You may have wondered what the reason for the resistance of Palestinian people is.
Why, despite all the hardships, problems, and crimes committed against them, do they not abandon their small country and choose another place to live?
What drives Yahya Sinwar to throw stick at an Israeli suicide drone even in the last moments of his life?
Does he not realize that this act cannot save him?
Do the leaders of resistance in Palestine not understand the costs that ordinary people pay for choosing resistance?
Why do Palestinian people, after 75 years of daily conflict, not end this struggle by surrendering their last strongholds?
Is the significance of land in Islamic thought greater than human life?
To understand the reasons for resistance in Palestine, we must first familiarize ourselves with the history of Palestine and the history of resistance there.
The First Lebanon-Israel War: Analyzing Israel’s 1982 Invasion and Its...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
Understanding the History of Palestinian Resistance, From Displacement to the...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
Palestine holds special historical and religious significance. Palestine is the only land that holds religious sanctity for the three divine religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For Jews, it is the Promised Land; for Christians, it is the birthplace of Jesus and Mary’s home and place of worship; and for Muslims, it is home to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first Qibla.
It is not surprising that Israel uses this historical and religious background as a pretext for occupying Palestine, claiming it as their ancestral homeland, while the Children of Israel, who are the descendants of Abraham, originally came from Ur, near southern Mesopotamia.
The history of resistance in Palestine, contrary to the claims of Western media, is not limited to Palestinian people’s stand against the establishment of the usurping Zionist regime after Nakba; it is a struggle of the forces of truth against falsehood, a stand of monotheism against arrogance. This war is fundamentally rooted in the inherent differences between these two fronts and will continue until one side is eliminated or transformed into the other.
The Increasing Power of Hezbollah; A Historical Analysis of Its...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
The Palestinian Resistance Movement; Its Historical Roots, Challenges, and the...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
As the occupation of Palestine progressed, the resistance in Palestine also evolved. This resistance has ignited not only within the borders of Palestine and the walls of Gaza but among all the seekers of justice worldwide, resulting in the formation of a resistance front among countries like Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine. Small militia groups, once perceived as insignificant and powerless, demonstrated their true strength to the world after the events of October 7th, proving that Islamic resistance is rising again from the ashes of what seemed like a declining Palestine, and that Palestine is indeed the mysterious key to the advent of Imam Mahdi (Peace be upon him).
However, the long-standing and sworn enemy of the resistance movement has not ceased its hostility, employing new methods and a broader scope in this war, making it essential to identify these strategies to achieve victory.
The 33-Day War and the Defeat of Israel in Lebanon;...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
The Ambitions of Israel in West Asia; Beyond Diplomacy, Toward...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article
Israel ‘s Goals in Africa and Parts of Asia; Analyzing...
The History of Resistance in Palestine, Article