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The Characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous

Examining the Characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous

The ultimate destination of the Earth and humanity will end in the establishment of the Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). This government is also known as the Global Rule, the Rule of Justice, and, according to the Quran, the Rule of the Weak and the Righteous, and the Rule of Truth.  One of the defining characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is that it enables the elevation of all the dimensions of human existence. Under this system, we will witness the height of justice and growth in all our existential dimensions.

The justice embodied in the government of the Imam of the Time (may Allah hasten his advent) is not limited to academic, social, and economic realms, but it encompasses every aspect of life. This is the very same justice that humanity as a whole, across all faiths and creeds, passionately yearns for and seeks out. In other words, true human life will only start once the Promised Savior comes, and it is in that era that we will truly experience real justice.

One of the other characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is that our human or supra-rational dimension will rule over us, our love hierarchy will be regulated, and there will be no beloved higher than Allah, the Fourteen Infallibles (PBUT), and jihad.

The advent of the Imam of the Time (PBUH) and the establishment of the Noble Rule of the Righteous signify the end of the sorrows that have afflicted prophets, the oppressed, and all people throughout history, and the beginning of happiness, inner peace, security, power, wealth, health, and bliss for them. With his advent, all the negative aspects of human existence will be eliminated, and goodness and beauty will prevail. In such circumstances, we will be able to achieve human perfection in the shortest time possible, and in addition to worldly bliss, we will find the way to the world of the unseen,[1] the heavens, the Barzakh, and realms beyond. In the promised government, the obstacles preventing our supra-rational growth will be removed, and we can fully comprehend the meaning of being Allah’s deputy on earth. No government other than that of the Imam of the Time (PBUH) can fully provide the conditions necessary for becoming Allah’s deputy. In the post-advent world, all of us will experience a supra-rational life free from inanimate, vegetative, animal, and intellective problems. True happiness and inner peace that are the signs of the true believer will be fully realized at that time.

In prayers and narrations, numerous characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous have been mentioned, some of which include:

  • Alleviating afflictions
  • Elimination of polytheism
  • Eliminating the spirit of aggression and hostility
  • Fostering a loving relationship with the unseen world and the three main beloveds
  • Reviving the Quran
  • Abolishing falsehood
  • Overcoming satanic temptations
  • Expansion of knowledge and the opening of all the doors of knowledge
  • Establishing security and justice in all dimensions
  • Providing abundant prosperity and comfort

In this article, we are going to review some of these characteristics


Why Should We Know the Characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous?

The ultimate point of the course of history towards the advent of the Promised Savior is the establishment of the global rule of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). This end is the same bright future that different religions have promised, and many people throughout history have tried to pave the way for it. A government with such characteristics is definitely different from all other governments in human history, so one of the main characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is its uniqueness.

The status and position of individuals in the Noble Rule of the Righteous is determined based on their level of merit and compatibility with Imam Mahdi (PBUH). So if we want to have a position in this government, we must prepare ourselves for it beforehand. The prerequisite for this readiness is knowledge. When we know the characteristics of this divine civilization and government, we can better align ourselves with it and prepare the necessary ground for its formation. The advent of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will happen suddenly and everyone will be caught off guard, except for those who have prepared themselves in advance and have connected with him.


Rooting Out Oppression and Enmity and Destroying the Arrogant

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is the destroyer of the arrogant powers and oppressors of the world.[2] One of the characteristics of the era of his advent is eliminating the root cause of all misfortunes and miseries[3] that we suffer from in the world. No matter where oppression occurs, whether in small places like offices, hospitals, municipalities, and ministries, or on a larger scale, such as the grave oppressions happening in the whole world. An example of these grave oppressions includes the arrogance and oppression inflicted by global superpowers on nations, especially Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Palestine.

The Noble Rule of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is also the destroyer of all kinds of oppression and enmity.[4] This oppression or enmity can manifest itself on various scales, ranging from domestic conflicts like marital discord or family feuds to large-scale global conflicts, such as religious strife, Shia-Sunni strife, sectarian enmity within the Sunni sect, and other forms of animosity.


The Return of Sharia and Renewal of Obligations

In the era of the absence of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the world is full of misfortune, adversity, calamity, and corruption. With his advent, Sharia (Islamic Law), or in other words, the principles of life and life-giving laws, will return to society.[5] A society that loses its order and organization is like a building collapsing with a two Richter earthquake due to the loss of its engineering structure. With his return, Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will correct the mathematics and arrangements of the world so that there will be no more poverty, disease, injustice, divorce, discord, enmity, and ignorance.

