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Who Is the Promised Savior, Known as Imam Mahdi?

A Glimpse into the Life of the Mahdi

Who is the messianic figure, called the Mahdi, who is going to save the whole world? Among the central beliefs in Shia Islam is the idea of the Mahdi, the guided one. He is a messianic figure who will come in a time of great oppression and turmoil to establish global justice and peace on earth. The Mahdi is none other than the twelfth and last infallible Imam from the noble lineage of Prophet Muhammad. Millions of Shia Muslims worldwide are waiting for his advent with profound hope and anticipation. His arrival will mark the culmination of humanity’s struggle against injustice and the dawn of a new era of righteousness under divine guidance. You can find references to similar figures in the scriptures of different religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The Mahdi, whose full name is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Askari, was born on Friday the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H., that is 869 CE, in the city of Samarra, Iraq. The Mahdi comes from a very respected lineage. His father was Imam Hasan al-Askari, who was directly descended from Prophet Muhammad. And his mother, Lady Narjis (Malika), also had impressive ancestry. On her father’s side, she had ties to the Byzantine royal family, and on her mother’s side, she was connected to Shamoun (Simon), who was one of the original apostles of Jesus Christ.
The Mahdi has the same name and kunya (epithet) as the Holy Prophet (PBUH). His titles are Mahdi (the guided one), Hujjat (the proof), Qa’im (the riser), Muntadhar (the awaited one), Sahibuzzaman (the master of time), and Khalaf al-Saleh (the righteous deputy). Islamic texts describe the Mahdi using a wide range of titles – as many as 182 different ones. Each of these titles reflects one of his many virtuous qualities and characteristics.
The birth of the Mahdi (PBUH) was kept a secret like that of Prophet Abraham. As a young child, his existence was kept strictly secret to protect him from the Abbasid rulers, who were deeply threatened by prophecies foretelling that a descendant of the Prophet would overthrow their tyrannical reign. Despite this, whenever there was an opportunity, Imam Hassan al-Askari (a) showed his son to his trustworthy followers. On the third day of his birth, Imam Hassan al-Askari brought him before his companions and said: “After me, he is your Master of the affair, he is my successor, he is the same ‘Qa’im,’ who will be awaited by people when the earth is filled with injustice and oppression; then he will reappear and fill the earth with justice and righteousness.”
His blessed upbringing under the guidance of his father immersed him in the perfect knowledge and spiritual wisdom that had passed down through the previous eleven Imams in this revered chain of succession. From his very birth, the Mahdi (PBUH) was singularly prepared to accept the weighty responsibility of restoring true Islamic values and establishing the rule of God on earth. However, at the age of five, he lost his father and the divine responsibility of Imamate (leadership) was placed upon his shoulders.


His Early Imamate

One may ask how is it possible for a five-year-old boy to bear the heavy responsibility of Imamate? First, we should know that prophethood and Imamate are bestowed on specific chosen individuals who have hidden knowledge of God’s laws through His special favor on them. Actually, they have special inborn qualities, and God chooses them as the Imam or Prophet. On the other hand, there are similar cases to that of the Mahdi in history. Prophet John in his childhood and Jesus in his infancy were granted the divine responsibility of prophethood by Allah. The Quran points out the story of Jesus, who speaks in the cradle as God’s messenger, “Jesus declared, ‘I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give [purifying] alms as long as I live.’”
To rationally demonstrate the possibility of his early imamate, one can point to the existence of prodigies – individuals who possess exceptional skills. This phenomenon naturally occurs among ordinary people from all social classes, and it is scientifically entirely possible for a child to exhibit capabilities that adults lack. Beyond all rational and traditional arguments, the matter of God’s will and desire is also relevant. Whatever God wills, He causes to happen, even if it appears strange and impossible from a human perspective.


The Occultation of the Mahdi

As the efforts of the enemies to eliminate Imam Mahdi (PBUH) were intensified greatly, the period of his occultation began. The Holy Quran records the concealment of various prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams had hinted at various times that their last descendant, the Mahdi, would go into occultation one day.
His concealment was supposed to be in two distinct phases. The first, known as the Minor Occultation, spanned 69 years during which the awaited Mahdi kept his communication with his followers through four of his special deputies who conveyed his directions and answered people’s questions on his behalf. Those selected ones were Uthman ibn Saeed, and his pious son, Muhammad Ibn Uthman, and Abul Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh Nawbakhti, and Ali ibn Muhammad al-Samarri. It is good to know that all these four people are buried in Baghdad.
In 941 CE, with the passing away of the fourth and final deputy, the Major Occultation began. Before his death, Ali ibn Muhammad al-Samarri received a letter from Imam Mahdi (a): “…so be prepared, but appoint no one in your place because from the day of your death, the period of my Major Occultation will begin. Henceforth, no one will see me, unless and until Allah makes me appear. My advent will take place after a very long time when the world is full of injustice and violence.” Finally, the Mahdi, the twelfth infallible Imam, went into a complete occultation, unseen by the masses until the long-awaited advent. Although the Mahdi (PBUH) is apparently absent, he is aware of all people and answers whomever calls him. Many stories tell of his helping people who asked him for help with their problems.
How can a human being live for hundreds of years? Now, the longevity of Imam Mahdi’s life which is lasting for many decades is not too strange according to Quranic concepts. We see that God keeps some of His messengers alive for a certain purpose till a certain time, as Prophet Sheeth, Prophet Khidhr, and Jesus are still alive according to the Holy Quran. According to Islamic teachings, Jesus is still alive and will come back with Imam Mahdi; “… in fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did …”
Besides narrative reasons, there are also rational and scientific explanations for longevity. In 1912, a group of scientists at the Rockefeller Institute in New York conducted a series of experiments on certain organs and tissues of plants, animals, and humans. They found out when organs were provided with proper nutrition and isolated from harmful external factors like microbes, they were able to continue living almost indefinitely without signs of decay or aging.


