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The World Crisis

 The World Crisis

The world has been in crisis for years. People have been faced with many crises; sorrow, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, all kinds of psychological and physical trauma has surrounded mankind. More than ever is the world threatened to be destroyed by war, murder, suicide, divorce, drug abuse, anti-depressant medications, illnesses and fatal viruses!

The root of these problems is in us who wrongly and blindly have trusted in ignorant, selfish, and stupid world leaders, officials, and directors! The incompetency of the world leaders in taking on full responsibility of their nations not only has oppressed their people, but also driven their governments into desperate hopelessness. The Coronavirus Pandemic has clearly shown the level of incompetency and inability of the world management! Thousands of people dead; millions are infected, unemployed and poor, and many social, scientific, economical, cultural/religious activities now shut-down, and horrifying consequences on the world psyche due to these disasters, all in all is a great slap on the Global community’s face!

Rarely ever had the so-called and self-claimed world leaders been proven in this magnitude to be inadequate, incompetent, unqualified and weak! Hardly ever had the selfish and power-driven world governments been mocked and scorned due to their incapability in management as they have today.

The world is now in trouble with an invisible and minuscule virus; showing off its power, and defeating the most powerful world’s military and organizations! In the

midst of these global conflicts and disasters, the main question remains: When are people going to be saved from this dangerous virus and this horrible situation? When exactly?

The next important question then would be: Will the Coronavirus issues have resolved by that time? Is there any guarantee that the psychopathic political and economical leaders and scientists who make decisions on behalf of the global community, would stop developing something worse or more dangerous than Coronavirus in the future?

Is this much misery not enough? Is it not the time to start thinking about saving the world? Is it not the time to trust the creator of the universe and mankind; the same all loving God whose name appears in every Holy Scriptures and promises to save the world? He, who has promised everyone of any faith that a Savior will come! More than ever is the world despondent and desperately needful and prepared for the apparition of the Savior.

Now, it is our turn to prepare ourselves for admission and apparition of the Savior. Now, it is our turn to rise against the current situation, and shake up this terrible tyranny and eliminate it!

It is our duty to sincerely and heartfeltly pray to God for help and ask him to save mankind! God has promised in all languages through the sacred and true Prophets that if we sincerely and earnestly prayed, we would be saved! The apparition of the World Savior is near; we, the people of the world need to heartfeltly ask God for the Savior’s apparition!

Behold people of the world, the meek and the oppressed; you deserve the best from the all loving God! If you see that you are adequate enough to be the

representatives of God, and if you believe it is time for the Savior to save you, let us then come together as one and pray for the Savior’s apparition! If you believe that you do not deserve to be oppressed and abused by the global tyranny and the incompetent, dispiteous, and psychopathic leaders, then rise against the status quo and reach out to your heavenly father and the Savior of the world!

All of us are created by the same God and we are the children of the same parents. Although Satan hates it, but let us put all our racial and religious differences aside! Let us love humanity and love one another! We, intrinsically, love God and love the Savior of all religions. Come, then, and let us put aside our evil differences for the love of our common beloved creator; let us love one another as the members of one great family! We ought to hold hands and pray for the meek and the oppressed in the world to be rescued.

We all trusted and preferred the ignorant, inadequate, corrupted and rotten leaders and scientists to God in the past; we now need to repent and ask God’s forgiveness and apologize for our wrong decisions! Let us ask God to be merciful and grant us the “Savior of the world and Our Heavenly Father”. Under his supervision, wars turn into peace, hates into compassion, differences into unity and empathy, poverty into needlessness, fears into safety, sorrows into joy, tyranny into justice, despondency into hope and merriment, grieves and withering turn into pleasure and liveliness, spirituality, and love for God and every soul on earth. Why shouldn’t we work as one united family to manifest a day like that?

Rest assured the apparition of the Savior is near! If we truly and unanimously

wanted it and prayed for it, the Savior would come! Is it not true that the differences turn into empathy and all the animosities into compassion? Let us affirm then, that God and the Savior of the world are not pleased with our disputes and animosities; that our racial and religious differences have been the main factors give way to the evil-doers domination and depravity of the Savior’s apparition in the world.

In order to deserve God’s mercy and the bliss of having the Savior presence among us, we shall set aside our differences and animosities. If the selfish and ignorant world leaders continued ruling, would the world’s situation improve? We are well aware, as we have experienced, that if the current leaders and governments go on as they have, not only would any improvement be unimaginable, but the worst and the most disastrous the world’s situation would become day after day! Are we able to endure a situation worse than we are today?

If we are not merciful to ourselves and act in order to alter the management of the world we live in, God leaves us alone and let us be as we are! Unless we realize that we need a savior, and that we do not have to give in to the oppressing rulers, unless we repent and pray to God to save mankind, unless we confirm that we are nothing without God’s help, and unless we understand the fact that without his instructions and guidelines we will live in fear, anxiety, oppression, torture and sorrow forever, God does not help us!

In conclusion, let us come together as one united family, and unanimously, with one heart and one voice, hold hands and pray to receive God’s special blessing; let us call out our beloved Lord, and the Savior of the world –the promised one, the chosen one– to hear our prayer!

Where is The Savior whom the Lord has saved to eliminate all the tyranny and evil men?

Where is He, who changes the misbehaviors and conflicts into peace, tranquility, and compassion?

Where is He, who makes the Pure Divine Ordinance and the prosperity of humanitarian God’s law rule over the whole world?

Where is the One, who would destroy the structures of tyranny, polytheism, hypocrisy, and lie?

Where is He, who terminates false and dangerous notions, as well as the horrifying evil illusions?

Where is He, who grants the deprived, the poor, and the oppressed the honor and lordship?

Where is He, who smites and reproaches the warmongers, the oppressors, and the corrupt people in the world?

O’ the merciful God! Your forgiveness is much higher and more hopeful than our deeds; and your mercy and blessings much greater than our sins. So, have mercy on these weak servants of yours and save of from the oppressions and corruptions we live in today, and their constant sorrows! O Lord! Only you can turn the sins into beneficence. O’ Lord! You said, “If my sinful servants knew how eager I am looking forward to their return, they would die of extreme joy.”

Although sinful, but we have high hopes because of you! Because we know that no one is able to help us, but you. So, be merciful on us and by your grace and mercy, deliver our Lord and Savior.

O’ God, you are patient with those who disobey you. You answer the prayers; you forgive the mistakes, you accept our repentance; you repel calamities, devastations, hardships, and sorrows!

Merciful God, we beg you to accelerate His apparition!

Merciful God, we humbly ask you to make the people on earth happy and prosperous when he arrives.

Almighty God, please reveal your beautiful and adorable visage to us!

O’ Dear Beloved God, the beloved of all people, deliver your favorite heavenly servant and our heavenly father to us, please!                                                          May that day be upon us!

Love you all,                                                                                                                            M. Sh.









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