]? We see the complement of this idea in Protocol XV saying that, “how far-seeing were our learned elders in ancient times, when they said that to attain a serious end, it behoves not to stop at any means or to count the victims sacrificed for the sake of that end… Death is the inevitable end for all. It is better to bring that end nearer to those who hinder our affairs than to ourselves, to the founders of this affair” [4].
Protocol XIII reads: “progress like a fallacious idea, serves to obscure truth, so that none may know it except us, the chosen of God… all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan… in the course of many centuries” [5]. In Protocol XIV, it is also stated “when we come into our kingdom… there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world” [6].
In Protocol V, it is also written: “the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, in all which the goyim understand nothing, belong to the specialists of our administrative brain… in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and solidarity” [7].
The Gradual Weakening and Eventual Removal of Goyim (Non-Jews)
One of the most important tasks of the Jews in achieving world power is to eliminate the greatest obstacle in their way, namely non-Jewish governments. They have presented numerous plans and theories for this purpose, and some of them have been implemented. This issue has been mentioned many times in the Protocols of Zionism; for example, in Protocol V, it is stated that they must make rigid division between all parties and discourage any personal initiative that is against their affairs [8]. Beside the monopolization, they should develop luxury among the goyim and increase their greedy demands [9]. “We must create ferments, discord, and hostility” throughout the world to wear out the Goyim through a kind of disorder, so that they can gain a double advantage [10]. It is said that to achieve this goal, first they should bring other countries under their domination, so that they are able to create disorders and restore order when necessary. In the second place, through political and economic treaties and financial obligations, they should “tangle up all threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all states” and lead them to stand against one another. To achieve this goal, they must increase their influence and presence artfully and penetrate in negotiations and all agreements that are held to abandon hostility between countries. Then it continues that they shall apply “the mask of honesty” and introduce themselves as supporters of the agreement [11].
If a country dares to oppose them, they must be strong enough to respond by war, even the neighbors of the opposing country, and if all stood against them, they should even start a world war [12].
Protocol XVII of the Protocols of Zionism refers to destroying the clergy and papal court. It explicitly talks about the long-standing efforts to ruin the Pope and the Church because Jew always wanted to be the main power in the world. In this regard they have showed themselves as friends to Christians, but tried to destroy them in any chance [13].
Protocol XXIII also reveals another strange deed they did! It states that they have destroyed morality among societies, and led them to deny the authority of God. As a result, the fire of anarchy breaks out on all sides, and after the establishment of a global government by the supreme lord replacing all existing rulers, they are obliged to give new life to these societies ruined by themselves [14]. Protocol X also states that they will slowly destroy the gentile states to seize power. Then, step by step, they will imperceptibly abolish every kind of constitution of non-Zionist states. As it is continued, “the time will come to turn every form of government into our despotism” [15].
Jews always are proud of their wealth and race, which leads to a sense of superiority over others. They consistently boast about those two factors and believe they can control the world through them. There are many sayings about wealth in different parts of the Protocols of Zionism. In Protocol I, it is stated: “Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with men whom we wanted we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man…” [16]. In Protocol II, they confess that it is a great blessing for them having gold in their hands beside the press. It continues that they have gained them through sacrificing many of their people, “out of an ocean of blood and tears” [17].
Taking Control of the Media
Examining the Protocols of Zionism, we get to the point that the main goal of Jews is to take control of peoples’ understanding. For this purpose, they have invested a lot on media and the press. For example, in Protocol XII, it is written that not a single announcement may reach the public without Zionist control because all the news agencies of the world receive their news from a few limited centers, which are going to be controlled by Zionists in the near future. In this way, those agencies will broadcast throughout the world whatever is dedicated to them by Zionists.
They continue that they have managed to successfully influence the minds of gentile communities, to such an extent that the goys perceive world events through a biased lens, shaped by the perspectives imposed upon them by Zionists [18].
In Protocol XIII of the Protocols of Zionism, it is stated that the need for daily bread forces the gentiles to keep silent and join the Zionists’ humble servants. They select their agents from among these people and send them to press agencies. It continues that the gentiles are narrow-minded people and have not any conception to discuss the most trivial political matters [19].
Management and Governance Style
In this part of the study of the Protocols of Zionism, we will express the Zionist method of management and governance in their own words in the Protocols. They state that their directorate must surround itself with all these forces of civilization among which it will have to work. Their persons should be acquainted with anything related to human nature and politics [20]. Their goal is to achieve a world power. They attract nations to the fact that the task of their people is to found the fundamental structure Zionists have already designed. That is why it is necessary for them to arm themselves and store up in themselves recklessness and arrogance in order to remove any hindrance on their way. The scheme of government should ideally be derived from a single mind to ensure its coherence and strength, as dividing it among multiple individuals may diminish its effectiveness. While it is acceptable to understand the plan of action, discussing it risks disrupting its intricate design, the interconnectedness of its components, and the deeper meaning of each element. Subjecting such a laborious scheme to extensive discussions and alterations through numerous votes could dilute its original intent with various interpretations and misunderstandings. The scheme must be robust and well-crafted, cautioning against exposing the ingenious work of the leader to the criticisms of either the “fangs of the mob” or a select group [21].
