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Universal Zionist Ideology
War between Monotheistic and Polytheistic Thoughts

How Is It Possible That Religious People Also Become Trapped in the Universal Zionist Ideology?

“Zion” and “Zionism” are terms people around the world often encounter in textbooks, news, and political discourse. Many associate them solely with Israel. However, the universal Zionist ideology is far more complex and global in scope. Israel is merely its most visible manifestation. The word “Zion” itself and its choice as the name of this ideology is rooted in racist prejudices, historical delusions, and the long-term goals of Jews for the world. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem and a symbol of Jewish liberation from oppression. Theodor Herzl founded the school of Zionism, which led to the establishment of an independent Jewish state. They used the name “Zion” in their school’s name, which was a way of claiming their identity and a place in the world.

This group believes that God granted the land of Palestine to Abraham, with the covenant that his descendants remain steadfast believers in one God. Moses also emphasized this condition. God then made a covenant with the Jews, but they repeatedly violated it. God exiled the Israelites from Palestine twice, and the third time He banished them forever. Ignoring these historical events, Zionists decided to establish their own independent Jewish state in Palestine. They have been illegally occupying Palestinian land for years, and during this time, they have committed numerous acts of violence, including killing, raping, and massacring Palestinians.

When studying the universal Zionist ideology, several key questions arise:

  • What is the origin of Zionism?
  • What have been the goals of Zionists since the very beginning?
  • What is the Zionist ideology? What issues does it include?
  • Does the universal Zionist ideology have a connection with the final clash of civilizations before the advent of the Savior?
  • What will happen in the clash of civilizations before the advent of the Savior? How will it end?
  • Could we be Zionists too? How can we make it through the tests and trials of the End Times?

We will cover all these questions in this article. It seems that the war between Israel and Palestine is just a military and ethnic conflict, but it is important to remember that this is only a superficial view. While a highly significant and fateful battle is going on right now, the majority of us do not even know about it. In fact, there is a major battle happening right now between two different ways of thinking, and each side is attracting its own supporters. In this clash of civilizations, it is not only Jews who believe in the Zionist ideology. This way of thinking may draw all other religions and sects.


What Is Zion, and What Does Zionism Mean?

To understand the universal Zionist ideology, we must first journey through history and unpack its terminology. This will allow us to gain a more accurate understanding of this school of thought. Mount Zion is where Prophet David (PBUH) was born and buried. King Solomon (PBUH) also lived there. In the Bible, “Zion” refers to Jerusalem. Zionists want to make Mount Zion more important than Mount Sinai, which is linked to Moses. They believe this will make them seem more sensible and religious than other Jews.

There is a common misconception that Zionist is synonymous with Jewish, and that all Jews are Zionists. This is not true. While Zionists may identify as Jewish, their beliefs and practices deviate significantly from true Judaism, and Zionists do not have religion at all.

The destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent Diaspora left fanatical Jews with deep-seated personality and cultural complexes, and they sought to compensate for that. They are an inherently arrogant and selfish ethnic group and suffered a lot from the tortures and abuses they experienced due to being a religious and racial minority, and they sought to compensate for their profound and deep-rooted inadequacies. Therefore, they preserved their religious unity and never forgot their desire for the “Promised Land,” and they tried and planned for it.

Jews have long desired to live in or near Quds, or in the lands between the Nile and Euphrates rivers. Their ideologues have claimed that this desire is due to religious motivations, but this is not the case. Their true motivations have nothing to do with the true religion of Moses (PBUH). These motivations are actually racist and power-hungry in nature. Jews know that all divine religions identify Quds as the center of the final clash of civilizations for the establishment of the promised global government.

Zionism is a political movement that aimed to establish a special country for the Jews oppressed by Hitler and form a Jewish government. After much effort, Zionist leaders succeeded in getting the United Nations to approve the partition of Palestine in 1947. The following year, the State of Israel officially declared its independence.

They held a delusional belief that they owned the Palestinian lands. They claimed that God had given them Palestine, and they chose to settle there in order to return to their imagined promised land and establish a new world order.

Though Zionists had only purchased about 5% of Palestinian land, they seized control of about 77% of it after declaring their independence. The universal Zionist ideology that led to the formation of the Jewish state was never a religious movement based on the teachings of Moses (PBUH). Neither its appearance nor its essence, neither its inception nor its continuation prioritized religious law or morality.

We may gain a better understanding of Zionism by examining the statements of its Jewish adherents. Martin Bormann, a Jewish critic of Zionism, argues that when Jews went to Palestine, they faced a choice: to be brothers to the Palestinians or to colonize them. Ultimately, Zionists chose to model themselves after Hitler rather than the authentic teachings of Judaism.

Overall, we can summarize the goals of the universal Zionist ideology as follows:

  1. Taking back the Promised Land: Zionists believe that they have been victims of injustice throughout history, especially at the hands of Arab nations. They think Arabs stole their homeland and properties. As a result, they feel resentment towards everyone and seek to own Palestine and establish a global government.
  2. Dominating and ruling over all the people of the world: Zionist Jews consider all non-Jewish people to be their slaves.
  3. Dominating and controlling the media to direct and influence global public opinion.


What Is the Nature of the Zionist Ideology?

To gain a deeper understanding of Zion and the universal Zionist ideology, we must examine the history and background of Jewish people. Unfortunately, Jewish people do not have an admirable historical background. They have consistently been the main enemies of prophets and have generally failed to coexist peacefully with them. Throughout history, Jews have employed propaganda and media manipulation to distort history and conceal their deviant beliefs. However, the true history recorded in the Quran cannot be distorted.

The Holy Quran tells us about a group of these people who were so stubborn and treacherous that they repeatedly went to war against prophets and killed them. These people also caused a lot of trouble for Prophet Muhammad. They went to war against Him and plotted to kill him several times.