One of the other characteristics of the era of Imam Mahdi’s advent is the renewal and revival of religious obligations and practices.[6] In this era, the quality of worship is so high that with a two-rak’a prayer, we can achieve salvation. But in the absence of the Savior, all religious obligations, acts of worship, fasting, pilgrimages, good deeds, and charity are of poor quality and accompanied by numerous miseries. This is because people usually do not have the right intention and perform these actions out of hypocrisy and seeking attention. In fact, one of the most important characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous and the era after Imam Mahdi’s advent (PBUH) is that acts of worship go beyond their outward forms and attain their true spiritual essence, reaching beyond the superficial and external.


Reformation and the Elimination of Deviations

Among the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s rule can be the disappearance of conflicts, dishonesty, and misconduct.[7] In this era, all of us as humans will be in peace with each other. Also, in the Noble Rule of the Righteous, all non-human, selfish, and lustful tendencies and causes of corruption and evil and their effects on society and people will be eliminated,[8] and the society will turn into a pure and heavenly space where there will be no evil thoughts or hellish elements.


Happiness and Blessings

The advent of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) brings with it many blessings. The earth will rejoice to such an extent that it pours forth all its treasures, including its water, plants, flowers, bounties, blessings, and wealth. In this regard, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “A man will emerge from my Household and act upon my Sunnah (practice). Allah will send down blessings upon him from the heavens, and the earth will bring forth its blessings for him.”[9]


Regulating the Hierarchy of Love

If our hierarchy of love was divine and based on divine love and hatred, there would be no more war or conflict. Such a sublime and advanced society will be manifested with the advent of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Wherever there is disagreement and conflict, there is certainly egoism at play. What Imam Mahdi (PBUH) does is to regulate the hierarchy of love of humans so that egoism is put aside and replaced by God.


Spiritual Justice

With the advent of the Imam of the Time (PBUH), social justice will be established, economic problems will be resolved, and there will be no more illness or suffering. However, the Imam of the Time (PBUH) does not emerge solely for these material outcomes. Rather, his primary purpose is to restore spiritual justice, so that all people can elevate themselves to the status of Prophets and the Imam of the Time (PBUH).

In reality, we all as human beings aspire to reach the praiseworthy status.[10] But presently, due to the lack of justice and the prevalence of oppression in families and various social environments, not everyone can attain this status. One of the defining characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is that the Imam will remove all obstacles, and everyone will have sufficient spiritual freedom to grow and flourish. Thus, all will be able to develop and progress to the level of the infallible Imam.


All-Dimensional Growth

The structure of human existence is mathematical and is based on numbers and measures, and balance plays a fundamental role in its health and soundness. This means that in order to achieve bliss, all the dimensions of our existence need to be in balance. In the Noble Rule of the Righteous, due to the rule of the infallible expert, all our dimensions will find balance and be exalted.

As humans, we are in love with Allah in the fifth dimension of our existence. This love means that in our very essence, we have the desire to become similar to Allah and His deputy. Reaching this status is only possible with the help of a mentor who has such a status himself. The Noble Rule of the Righteous is the rule of the infallible expert and the perfect human being. In such a government, we humans can reach the praiseworthy status and become Allah’s deputy. Therefore, one of the most important characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is achieving human growth and status. As we grow in this way, other dimensions of our being also develop and reach a state of balance. For example, during this period, all the doors of science and knowledge will be opened to humanity in the intellective dimension. Prior to the advent of the Imam of the Time (PBUH), people know only two out of the twenty-seven parts of knowledge. It is the Imam of the Time (PBUH) who will unveil the remaining twenty-five parts. The question that arises is: Why is it that before the Imam’s advent, only two of the foundational pillars of knowledge have been developed?

Knowledge is harmful to humanity without the presence of a perfect and infallible expert. We have never had such scientific advancements as we do today, but as science has advanced, misery and problems have also increased. There are more problems on earth than ever before, such as hunger, physical and mental illnesses, addiction, war, bloodshed, grief, and sorrow. Science may have provided comfort, but it has taken away our peace and happiness. This is because it is not governed by the supra-rational dimension and is employed by the animal dimension, or in other words, it is controlled by the estimative faculty. As a result, this illusional intellect does not have the ability to extract other foundations of knowledge. In the Noble Rule of the Infallible Imam, the intellect is released from the control of the estimative faculty, and the human being will be able to use his full intellective capacity under the guidance of the Imam.