As they say in their protocol, the gentiles have lost the habit of thinking unless their specialists inform them; therefor, they do not have the power to understand the plans that Jews have in mind for establishing the global kingdom, so it is essential to teach them basic information such as the structure of human life and of social existence at school. After we have fed them with such information, the masses will willingly submit to them and such a system will force them to blindly accept everything that is dedicated to them [22]: “Our absolutism will in all things be logically consecutive and therefore in each one of its decrees our supreme will be respected and unquestionably fulfilled” [23]. “When we ascend the throne of the world all these financial and similar shifts, as being not in accord with our interests will be swept away so as not to leave a trace” [24].
Original Root of the Protocols of Zionism
The story of the Zionist’s toxic thinking is not a new happening. It goes back to the time of the creation of the human. The battle of arrogance and monotheism began ever since Satan stood against God. From then on, every human being in every position has aligned themselves with one of these two fronts. Let us quickly turn the pages of history and come to the emergence of the Children of Israel. They were a people greatly respected and honored by God, but they rebelled repeatedly and denied God’s blessings, including the prophets.
Arrogance, jealousy, stubbornness, and disobedience have been the old characteristics of the Children of Israel. They always followed their own path against all the messengers of God. They sought to prove their wisdom and superiority over others. They even distorted the Torah to turn it into a means of proving their illusory superiority.
The Talmud is also mostly emanated from the sick minds of some Jewish clerics who were not satisfied with the divine Torah and were looking for a way to instill their beliefs into the minds of others. In these books, Judaism is shown as the superior religion, and Jews are the masters of the world. According to them, all non-Jews are animals who must either be destroyed or enslaved by Jews [25]. Non-Jews have no human dignity, to the extent that their creation is futile. In their view, the world and everything in it was created in the service of Jews and for them. One of the most important beliefs of Jews is that global rule is their indisputable right because they are the superior nation. Non-Jewish religions and their followers do not have the right to compete with them even symbolically. Their distorted books are full of racist laws that consider Jews as the owners and masters of the world. These harmful thoughts have been the cause of all secret and open attacks of Jews on the world throughout history. There has always been a trace of Jews in the most important events of history because they believe that they can employ any deceitful tactic to attain their objective, even if it means sacrificing the lives of millions.
Jews gradually corrupted Christianity and destroyed it, and now they have come to Islam in order to destroy it. The Protocols of Zionism are the poisonous fruit of centuries of cunning, trickery, and plotting by Jewish elders to achieve their ultimate goal: global domination. However, the truth will always prevail. The corrupt nature of Zionism is going to be revealed to the world and it is living the last days of its life.
The Protocols of Zionism encapsulate a troubling narrative that has persisted throughout history, reflecting deep-seated beliefs in Jewish superiority and domination. This study has illuminated the various themes present in the Protocols, including the systematic undermining of non-Jewish societies and the manipulation of media to control public perception. The enduring grip of such insidious Protocols underscores the urgent need to dismantle Jewish extremist ideologies that actively undermine interfaith and intercultural understanding. The Protocols of Zionism serve as a terrifying example of the harm caused by division and the relentless persistence of prejudice and misinformation
[1]. Nuwayhid, Ajaj. Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Beyrut: Occupied Palestine Publication, 1980.
[2]. Ford, Henry. The International Jew. Johannesburg: Global Printing and Publishing Co., p. 190.
[3]. Ibid., p. 210
[4]. Ibid., p. 224
[5]. Ibid., p. 218
[6]. Ibid., p. 219
[7]. Ibid., p. 190
[8]. Ibid., p. 193
[9]. Ibid., p. 195
[10]. Ibid., p. 196
[11]. Ibid., p. 196
[12]. Ibid., p. 196
[13]. Ibid., p. 232
[14]. Ibid., p. 252
[15]. Ibid., p. 208
[16]. Ibid., p. 179
[17]. Ibid., p. 181
[18]. Ibid., p. 212
[19]. Ibid., p. 217
[20]. Ibid., p. 198
[21]. Ibid., pp. 204-205
[22]. Ibid., pp. 184-185
[23]. Ibid., p. 227
[24]. Ibid., p. 248
[25]. Ibid., p. 194