This obstinate and arrogant race has clung to this dangerous thought from the past to the present. They believe that they are the rightful owners of the world and that all other people should be subservient to them. The Zionist ideology claims that the Israelites are a superior race. According to this thought, other people are human-like creatures which should either be eradicated or enslaved. They believe that the ends justify the means, which is why they see no bounds in their corruption and genocidal acts. They believe the world’s people have only two options: They must be killed to avoid disturbing Zionists and reducing the Earth’s resources, or they should become slaves and servants under Zionist control.

To truly grasp the universal Zionist ideology, it is crucial to comprehend the core views of Zion. According to this thought, removing any non-Jew who refuses to submit to Jews from the land must be done at the lowest cost. If possible, it is preferable to use stones for the elimination to reduce costs, as using a sword would be a waste of resources.

They believe they are the only authentic and superior race, with an absolute right to seize and occupy the whole Earth. Zion has repeatedly demonstrated its belief that all non-Jewish people are wild animals deserving death in different areas of Palestine. This is evident in the attacks they carry out, the children they kill, the hospitals and residential areas they bomb, and the pleasure they take in harassing and threatening Palestinian children and women.

This delusional group supposes that they are acting on God’s orders. However, they also harbor resentment towards God and Gabriel. Their hostility towards God stems from the fact that Islam is the final religion and the Prophet of Islam is the last prophet. This thought considers that God has lost His power after creating Jewish people and cannot replace them with anyone else.


Fierce Battle between Monotheism and Polytheism in the Clash of Civilizations

The current state of the world is such that Zionist-controlled media companies dominate its media landscape. This has created a climate of confusion and misinformation. As a result, most people believe that the Israel-Palestine conflict is simply a geographical and military war between two peoples in a specific region. However, this is a false and simplistic view of the conflict. The real issue and the main goal are completely different.

While this conflict may appear to be ethnic in nature, it is actually a war between monotheistic and polytheistic thoughts. It is a serious battle between two thoughts, and one of them will inevitably gain victory. The victorious thought will then establish the promised divine government and the divine civilization on Earth.

In the previous section, we explored Zionist ideology and its core beliefs. A closer examination of Zionist Jews’ beliefs and attitudes reveals that Zion is not simply about a mountain, and Zionism is not a specific individual or people. Rather, the universal Zionist ideology is a dangerous and harmful thought that can affect anyone, even non-Jews.

The Zionist government is also rooted in this same way of thinking. As we discussed earlier, in Zionist ideology, there are individuals who believe they are like Allah in essence and are superior to others. Therefore, others must serve them.

In monotheistic thought, God is the Master, and servitude to God surpasses all desires, vices, and lusts. Monotheistic thinking means moving towards acquiring divine attributes and believing in God’s planning for life. An indication of belief in this thinking and right movement on its path is that a person is always happy and peaceful, striving to help others find this peace in their lives.

A monotheistic government is a government based on the belief in one God, and in which God is the ultimate authority. In this government, all people are honorable and valuable, and they are considered equal before God.

These two ideologies, that is, monotheism and Zionism, have the potential to establish their own governments and civilizations. All religions believe in the End Times and the coming of a savior. They also believe in a serious battle between these two different ways of thinking, and that the outcome of this battle will lead to the establishment of the promised government.

Recognizing the universal Zionist ideology is so crucial that it affects our bliss and future. The battle between Zionist and monotheistic ideologies transcends the borders of occupied Palestine; it is a global battle between the Front of Truth and the Front of the Satan. Two distinct civilizations and worldviews are manifesting themselves, attracting their followers from around the world.


Can We Be Also Zionists?

It would be a mistake to think that the universal Zionist ideology is exclusive to Jews. Followers of other religions can also be Zionists. The battle between the two thoughts of monotheism and Zionism is intensifying. Each ideology has its own supporters and followers now. The Zionist ideology is not limited to any one religion. It claims victims from all religions and faiths. You can find it among Muslims, whether Shiites or Sunnis, and Christians. As we get closer to the certain future of the world, the battle between these two thoughts will become more and more intense.

Monotheistic and Zionist thoughts are deeply rooted in people’s beliefs and convictions. They do not have much to do with people’s outward appearance or religion. Someone can be a Muslim, even a Shia, and still fall victim to the Zionist media’s misinformation and start supporting them. Here, their Zionist thinking has overcome their Shia beliefs, turning them into a Zionist. According to numerous hadiths and narrations, whoever consents to the good or evil actions of another person shares in their reward or punishment. Being satisfied with or deceived by this ideology means being complicit in all their crimes.

We stated that the axis of resistance strongly relies on monotheism for the complete downfall of Israel. The world is about to witness the final clash of civilizations. We must choose our side – We are either with the forces of monotheism or Zionism.

This seemingly military and land battle is just the beginning of a much larger series of events that will change the world. Many religions, especially the Household of the Prophet (PBUH), have talked about a final battle before the advent of the Promised Savior. In this battle, everyone will be where they belong, and it will finally bring about a new era of peace and order. The main global movement for the advent of the Promised Savior originates from Quds, and the main obstacles must be removed in Palestine.

The historical battle between truth and falsehood has been ongoing for years, and we are currently passing through a crucial historical turn, after which the Promised Savior will come and the Noble Rule of the Righteous will be established. Therefore, any incorrect planning, wrong decisions, weak prioritizations, and incorrect arrangement of desires can hinder us or divert us from this path, preventing us from reaching stability in the front of monotheism.

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Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum is a fictitious text from the printing industry. Lorem Ipsom is a fictitious text. Lorem Ipsom is a mock text with an unfathomable simplicity of production from the printing industry Lorem Ipsom is a mock text.




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