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The Savior in All Religions

Various religions, both divine and non-divine, share common teachings about the future, emphasizing the prevalence of goodness, light, and truth on earth. They all predict the reappearance of a Savior who will bring peace and justice. Referred to by many names such as the “Risen One” or “Qaim,” this figure is particularly highlighted in the Holy Quran with numerous verses dedicated to this future and this person who will come and show the right path. In Islamic branches, the concept of the Mahdi, a descendant of the Prophet, who will establish the Religion of Truth globally, is a unifying belief despite minor differences in details about his personality. The future and the reappearance of this Savior are considered the most significant topics in the teachings of the Prophet, with over six thousand hadiths emphasizing their importance.


All divine and non-divine religions address the human being, and they all give good news of a bright future through the advent of a Savior

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