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Destiny of the World and the Human Being Based on Quranic Futurology

Quranic Futurology, the Only Reliable Source for Knowing the Promised Future

Quranic Futurology, the Only Reliable Source for Knowing the Promised Future

No matter whether you are an ordinary person or a scientist, knowing the future and upcoming events have always been interesting for all human beings throughout history. We human beings, due to our existential and innate structure, are interested in the future and want to know what will happen in the near and distant future. Of course, our interest in futurology and conducting research about the future is not because we want to satisfy our curiosity about future events; rather, it stems from a fundamental need we feel for this understanding. For every one of us, becoming successful in life is largely dependent on our understanding of the future. If this understanding is not built on a correct basis, we will face serious challenges both now and in the future.

Futurology is a field of knowledge that has emerged in response to our need to know about the future. Today, futurology is a high-status knowledge all over the world and has entered different aspects of life, including political, cultural, economic, and social domains. Among different approaches to futurology, the most precise and profound approach belongs to the Holy Quran. The reason for the difference between Quranic futurology and other approaches lies in the Quran’s certainty. Unlike other approaches that involve probabilities, Quranic futurology is free from any uncertainty, as it is based on divine revelation. As a result, everything that the Quran has predicted about the future will undoubtedly happen.

In continuation of our discussions about the importance of foresight and each person’s role in building the future of the world, in this article, we will address Quranic futurology and the future portrayed in the Quran. We will answer the following questions:

What kind of future does the Quran predict? What are the glad tidings the Quran gives us about the future? What will happen in the future?

The Quran Is the Most Reliable Source in Providing Formulas for Futurology

The Holy Quran is the most authoritative source on futurology.[1] The Quran is the word of Allah, who is the Creator of the universe and the human being. He is the One who has mastery over everything including the past, the future, knowledge, etc.[2] God has stated remarkable formulas in the Quran about all topics including futurology and foresight.[3] In Surah Al-Anbiya (The Prophets), verses 105-106, and Surah Al-Qasas (The Stories), verse five, the Quran deals with futurology. Next, we will examine verses from the Quran that offer prophecies and promises about the future.

The Quran, Surah Al-Anbiya, Verses 105-106

“Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): ‘My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.’ Verily in this is a (great) message for those devoted to worship.”

These verses have surprising facts, and we will discuss their key points in three parts.

  • Part One: God’s Righteous Servants Are the Real Owners of the Earth

In these verses, God has outlined the course of history. History moves toward establishing a government that will be managed by those whom the Quran calls “the righteous.” The righteous are those whose lifestyle is completely compatible with the purpose of creation, that is, reaching the status of being Allah’s deputy on earth and becoming similar to Allah. These individuals adhere so closely to God’s commands and follow His rules that God addressed them in these verses as “My servants” out of deep reverence for them. Reaching the status of being the servant of God is a great honor, beyond the human being’s imagination.

This verse conveys the message that all the righteous in the world, from the beginning of creation until the end of the world, belong to the same united group. Regardless of the era they are in, they have an unbreakable bond and the truth of their existence flows throughout history. All pure-hearted and righteous individuals who have passed away, those who are alive today, and those who will be born in the future and follow the path of salvation are in the same group. They all create one community. Being the member of this community is not confined to time. Everyone, depending on his capacity and the role he plays in shaping the future, has a share in this community.

This promise has an important message for us: If each of us has a human and spiritual lifestyle in his own time and lives according to his human dignity, we stand alongside all the prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, and all the righteous, martyrs, and sincere believers, united in one group.[4] We will also be resurrected with them on the Day of Judgement. If our path in life is aligned with God’s hujjah[5] and our lifestyle is compatible with the Imam of our time, we are considered among the righteous. According to the glad tidings given by the Quran, such a person not only receives God’s rewards for doing good deeds in his time, but also he will share in the rewards of all the righteous from the past to the future. Such a person is an eternal being that was born in the past and lives forever. He is released from the confines of time and space.


