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The Greatest Obstacle


The tyrant and arrogant world leaders and their destructive culture are the greatest obstacle raised to the apparition of “The Savior of the World” who is promised in all religions. Unless God and the Savior reign over the world and execute the reviving divine laws, people will not be able to rest assured that they will find prosperity both in life and the hereafter!

No one has the right to lead and rule over the world and govern people, except the Promised Savior of the World who has been waiting for us for many centuries. He has been waiting to see us finally conclude that world peace and serenity could not be achieved through trust and relying on corrupted and ignorant politicians. He is waiting to see us finally realize that through selfish, bias, and erroneous cults, faiths, and strategies, a stable, tranquil, and blissful world peace will not manifest.

He is waiting for us to go to him and ask the almighty and merciful God to grant the permission for his apparition!

We will not be able to predispose the world for his apparition without a global unity and empathy! We should set our religious disputes and racial prejudice aside through breaking the boundaries of limiting thoughts and viewpoints, and then, pray heartfeltedly and unanimously with universal and eternal love to God to bestow the apparition of our Heavenly Father, His representative, and the Savior of the World upon us!

O’ people of the earth; as long as we are involved with religious or racial disputes, we remain the slaves of the corrupt and tyrant leaders of the world! So long as there are conflicts, selfishness, and unkindness among us, we are serving Satan and do not deserve to be led by the rightful representative of God on earth!

Racial and religious disputes is that we are not looking forward to World Peace and Serenity; it means that we are not looking forward to apparition of the messenger of the Divine Peace, nor are we prepared for it! He is the only righteous leader for mankind on earth; he is our father and belongs to all of us; he is God’s life raft to save the world! Therefore, we ought to love the people on earth who are His children!

How beautiful it is when we pray, “O’ Lord, let every poor be needless; let every hungry be fed; let every indebted be debt free; let every sorrowful be happy. O’ Lord, let every family be reunited; let every captive be free! O’ Lord, let every human being be enlightened; and every ill be healed! O’ Lord, change the people’s bad conditions to the best of all conditions!

God loves those types of wishful prayers very much, because kind people, who are similar to God in kindness, pray as wishfully as they are noble and compassionate. Through those wishful prayers, they are actually begging for the apparition of the Savior; without which none of those beautiful prayers would manifest anywhere on earth. The Savior is the only one who can save the poor, the sorrowful, the ill, the captives, the lost, the oppressed, and the meek. In other words, a true compassionate person cares for each and every human being, animal, and vegetation on the planet! A true compassionate person prays wishfully and heartfeltedly for the Savior’s apparition. No matter how compassionate one may appear to be, unless they pray for the Savior’s apparition, they are rude and unkind who do not wish to see people saved! Let us now, then, transform our individual and limited prayers to collective and global ones! Let us wishfully pray for each and every follower of any religion or none, and members of any race and love them all, because God loves all his creations; so does our compassionated Savior who loves everyone and anyone!

O’ Lord! We are well aware that we are deprived of the Savior due to our ungrateful actions and unappealing manners. We are also well aware that if we had not forgotten you and turned our backs to your enlightened and reviving divine laws, you would not have deprived us of the guidelines and instructions from our heavenly father.

We abandoned your kind and compassionate guidelines and deprived ourselves of a world full of peace, serenity, and love.

It was us who deliberately neglected you and your unrivaled and endless compassions while we were imprisoned inside our evil deeds and manners while turning the world into a dark house of corruption and suffering.

We admit that we empowered the evildoing leaders to take over our social and personal tasks!

We trusted the corrupted and lustful scientists and scholars, who took your pure and lifesaving divine rules which were designed for our world based on your endless wisdom and replaced it with their own weak and evil illusions and manipulative obsessions in the name of Human Sciences and fed them to people! They came up with theories which simultaneously were denied by other theorists and hundreds other scientists and scholars. Theories which after many years of disastrous and irreversible results, the theorists themselves admitted were entirely wrong and they still do!

O’ Lord, we ignored your knowledge and wisdom and fell into a trap of illusions set by people like ourselves! Hundreds of false cults, religions and faiths began to grow like poisonous fungi and led hundreds of millions of us go astray through ignoring you as we kept our distance from your lifesaving and reviving teachings and instructions. Hundreds of millions of people lost their lives because of the weak and idiotic experiments in the name of science or new faith!

Now that they all have proven themselves to be wrong and false, humanity is more miserable than ever. The so called “Brainiacs” have done all they could invent and impose in the name of saving the humanity! Mankind, now disappointed, has lost faith in all religions and ideologies. The present sorrowful and miserable situation of the world and the current deadlock and stagnation has driven people to be despondent as they have given up hope on the world leaders who despite their self-proclaimed titles are obviously know nothing about leadership!

O’ Lord, the compassionate, the most patient, and the most glorious; we now know that there is no one to trust and rely on, but you!

We have learned well that we have made a terrible mistake.

We have learned well that it is time to repent for our errors and sins.

We have no one but you who is the savior of the oppressed and the poor! You are the only friend of the lonely and helpless; you are the refuge to wanderers; the fortress for the frightened and grieving people! You are the only rightful owner and perfect executive of the universe!

O’ The King to the Universe; the holder of the highest and the most glorious names; the possessor of the most affectionate qualities and infinite beauty; you are the only one who loves us more than we do and you are closer to us than ourselves or anyone and anything!

Going through endless disasters and tribulations, we are now definitely convinced that it is time to make peace with you and our Savior. We have realized that the more we delay repentance and making peace with you, the more will the violence, misery, and tribulation linger on.

Where is the one whose presence removes all religious disputes, so much that mankind will become united with infinite love and altruism toward one another?

Where is the one whose presence urges people to compete in loving, protecting and severing one another?

Where is the one whose presence would bestow the grandest love from God and His angels upon mankind?

Where is the one whose presence opens the doorways to the unseen world and enables people to communicate with higher beings and angels to establish infinite friendship?

Where is the one whose presence invites his admirers to learn the lessons on how to be as great and pure as God’s angels and prophets?

Where is the one whose presence will eliminate Satan and all his demons and evildoers to save mankind?












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