With the advent of Imam Mahdi, people will grow in their human dimension so much that they find the capacity to use all the foundations of knowledge. In such conditions, they will no longer misuse knowledge, but they will use it to achieve balance in all aspects of life and to derive comfort along with inner peace and happiness. At the time of Imam Mahdi’s advent, scientific progress will be so great that humanity will attain its closest scientific state to God and the Infallibles, who possess divine knowledge.

One of the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is the establishment of physical, financial, and judicial security and justice in sexual, animal, and social dimensions. In that era, humanity will reach a level of growth where the spirit of aggression and violence fades away, and peace and security will be established everywhere on earth. In the promised government, there will be no fear or anxiety in claiming one’s rights, and all rightful owners will receive their due rights. In terms of financial security, economic prosperity will become so widespread that the very thought of violating the rights of others will not occur to anyone.

One of the most important and beautiful characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous in the animal dimension is balance in human relationships. In this era, all relationships will be based on the three principles of “He (She) is you,” “He (She) is the Messenger of Allah,” and “He (She) is Allah.” This means that people will love one another and treat one another with love, affection, and selflessness; moreover, disagreement, grudge, and divorce will disappear. The reason is that our animal dimension will no longer be in control, and human growth and the rule of supra-rational dimension make all other dimensions reach balance and be employed for spirituality.

Among the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous is development and justice in the vegetative dimension. When this development happens, there will be no more diseases. People will have a better way of eating, with the best and purest foods available to everyone. As a result, people will be healthier and live longer. Balance in the physical dimension plays a significant role in balancing the animal, intellective, and supra-rational dimensions. The importance of this issue is such that many mental and psychological illnesses are attributed to a lack of balance in physical conditions because the body is the carrier of the soul in all dimensions.

In the inanimate dimension, we can also mention solving economic problems as one of the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous. The economy is a tool for the growth and progress of other dimensions of existence. When the supra-rational dimension does not rule other dimensions of our existence, an increase in wealth leads to corruption; it disrupts our balance on the Straight Path, and it causes our downfall into the hell of animal and vegetative perfections. However, in the era of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), wealth and riches will lose their appeal, and they will no longer be the deity of people’s hearts or the source of their honor.

One of the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous and the era of the advent of the Savior is the experience of heavenly and paradise-like life because in this era, there will be no economic, physical, or animalistic problems, and knowledge will be at its peak. There will be no conflict or strife, and people can establish a connection with Heaven and the unseen world.

In conclusion, after stating the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous, it is necessary to mention one point. One of the statements we recite in the Dua al-Iftitah is, “O Allah, we ardently desire that You confer upon us the Noble Rule of the Righteous!” The important question is, do we truly yearn for such a government? If there is genuine desire and love, there must be movement and activity and the spirit of Mahdism in us, and we will devote all the dimensions of our existence to establishing God’s promised government. This means that all the five dimensions of our existence will be activated to form this government and have a heavenly life. However, if, despite being aware of the characteristics of the Noble Rule of the Righteous, we are indifferent to it and neglect to create such a paradise for the people of the earth, we have betrayed our Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and all the people on earth. Imam Khomeini also repeatedly spoke about this and warned that those officials who do not think about establishing the promised global government are traitors and pose dangers to the society.

[1]. The world of the unseen is the counterpart of the manifest realm, consisting of whatever lies beyond the scope of the senses and cannot be externally perceived.

[2]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the destroyer of the arrogant and the rebellious?”

[3]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the one who is prepared to cut off the root of the oppressors?”

[4]Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the one who is awaited for the removal of oppression and aggression?”

[5]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the one who is chosen for the restoration of the religious way of life and the divine law?”

[6]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the one who is preserved for the renewal of the obligations and practices?”

[7]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the awaited one who is destined to establish justice and rectify what has been made crooked?”

[8]. Dua Al-Nudbah: “Where is the one who will erase the traces of deviance and selfish desires?”

[9]. Ali ibn Isa al-Irbili. Kashf al-ghumma fi ma’rifat al-a’imma, vol. 3, p. 272.

[10]. Ziyarat Ashura: “I also beseech Him to make me attain the praiseworthy status that you enjoy with Allah.”

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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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