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Shared Prophecies in the Quran and Other Divine Books about the Future: The Key to Peace and Power for Shaping the Future

As mentioned previously, the verses 105-106 of Surah Al-Anbiya state that Allah’s righteous servants will inherit the earth. The term “inheritance” is a code for those who think deeply. It means whenever the term “inheritance” is used, it refers to righteous people, i.e., followers of prophets, who will eventually inherit the earth, even though currently, the world is in the hands of some wicked and oppressive rulers. Despite the current dominance of these wrongdoers, their power will fade away gradually, making room for the righteous to take charge. So we should not lose hope or be swayed by the temporary displays of power by the evil rulers and arrogant powers in the world. Their temporary power should not deceive us. The righteous path may be slow but steady, and it will succeed in the end. This is the glad tiding given to us by Allah. Therefore, as the Quran states, “This [Quran] is sufficient for those devoted to worship.” Followers of the prophets and believers should remain hopeful. Even though they are faced with oppression, their way of life contributes to building a better future for the righteous on earth. We are linked to that promising future and are moving forward with confidence, hope, peace, and pleasure.


“Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): ‘My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.’ Verily in this is a (great) message for those devoted to worship.” (Quran, 21:105-106)

The inheritance of the Earth by the righteous signifies the weakening dominance of oppression over time, leading to the eventual transfer of power to the hands of the virtuous.

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