All Religions Believe in a Mahdi as the Promised Savior

The concept of Mahdism, belief in the advent of the expected Savior, is not only specific to Shias, but it also finds resonance in other faiths as well. Other Islamic groups and even non-Muslims such as Jews and Christians believe in the coming of a reformer: “…Trust in the Lord and do good, so you will dwell in the land and enjoy security… for the wicked shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land… the righteous shall possess the land and dwell upon it forever….” We also see this concept in the Holy Quran, “For We have written in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses), ‘My righteous servants will inherit the earth.’”
Actually, in Islamic thought, the Mahdi represents the continuation of the spiritual legacy and guidance that began with Prophet Adam and has been continually revived by subsequent Prophets and Imams until the time of the last Imam, the promised Mahdi. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is the inheritor of the great Divine Prophets. All the miracles and legacies of the great Prophets of God that we know of will be present with the Mahdi (PBUH) when he comes. This can suggest
1. The Mahdi (PBUH) has all the same qualities and characteristics as the Prophets, and their legacy remains with him.
2. It could be related to his calling everyone to the True Religion, as he needs to invite followers of all faiths to the Divine Religion. He would have the Prophets’ legacies as a sign of his legitimacy and to complete the proof.
3. His return will fulfill the goals of all these Prophets.
The Mahdi (PBUH) will possess various relics and belongings of the past Prophets, including:
• The Coffin of Prophet Adam
• The Rod and Stone of Prophet Moses
• The Tabernacle used by Prophet Moses for sacrifices
• The Torah, Bible, and other divine books
• The ring of Prophet Solomon
• The flag and armor of Prophet Muhammad
Moreover, as Imam Hussain said, “in the Qa’im from among us, there are qualities and practices from the Prophets. There is a quality from our father Adam, and a quality from Noah, and a quality from Abraham, and a quality from Moses, and a quality from Jesus, and a quality from Job, and a quality from Muhammad (PBUH). As for the quality from Adam and Noah, it is the longevity of life. As for the quality from Abraham, it is the concealment of birth and seclusion from people. As for the quality from Moses, it is fear and occultation. As for the quality from Jesus, it is the disagreement of the people concerning him. As for the quality from Job, it is relief after tribulation. And as for the quality from Muhammad (PBUH), it is the rising with the sword.”


When Will the Mahdi Come?

The time of the Mahdi’s advent is unknown to everyone, but there are some hints in traditions about the situation of that time. For example, it is said when people are disappointed with all types of ideologies that have been tested and failed, they realize that there is no solution for the chaotic world except Imam Mahdi. In other words, the Mahdi will come as soon as people are ready to accept him, and they will not kill him like the previous prophets and Imams. That is when he has enough companions to resist oppressors and establish the rule of God on earth.
In some hadiths, it is mentioned that the Mahdi (PBUH) will come on a Friday, while in some others it is said that he will come on the day of Ashura (the day of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom). Some traditions have even said that it may happen on Nowruz (first day of spring that is celebrated in some countries). We do not know about the accurate time, but certainly his advent will be announced by a heavenly harbinger. The Mahdi, leaning against the Kaaba, declares his advent and talks about his lineage to introduce himself. Imam Ali (PBUH) said, “When the harbinger from heaven calls, ‘The truth is with the Progeny of Muhammad; if you are looking for guidance and felicity, cling steadfastly to the Progeny of Muhammad (PBUH),’ Mahdi will appear.”
Now, what is certain is that this event will definitely happen. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Even if a single day remains until the Day of Judgement, Allah will send a man from my Ahl al-Bayt (Household). He will fill the earth with justice just like it is filled with tyranny.” However, one of the main duties of all the people in the world, regardless of their faith, is to pray for his advent, as he himself, the Promised Mahdi, has told us, “And pray more for an early advent. For certainly, in it, is your success.”

The Effect of Belief in the Advent of the Mahdi on People
For believers, belief in the advent of the Mahdi is a powerful force that gives them hope, inspiration, and resilience in the face of adversity. It serves as a reminder that no matter how bleak the situation is, the forces of good will ultimately triumph over injustice and falsehood. Awaiting the return of the Promised Mahdi means living by his teachings, striving for justice and righteousness in society, and not despairing of the ills and corruption that persist. It is an active state of remaking oneself and the world in preparation for the perfect living example of an enlightened spiritual and temporal leader, rather than remaining passive.
Imam Mahdi is a messianic figure in Shia beliefs; he will have a global religious democracy, completely different from these false methods of today’s rulers named democracy. However, waiting for such a leader means preparing ourselves to be a good soldier for his government, as strong, faithful, kind, and pure as him. Belief in the Mahdi is a profoundly empowering and uplifting concept that prevents hopelessness and complacency in the face of widespread injustice, ignorance, and social ills. Believers are called to action in the Mahdi’s name while they patiently await his arrival. This action involves transforming themselves, their communities, and the world at large. Their aim is to create a just global society that is worthy of the Mahdi’s guidance and rule. This strong belief gives people strength and purpose, encapsulating the very spirit of the continuous sacred struggle to establish the universal religion of peace, unity and, submission to the One God. In this outlook, eliminating oppression from the world is not only possible, but it is certain and necessary.

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