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The Criteria for and Rules of Living in the Noble Rule of the Righteous

Imamate has a 250-year-old structure.

The importance of self-knowledge in the lifestyle of the Noble Rule of the Righteous

“Huwa Anta” (You are He): the first law of the human laws in the Noble Rule of the Righteous

“Huwa Rasoolullah” (He is the Messenger of Allah):the second law of the human laws in the Noble Rule of the Righteous

“Huwa Allah” (He is Allah): the third law of the human laws in the Noble Rule of the Righteous

The meaning of taking the Imam’s revenge and one’s own revenge in the sacred hadith of the Ziyarat Ashura.

The spirit of revenge is the result of self-knowledge and a sign of both “general kindness” and “special kindness


‘It is upon the intellectual that he happens to be a recogniser of his era, facing to his occupation, preserving of his tongue’’.
Imam Sadiq (pbuh)
–Al-Majlisi, Allama Baqir. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 14.

Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him): “He knows his time, and the creatures do not attack him.”
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub. Al-Kafi, vol. 1. Islamic Seminary Incorporated, The; 2nd edition.18 January, 2015.

“O Allah place me among Your troops, for they are the victors and place me in Your party, for they are the ones who prosper.” (Supplication Recited on Tuesdays)

“There will certainly be no fear for the close servants of Allah, nor will they grieve.” (Quran, 10:62)

“The world is a carcass, and its seekers are dogs.”
-The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
–Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi, Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali, commonly known as Al-Shaikh Al-Saduq. Lantern of the Path. Ansariyan Publications, 2000, Qum.

“The people [who seek] of this world are just like howling dogs or starving predators growling at each other. The mighty among them eat the meek and the big among them crush the small. Some are like tied cattle and some are like untied cattle that have lost their wits and are running in every direction.”
– Imam Ali (pbuh)
–Tamimi Amadi, Abd-Al-Wahid. Ghurar-Al-Hikam wa Dorar-Al-Hikam, (Exalted aphorisms and pearls of speech.)

“If people knew how the beginning of creation occurred, two people would not disagree.” Imam Baqir (pbuh)
–Al-Kulayni, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub. Al-Kafi, vol. 2. Islamic Seminary Incorporated, 2nd edition, 31 January 2015.

“A friend is a person who is ‘you’ except that he is other than you.”
-Imam Ali (pbuh)
–Tamimi Amadi, Abd-Al-Wahid. Ghurar-Al-Hikam wa Dorar-Al-Hikam, (Exalted aphorisms and pearls of speech).

“If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss.” (Quran, 17:7)

“Backbiting is the tool of the helpless.” (Nahj-ul-Balagha, Quotations of Wisdom, Wisdom 461)

The ability to live in the Noble Rule of the Righteous requires an understanding of its laws, and this understanding and ability must be instilled in us right now. We will have a place in that noble government to the extent that we are similar to and compatible with these laws; otherwise, we will have no place in that government. The degree of our compatibility depends on the extent of our self-knowledge and the resulting spirit of revenge within us.

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