  • Part Two: The Meaning of Inheritance

The concept of inheritance has been used in these verses. God says, “the earth will be inherited by My righteous servants.” The use of the word inheritance carries importance. This word is used when death occurs and the deceased person’s money and property are completely transferred to other people. Therefore, according to God’s plan, the future of the world is unchangeable, and in that future the forces of falsehood will completely be destroyed.[6] Then, the earth and its resources and treasures will be in the hands of the seekers of truth and the righteous.

  • Part Three: The Victory of the Righteous Is Certain

There is no doubt that throughout much of history, power has been in the hands of the forces of falsehood; arrogant, status-seeking, and hypocritical leaders have been ruling over people. However, we should not overlook the growth and empowerment of the forces of truth throughout history. Although the righteous are always subject to oppression and are kept weak by arrogant powers until the advent of the Promised Savior, the course of their growth and becoming powerful never stops at any point in history. No power can wipe them off the face of the earth or suppress them; thus we must we be careful not to be deceived by the arrogant rulers showing off their fake power.

The course of the victory of the righteous on earth is a powerful and gradual process, but it will undoubtedly win. Cultural centers of the righteous, such as mosques, shrines, places of worship, and cultural organizations and movements have never been destroyed and will not fail; they will always serve as centers for attracting pure and awakened fitrahs.[7] This is the will of God and no one can stand against it.

The Quran, Surah Al-Qasas, Verse Five

Another verse of the Holy Quran where God refers to the future of the world and humanity is verse five of Surah Al-Qasas. God says, “But We desired to favor those who were oppressed on earth, and to make them leaders, and to make them inheritors.”

In this verse, God explicitly emphasizes that He wills to make the oppressed of the world the leaders and inheritors. When we talk about God’s will, it indicates that the rule of the oppressed on earth is certain, and it is unchangeable future. The term ‘oppressed’ encompasses people at different levels, including all disadvantaged and wronged people. However, the most oppressed people are infallible Imams and other divine leaders. Despite their ability to help people find bliss, divine leaders have been unable to fully seize power and guide the society at any point in history due to the presence of tyrants, not having enough followers, and lack of cooperation among their supporters.

The good news mentioned in this verse drives us to move forward and take steps towards the future. This good news is enough to give us confidence, and we should pass on this confidence to our children and future generations. This verse implies that as time passes, the oppressed and the righteous are getting stronger not weaker. It is not an empty claim; we are witnesses to this reality. In the last century, religion and faith were portrayed as the “opium of the masses” and the causes of weakness and oppression. However, today, they have become the source of strength and vitality for people. Widespread tendency towards religion and monotheism all around the world stands as evidence.

There is another important point regarding this verse. This promise will not be fulfilled through miraculous intervention or divine assistance; but rather, God wants the righteous to be the ones who make this event happen. The oppressed and the righteous must gain power in different aspects of life, including political, military, social, economic, scientific, cultural, and other domains in order to overcome arrogant powers. They must rely on their continuous efforts and determination to be able to destroy the arrogant, reclaim the usurped earth, and become the rightful heirs of the earth. So it is essential for them to establish a strong government in a region of the earth, so that by relying on this government, they can later do manpower training and prepare more military forces to triumph over falsehood.

In the next articles, we will discuss in detail what kind of government this is and where it is established on earth.

[1] . There are many verses in the Quran that have predicted the future, e.g., in Surah Al-Kawthar, the Quran informs people that the descendants of the Prophet (PBUH) will ultimately be numerous. This is despite the fact that in his lifetime his enemies were hopeful that he would die without issue, since the son of the Prophet (PBUH) had died in infancy, and only one of his daughters had survived.

[2] . Quran, 41:54

[3] . One of the Quran’s formulas is that “The ultimate outcome belongs [only] to the righteous.” (28:83)

[4] . Quran, 4:69

[5] . In Islam, “hujjah” means proof – specifically, “proof of God.” This term usually refers to a single, exceptional individual in each era who represents God’s proof to humanity. This person, whether a prophet or an infallible Imam, has a special, unique connection to God that surpasses all others.

[6] . Quran, 21:18

[7] . Innate nature


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